Business Plan warehouse

Business Plan warehouse
Business Plan warehouse
Business Plan warehouse

What information should contain a business plan stock

Summary of business plan to open a business plan for a warehouse from scratch

This project - a plan for the creation of private enterprises for organizing business plan for warehouse 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for the launch warehouse.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand to fill a niche organization of storage space products and goods for further sale at wholesale prices or transportation. The main consumer of services – This retail and wholesale buyers, as well as enterprises, requiring storage services.
  4. Providing the opportunity to organize the warehouse and to cover consumer demand for quality warehousing services.
  5. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
  6. Project cost: 11 985 017 rubles.
  7. financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 11 985 017 rubles.
  8. To implement the project the company needs to take out a loan in the amount of RUR 24 settlement months discount rate 16%.
  9. payback period: 2 of the year.
  10. the investor's income will be 1 833 108,4 rubles.
  11. Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
  12. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
  13. Implicit interest rate on borrowings 16 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
  14. The total amount of accrued interest will be 1 833 108,4 rubles.
  15. The payback period from the beginning of the project 6 months.
  16. Payback period with discounting 2 of the year.
  17. The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 307 128 010,04 rub.

stages of the project

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1-2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month 1 -30 banking days
Getting credit Having a proper set of documents 01 month
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary work 30 calendar days
Construction of a warehouse (warehouses) The conclusion of the investment agreement 90 calendar days
Buying equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds 1-30 calendar days
recruitment production activity 1-30 calendar days
Training The end stage of the production process 1-30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project 12 – 24 of the month

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of the warehouse

The business plan of the warehouse prescribed the following to start a business action algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. services, now rendered.


Business Plan warehouse
Business Plan warehouse

***Customer (Poklazhedatel) or client, who leaves his goods in stock.

***ZnH application for storage

***LPC acceptance controlling sheet

***PTM Cargo transport mechanism

***ZNR on accommodation Setting

***Waybill waybills

Hello dear readers, business covers different areas of economic market and one of the most effective business areas is to provide a storage space for storing products. The business plan involves the creation of storage facilities, leased, storage of food, which will later be sold wholesale to retailers.

on the video: organization of the warehouse. Distributorskiy business. Toledo. Dmitry Gordeev. Business for dealership.


The purpose of this business plan is to create a single-storey warehouse, area in 30000 square meters, internal height of which is 15 m. It is also planned the establishment of administrative and service unit in the area of ​​five floors 600 squares and blocks under the technical room. Warehouse will be divided into three main zones:

  1. 10000 m² - for alcoholic beverages
  2. 10000 m² - for industrial products
  3. 8000 m² - divided into two chambers, one – for the storage of fruits and vegetables, temperature regime in which from 0 to +8, second - at a temperature not higher +2, storage of meat, sausage and fish products.
  4. 2000 m² - storage space for frozen food.

Storage space can be occupied by so, to maximize the usefulness of its area (stillazhi, stacks).

Create your own class warehouse complex in, which differs from the higher categories only area and ceiling height, It is very important in our time, because the storage system is only getting better and the old type of storage is no longer comply with the requirements and performance standards. Great demand for cold rooms for storage of gastronomic products, vegetables and fruits. The lack of cooling chambers can lead to a shortage of food in the towns and regions.

The relevance of business at the opening of the storage room

warehouse Self, or size of the individual storage, Self-Storage, show the most pleasant dynamics of profit their owners. Today, the majority of warehouses with the format of the service are in the capital of Russia and St. Petersburg. Other regions of the country are free enough to start such activities.

Provision of storage space Self Storage (self-storage), m. on 1 000 person

Business Plan warehouse
Business Plan warehouse
Business Plan warehouse
Business Plan warehouse

project Events

For successful implementation of the business plan of the warehouse complex, which would then be leased, list of tasks to be solved:

  • To attract investment for the project.
  • Building permit and getting all project documentation.
  • Ensure the quality of construction work and keep construction time.
  • Conduct market research, attract real estate agencies, which will be engaged in the search for tenants.

The main taxes paid

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added

cost of

Month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule of payments 2,2 %
Income tax wages fund month 13%
Social payments wages fund month 30%

before, than to start with the business idea to open a profitable warehouse, necessary to carry out an independent market research. It is necessary to analyze the volume of supply and demand, as well as the filling of the region directly by the target audience - retail and wholesale sellers of products, which can be stored in your warehouse in accordance with all legal regulations.

How to choose the format of the warehouse and earn:

  1. Decide on the product group, which will be stored in your warehouses.
  2. Determine the type of storage – spare, wholesale, retail, season according to the time of storage of goods and their volumes.
  3. To conduct market research in the existing market area (demand, sentence, the target audience).
  4. Create a rough list of future tenants ( providers, buyers) and partners, which will help in the business and receive a percentage of profit.

Good, if you will be available to the dynamics of the implementation of the selected goods in the region - this information should also be included in the business plan, to a financial institution or private investors have seen proof of your fruitful work and potential to repay the loan in a short time. Then should proceed to the selection and search premises for warehouse. You can hire a specialist in warehouse logistics, or do the work yourself and save. room, rented a warehouse, probably, require repair and zoning literate. It will be necessary to organize a space for receiving goods, of materials handling, directly to storage and preparation for storage.


For the organization of business on the stock, you will need a package of documents on urban and architectural departments.

What information should be contained in documents

  • Availability of warehouse transport, Plan road junction, parking.
  • Hardware store.
  • Parameters warehouse premises.
  • The presence / absence podsobok, you can perform the process of loading / unloading of goods.
  • Equipment construction materials.
  • Staffing employees, their number and responsibilities.

Warehouse activities subject to licensing, the process of obtaining the document depends on the type and purpose of the warehouse.


Warehouse - is a complex structure, with their internal systems. Warehouse is best to issue the room, for which you have ownership rights. rent – This additional risk - higher prices, unprofitable repairs and installation of equipment in case of signing a contract with other persons, and many other factors. The best option would be a long-term lease with option to buy.

types of warehouses. Classification

class A - It is equipped with high-tech warehouse inventory, located in a new building, which is designed specifically and exclusively for storage purposes. This room is fully consistent with the stated standards of Russian legislation, zoning performed during the construction phase. The building is located in close proximity to the highway and has convenient access schemes. Additionally equipped autonomous communication and security systems (signaling, video surveillance and so on.)

class B - former warehouse space, with the possibility of reconstructing to modern needs. Does not meet the norms and standards, in need of repair and equipping.

class C. These include hangars, road base and other buildings, not originally designed for the equipment in their warehouse. For the organization of the warehouse in such a room would require significant financial investment and time.

class D - here are such buildings, in which you can store only a certain narrow group of products, which does not require the establishment of special storage conditions.

Equipment for warehouse organization

Warehouse may need a certain type of purchase of refrigeration equipment, and racks.


Responsible personnel needs, who will be able to organize high-quality smooth operation of the warehouse. It is necessary to negotiate with the trade representatives and seek retail outlets. Require accountant services (outsourcing), as well as the forwarding agent, cashier, drivers, kladovschyky, operator.

base warehouse, assets, that may be part of the business

Full base, consisting of a main office, dispatching support, warehouse. Some large stores themselves can provide the logistics for the customers - it is acquired and organized a fleet of trucks, designed for the transportation of a certain type of goods (food, building materials and so on.)

Important in achieving success in this type of business is the location of the warehouse. Basic requirements are related to logistics and delivery of goods.

business Registration

The enterprise of small size can be specified as an IP. This increases the degree of personal responsibility for the conduct of business processes, and founder of the risks to their property. Ltd. format is more attractive to banks and investors, however it has a number of legal and financial nuances.

If you are planning to engage in wholesale trade, needed additional permits to conduct activities - Certificates, of the license (on the alcoholic and tobacco products). Opening of the customs warehouse plan will also require a special license.

You also need to draw up the documents for the Federal Service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


Download business warehouse plan for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality.

Forms Warehouse

  1. TORG-1-blank
  2. TORG-2-blank
  3. TORG-6-blank
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  5. TORG-4.-Akt-o-priemke-tovara-postupivshego-bez-scheta-postavshika-blank
  6. TORG-7-blank

project costs (in rubles.)

Name expenditure cost of
Qty (PC) per month in year One-time purchase Total costs per year
Construction of a warehouse 1 2 666 666,67 32 000 000 533 333,33 32 533 333,33
Buying equipment 10 358 282,98 358 282,98
Purchase of computer and other office equipment 1 120 000 120 000
Create site, payment hosting, purchase of the necessary scripts 1 94500 94500
Constant advertising costs 12 45 000 540 000 50 000 540 000
Salary 12 859 430 10 313 160 10 313 160
including. tax 12 258 430 3 101 160 3 101 160
Unexpected expenses 115 611 115 611
in total: 3 571 096,67 42 853 160 1 271 727,32 44 074 887,32

on the video: Wholesale supply, business

SWOT – design analysis

evaluation parameters strengths Weaknesses
Organization Experienced builders will be used for the project professional managers The risk of increase in terms of delivery of the project
Finance Income from the rental facility for rent,that will ensure the effectiveness of the project Dependence on the companies-contractors
marketing Offer better prices, that will interest renters, organization discount system additional investments are necessary for the effectiveness of the project for advertising and marketing activities
evaluation parameters Opportunities threatening
Demand The warehouse market is beginning to revive after the crisis, the strip, the rise level storage facilities, and Quality there is a shortage of warehouses In the case of an unfavorable economic situation is forecast decrease in demand for warehouse space
competition High demand outstrips supply on the market, allowing market players to take niche The entry of new players with new services. However, rapidly growing demand reduces the negative effects of competition

the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period

Period type service name The volume of production and sales in a month (m) price Revenues from sales (rub.)
1-12 monthly investment Warehouse sales from 300 quarter. m from 33 963 rub.kv. m from 5 054 000 rub.
1-12 monthly investment Rental of warehouse space from 3 000 quarter. m from 3 396 RUB / sq. m. m from 5094432 rub.
13-24 month operation Warehouse sales from 360 quarter. m from 38 000 rub. quarter. m from 13140400 rub.
13-24 month operation Rental of warehouse space from 3 600 quarter. m from 3 800 rub.kv.m. from 13696340 rub.


Due to the construction of warehouses and the subsequent surrender of his lease and competitive prices, you can build a promising project, which will have a market, financial and technological attraction.

Download business warehouse plan for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality. Open access, on the Internet, it is not.
The contents of a business plan:
1. Confidentiality
2. Resume
3. Stages of the project
4. Feature object
5. marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Feasibility study of investments
10. findings
