- What information should contain a business plan for the shoe store franchise system
- Summary of the business plan for the store opening shoe store franchise system
- The urgency of the opening of business on a shoe store franchise
- Price indices for selected groups of non-food goods such as at the period end, in percents
- stages of the project
- algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan shoe store
- The business plan of the store footwear registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:
- The main advantages of the franchise:
- Documentation on trade in footwear shop
- The declaration of conformity is issued for the following types of footwear
- pricing
- Consumer price indices in the group classifier Individual Consumption by Purpose (statuettes) at the end of the period, in percents
- How to choose and buy a franchise shoe store
- Advantages and disadvantages of working for the franchise
- The main risks, avoidable, working under a contract of commercial concession
- Why customers choose most often multi-brand shoe store format
- Determination of the basic needs of the immediate target audience
- What should be in your presence at the signing of the concession contract
- What is NACE specify when the business registration at the opening of the shop of shoes under a concession agreement
- Production of selected skin and articles of
- Stages of opening a store on the franchise system
- Equipment
- Staff
- The range of shops
- Financial part
- item of expenditure
- The main taxes paid
- project costs (in rubles.)
- source of income
- the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period

What information should contain a business plan for the shoe store franchise system
Summary of the business plan for the store opening shoe store franchise system
- This project - a plan for the creation of private enterprises for organizing business plan shoe store franchise system for 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan shoe store run on the system franchayzinga.V primarily arises Project Idea, and objectives of the project, such as:
- Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
- Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
- The satisfaction of consumer demand for the implementation of filling a niche high-quality footwear for men and women.
- Providing the opportunity to organize a shoe store franchise and cover consumer demand for all seasons shoes high quality at an attractive price for consumers.
- Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
- Project cost: 5 700 000 rubles.
- financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 5 700 000 rubles.
- To implement the project the company needs to take out a loan in the amount of RUR 24 settlement months discount rate 17,5%.
- payback period: 2 of the year.
- the investor's income will be 388 360 rubles.
- Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
- Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
- Implicit interest rate on borrowings 14 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
- The total amount of accrued interest will be 388 360 rubles.
- The payback period from the beginning of the project 2 of the month.
- Payback period with discounting 1 year.
- The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 144 358 957 rub.
The urgency of the opening of business on a shoe store franchise
Today, the majority of niches, who make a fashion-reteyle, experiencing a period of "post-turbulence". It means, that economic and consumer strength gradually subside, and some segments of the target audience can afford to buy high-quality fashionable thing under certain conditions, and the coincidence of a number of factors. It is also worth noting, that the Russian market is not immune to peak periods of uncontrolled movements of the market. According Rosstata, Footwear production levels rose by one percent, respectively, he was at the end of 2018 of the year 74,7 million pairs. Production of hosiery declined by 7,9%, to 135 000 000 steam.
Price indices for selected groups of non-food goods such as at the period end, in percents
The previous month | June 2018. to | / floor- godie 2018g. to the I half of 2017. | reference | ||||
April | May | June | December
2017g. |
2017g. |
2017g. December 2016. |
fabrics | 100,1 | 100,2 | 100,1 | 100,9 | 102,3 | 102,8 | 102,4 |
Clothes and underwear | 100,1 | 100,1 | 100,0 | 100,5 | 102,5 | 102,7 | 101,1 |
Knitwear | 100,2 | 100,1 | 100,0 | 100,5 | 102,7 | 102,9 | 101,1 |
Footwear | 100,2 | 100,1 | 99,9 | 100,4 | 102,8 | 103,2 | 101,6 |
stages of the project
stages of the project | Test conditions | Deadlines |
Home project | 1-2 of the year | |
The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1 project of the month | 1-30 banking days |
Getting credit | Having a proper set of documents | 30 calendar days |
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities | The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1 -30 calendar days |
Selection of locations and documentation | preliminary work | 30 calendar days |
Buying equipment | The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1-30 calendar days |
Equipment installation | Obtaining investment funds | 1 -30 calendar days |
recruitment | production activity | 1 -30 calendar days |
Training | The end stage of the production process | 1 -30 calendar days |
Conducting marketing company | 360 calendar days | 1-360 calendar days |
End of project | 12 – 24 of the month |
on the video: How to open a business franchise
algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan shoe store
The business plan of the store footwear registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:
- The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
- Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
- Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
- services, now rendered.
Shoe franchise is gaining popularity in the world. Create a business on a franchise system under the power of any, important to have a great desire to develop this segment of the market and sufficient finance for starting a business. Franchise, It is the most convenient one for opening store shoes. Under the terms of the contract, franchisor provides streamlined trading system, which will provide a high level of sales. The world is full of different franchise brands and catalogs them, that describe all kinds of franchises producing shoes and their main advantages.
on the video: 500 000 on shoes for a week
The main advantages of the franchise:
- No additional investments for the promotion of the brand, use of corporate identity;
- The franchise package includes advertising, promotions and exclusive product promotion;
- Professional advice;
- Training and assistance in setting up commercial space.
on the video: How to open a business in the orthopedic shoes
Documentation on trade in footwear shop
Must be available on realized commodity certificates. This document will confirm the quality of the shoes, as well as its safety. Certificates are issued mandatory for shoes made of leather and rubber, both designed for kids, and specialized.
- GOST R 53917-2010 Footwear. marking
- orthopedic footwear
- Basic Documentation for the opening activities
- GUEST 26167-2005 casual footwear. General specifications
- GOST R 57575-2017 Footwear.
- Sizing. Terms and Definitions
- Federal Law of 08.02.1998 N 14-FZ Ob OOO
- Federal Law of 27.12.2002 N 184-FZ (row. from 29.07.2017
- On technical regulation
The declaration of conformity is issued for the following types of footwear
- Rubber Shoes.
- Footwear for sport.
- Chrome and yuft footwear.
- Footwear uppers, made of a textile or felt, made of synthetic leather. The exception is the shoes, manufactured for use in the army.
- Shoes for everyday use made of artificial leather.
A must for the study is the law on protection of consumer rights (http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_305/) and consumer goods trading rules (http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_18973/)
DOST 5394-89 Shoes of Russian leather. General specifications
Price shop policy will largely depend on the target audience segment, the level of its income and needs. One of the most risky option is considered to be the opening of the store expensive branded shoes for wealthy buyers. The size of the target audience is significantly reduced, but due to the high price of quality products can be obtained higher profits at the expense of margins. Sometimes novice businessmen start with a small outlet in the market halls - it can significantly save on rent and utility bills. In this way, you can set the price, more attractive to buyers, in today's crisis and decline in purchasing power of the population levels.
For additional income, It can be included in the range of shoe accessories store - laces, means for footwear, house shoes, And so on. Some businessmen also provide repair services of shoes, but this would require additional code NACE and notification to the tax and regulatory bodies on business.
Consumer price indices in the group classifier Individual Consumption by Purpose (statuettes) at the end of the period, in percents
BUT’ the previous month ' | June 2018. to | /floor- godie 2018g. to the I half of 2017. | reference | ||||
April | May | June | December
2017g. |
2017g. |
2017g. December 2016g. |
Clothing and Shoes | 100.1 | 100.1 | 100.0 | 100.4 | 102,4 | 102.6 | 101.1 |
clothes | 100,1 | 100,1 | 100,0 | 100,4 | 102,3 | 102,5 | 101,0 |
footwear | 100,2 | 100,1 | 99,9 | 100,4 | 102,8 | 103,2 | 101,6 |
How to choose and buy a franchise shoe store
Before, how to get to choose and buy a franchise of footwear trade, you need to spend a little SWOT-analysis activities of direct and direct competitors in the region, explore the fullness of their range of outlets and understand the basic methods of influence on the client. This information is required to be included in the business plan, that you will provide to its future potential partners- franchisors.
Advantages and disadvantages of working for the franchise
- Ready business plan of work, verified with working business model and debugged business processes.
- All of the above adapted to your city in accordance with the data of marketing research, you must provide the franchisor
- The work carried out under the protection already promoted brand.
- Developed a ready customer base, loyal to the brand.
- Providing consultation mode 24/7.
- customer-centric merchandising.
- Display of goods and logos provide maximum return.
- The franchisor provides assistance and support to the training and selection of personnel
- Relatively easy and fast start of the business - some franchisors promises to get the first revenue after 30-60 days after the start of a representative office.
- Payment of lump-sum payment and royalties, which can sometimes be unduly pessimistic.
- The need to strictly follow the instructions of the franchisor and to avoid deviations from the recommendations of the, prescribed in the concession agreement.
The main risks, avoidable, working under a contract of commercial concession
- First of all, you are already at the start of its business on an equal footing can make a good competition to existing shoe store in the city. competitors, who have tried and tested base of regular customers, and working on the profitable outlets, They will compete with the already well-known brand with the experience accumulated reputation, representative of which you will become the official conditions.
- Secondly, you will be fully protected against counterfeiting and product quality is not good. You can work with an already proven database of suppliers, which will timely deliver seasonal topical goods at competitive prices for you with all accompanying documents and quality certificates.
- Thirdly, the franchisor strictly monitors compliance with the terms of the concession agreement, one of which is the hiring of qualified personnel. In this way, You will not only be protected from theft, but you can increase the level of service in the store, what today's buyer pays close attention to and as a result, significantly increase the income received by the sales office.
- Fourth, your business will be less affected by the economic situation. franchiser, as a business owner, monitors all key changes in the Russian economy and in the world and responds to demand fluctuations, offers and pricing. In this way, entire range and loyalty programs, designed for customers, in any case will contribute to the ability to buy something, what the client needs.
- Fifthly, you are protected from rising prices for the logistics of goods and the formation of the assortment of shoe stores under the franchise. Major suppliers will work with your representative office on exactly the same favorable terms., as with head office.
note! before, how to choose and buy a shoe store franchise, it is necessary to determine the format of work, which shows the most profitable return in your city and region.
Why customers choose most often multi-brand shoe store format
- The decline in the standard of living of citizens of the Russian Federation from year to year has taught people to save, and the boundaries of perception of quality have become more blurred.
- Today, many customers trust online shopping., without preliminary fitting - such stores provide unobtrusive quality service and reasonable prices due to the opportunity to save on renting premises and paying certain types of taxes.
- Over time, new brands appear and the level of trust in them grows.. At the stage of brand formation, the manufacturer puts a lower selling price on the goods.
- Import substitution policy allowed to increase retail indicators.
- A multi-brand shoe store allows you to choose shoes from segments
- Most often, the consumer chooses a multi-brand store, it is “medium plus” and “premium” in the regions.
- This format significantly reduces the expenses of the businessman himself and allows you to better form an extended offer for representatives of different categories of the target audience, who have different functional and style requests.
Determination of the basic needs of the immediate target audience
- Buy a product cheaper, than usual.
- From this we can conclude, that customers of shoe stores will pay attention to new, not yet untwisted brands and will choose a discount season, sales and promotional offers.
- The share of skepticism about the choice of goods has increased. Modern customer wants to know, how long will a pair of purchased shoes last, not requiring repair and warranty service for active use.
- Buyers often use product review services and study offers from different sellers, comparing prices.
- The target audience today is less susceptible to the impulse to make a sudden purchase - usually the list of necessary acquisitions is compiled in advance, based on the budget and financial capabilities of the family. Categorically, customers today do not accept purchases for future use and refuse imposed acquisitions.
What should be in your presence at the signing of the concession contract
- room, which is suitable for all SES standards for opening a non-food store (own or leased).
- Financial Opportunity - Own, investor or credit funds.
- Experience selling non-food items, work in fashion retail.
- Willingness to meet standards, established by the franchisor and follow the terms of the concession agreement.
What is NACE specify when the business registration at the opening of the shop of shoes under a concession agreement
The code that will be needed when registering activities – 47.721 –”Trade in shoes and leather goods in specialized stores”, namely, P. 47.72.1, responsible for the retail sale of shoes. This code is not suitable for organizing sales of special sports shoes (cm. at 47.64 - Retail sale of sports equipment and sporting goods in specialized stores).
Production of selected skin and articles of
2018g. |
AT % to | 1 floor- years 2018g. at % to
I полугодию 2017g. |
2017g. |
2018g. |
Suede leather, million dm2 | 29,2 | 104,6 | 124,2 | 96,5 |
Travel Suitcases, women's bags and other similar products made of genuine leather, skin parts, textile, travel sets, designed to maintain personal hygiene, sewing or for cleaning clothes or shoes, million rubles | 294 | 65,6 | 99,9 | 66,9 |
Footwear, million pairs | 10,1 | 97,9 | 104,0 | 102,1 |
from her:
waterproof shoes with sole and rubber or plastic upper, except for shoes with a protective metal toe cap |
1,5 | 93,4 | 91,6 | 96,7 |
shoes with soles and upper made of rubber or plastic, except waterproof or athletic shoes, thousand pairs | 914 | 45,0 | 58,2 | 84,7 |
shoes with textile upper, except sports shoes | 3,5 | 122,4 | 135,2 | 108,7 |
protective shoes and other, not included in other groups, thousand pairs | 748 | 113,8 | 96,0 | 120,3 |
Stages of opening a store on the franchise system

The most acceptable form for organizing an enterprise – individual entrepreneur. Accounting, to reduce costs, you can conduct in person or hire special accounting firms.
The franchise agreement obliges to arrange all the equipment in a single brand style (furniture, showcases, racking, signage). Installation of equipment is carried out by a franchise company. The shoe store can be freestanding or located on the territory of the shopping center, area in 100 m².
Costs at the initial stage of opening a shoe store
Naming of expenditures | Amount in rubles |
Salon Design | 70 000 |
Production and installation of commercial equipment | 1 000 000 |
repairs | 500 000 |
Interior lighting | 100 000 |
Total cost | 1 670 000 |
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Shop selling shoes and related products, area in 100 square meters needs 4 prodavacah: 1 older, responsible for the hall and 3 sales assistant. Manager is also required, whose responsibilities include ordering goods, accounting and acceptance, sales control and customer demand analysis.
Staff costs
Position | amount | Salary rub. | Total rub. |
Manager | 1 | 30 000 | 30 000 |
Oldest salesman | 1 | 25 000 | 25 000 |
Shop assistant | 3 | 20 000 | 60 000 |
in total | 4 | 115 000 |
Questions, arising in the process, as well as administrative problems are solved by the director.
The range of shops
A shoe store is usually designed for customers., middle and high income, most of the goods are presented for the female population, but men's collection not an exception.
The assortment of the store includes the following headings:
- shoes;
- loafers;
- slippers;
- ballet flats;
- sneakers;
- sneakers;
- women and men bags;
- accessories for ladies (brooches, bracelets, hairpins, rings, scarves, платки, stoles, hats) etc.
on the video: How to choose and buy a franchise
Financial part
item of expenditure
In addition to the costs of organizing staff, capital expenditures for opening a shoe store are provided, which account for the repair of premises and material investments to create inventory, so that the demand for the goods does not fall due to its absence.
item of expenditure | amount in rubles per year |
lease of premises | 1 500 000 |
Repair and construction costs | 1 670 000 |
Shoe purchase | 1 800 000 |
personnel salary | 1 380 000 |
advertisement | 100 000 |
in total | 6 450 000 |
The main taxes paid
Name | base | Period | Rate |
Tax on profits | Profit | Month | 20% |
NDS | added
cost of |
Month | 18% |
Property tax | value of property | According to the schedule of payments | 2,2 % |
Income tax | wages fund | month | 13% |
Social payments | wages fund | month | 34% |
project costs (in rubles.)
Name expenditure | cost of | ||||
Qty (PC) | per month | in year | One-time purchase | Total costs per year | |
lease of a building, room | 100 | 150 000 | 1 800 000 | 1 800 000 | 1 800 000 |
Buying equipment | 10 | 37 885 | 454 620,1 | 454 620,1 | |
Purchase of goods | 1 | 960 000 | 11 520 000 | 960 000 | 960 000 |
Purchase of computer equipment | 1 | 60 000 | 60 000 | ||
Site, hosting | 1 | 120 000 | 120 000 | ||
Fixed costs of online advertising | 12 | 45 000 | 540 000 | 200 000 | 540 000 |
Salary | 12 | 435 120 | 5 221 440 | 5 221 440 | |
including. taxes | 12 | 139 120 | 1 669 440 | 1 669 440 | |
Unexpected expenses | 359 460,9 | 359 460,9 | |||
in total: | 1 628 005 | 19 081 440 | 3 954 081 | 9 515 521 |
source of income
Basically, the peak sales of shoe stores account for the release of new collections, and this is a presentation spring-summer and autumn-winter, on this basis, spring and autumn are considered the most profitable seasons.. Below is a table of approximate monthly income for Centro store, whose sales area 100 m² with urban population in 300 000 person.
Sales month | The amount of revenue in rubles |
January | 1 200 000 |
February | 1 700 000 |
March | 3 300 000 |
April | 2 800 000 |
May | 2 000 000 |
June | 1 700 000 |
July | 1 500 000 |
August | 2 400 000 |
September | 2 600 000 |
October | 3 100 000 |
November | 3 200 000 |
December | 2 700 000 |
Average monthly revenue | 2 570 000 |
the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period
Period | type service name | The volume of production and sales in a month (steam) | price | Revenues from sales (rub.) per month |
1-12 monthly investment | Premium Price Shoes | 270 | 15 000-150 000 rubles and above | 4050 000-40 500 000 |
1-12 monthly investment | Shoes of the budget price segment | 450 | To 10 000 rubles | 4 500 000 |
1-12 monthly investment | accessories | 630 | from 100 to 5 000 rubles | 63 000-3 150 000 |
14-24 month operation | Premium Price Shoes | 300 | 18 000-180 000 rubles and above | 5 400 000-54 000 000 |
14-24 month operation | Shoes of the budget price segment | 490 | to 12 000 rubles | 5 880 000 |
14-24 month operation | accessories | 690 | from 120 to 7 000 rubles | 82 800 — 4 830 000 |