Hello dear readers, as you know money can be made in different ways and today will talk about the business plan of a small confectionery enterprises, You know how much you have to invest money, how much you will have arrived and how many will pay off your idea. The decision to open a pastry shop or company should be well balanced, thoughtful, first of all, you need to understand:
- as you need to make financial investments, and where to find them;
- what the target audience is ready to buy the goods of the shop or business, the extent to which and through which the distribution points;
- whether there is a free niche in the market;
- a confectionary range is better to take for the promotion of confectionery and how it can subsequently expand;
- with which public authorities will have to face after the opening of the confectionery;
- what form of registration of the legal entity should choose;
- a minimum set of equipment required at the initial stage of operation confectionery.
- in any area of the city to buy the premises and many other questions.
To find answers to most of the questions you want to make or take a ready-made business plan confectionery, which will be very useful in attracting additional investors, if the need arises.
Ready Business Plan Confectionery download
Selection of a market for confectionery products
Confectionery products are widely popular among the majority of children 4 to 18 years and adults, so consumers enough. must be considered, most consumers already have a favorite company, arrange them in quality and pricing policy. To attract customers to the new confectionary will have to offer them something better, interesting at reduced prices, or propose a new principle of feeding confectionery, eg, equipped with small children's cafe, holidays conduct, cozy atmosphere, that after a visit to the confectionery cafe like to repeat that atmosphere.
for example, cakes "of Pavlovich" gained widespread popularity due to the large product range and very high quality, people are tired of the feast to buy mediocre cakes, do not differ from each other, like something homemade delicious.
necessary investments
To open a pastry shop will need to purchase at least a minimum of equipment, usually, these costs amount to about 100 thousand. dollars, and the Russian-made stove can cost 20 thousand. dollars, foreign - 35-40 thousand. dollars. The rest of the money is made installation of the furnace and the purchase of small household appliances: mixers, blenders, grinders and other, and knives, pans and all necessary utensils for cooking – confectionery supplies. room rental will take the bulk of the investments, for rent in Moscow 200kV m. the area will need to invest about 200 thousand dollars, so you can consider the option of moving production outside the Moscow Ring Road and several small rental of premises for shops on busy streets. It is also necessary to think about transport, the bulk of the confectionery range - perishable foods, Daily rental car for transportation of goods from production to stores will cost quite expensive, more economical to buy a small truck for 40-50 thousand. dollars. After the promotion of confectionery can purchase additional machines for delivery to customers in the city. Consider the costs of market research, to know the preferences and needs of the target audience, as well as its own service logic to reduce further the cost of goods sold does not.
Download Business Plan Confectionery for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality.
staff confectionery
your company staff plays the most important role in your company's development, careless employees can not only "rastaskat" all your financial investments, but also ruin the reputation significantly. By staff need to demand higher, most importantly the desire to work and interest in the quality of the product release and the company's development.
At the stage of opening the confectionery enough in the state 15 person.
Main cast:
- baker
- confectioner
- pomoschnyky Baker, Pastry- 1-2 man
- brigade - 5 person
- technologist
Administrative staff includes:
- logistics
- Sales Managers - 2 man
- Accountant -direktor, possible combination of accountant and director.
confectionery range
It is best to start with a technologically simple and all your favorite recipes, which enjoy wide popularity among the population, as the risk to the brand new recipe to anyone not familiar enterprise is not worth, distrust of new products and for new products, lead to rejection.
You can choose to end untapped segment of high quality products.
Implementation of confectionery products
In its early days the new confectionery company will have to compete for their clientele, Large network does not have contracts with manufacturers untested, so to win the market better with small retail outlets, small shops, and after building a good reputation, you can offer your confectionery small networks, and then close. Achieve brand recognition may be due to special conditions placed on the pastry display case and the various distinctive signs.
Download Business Plan Confectionery for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality. Open access, on the Internet, it is not.
The contents of a business plan:
1. Confidentiality
2. Resume
3. Stages of the project
4. Feature object
5. marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Feasibility study of investments
10. findings
Opening a small business for the production of confectionery products has a high degree of profitability, quickly pays for itself and does not require large financial costs within 300 thousand. dollars. This market segment is not yet sated, and there is a free niche to start their own business for the manufacture of confectionery products.