- What information should contain a business plan for fish farming
- Summary of the business plan for the opening of fish farming from scratch
- Stages of the project business plan for fish farming
- algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan fish farming
- In terms of fish farming business registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:
- Feature object
- The urgency of raising fish
- Site selection and reservoir
- How to open a business in breeding fish in private pond
- What could be the format works for stocking the pond and breeding of certain species of fish?
- How to choose a pond, meets all the requirements of supervisory authorities
- Documentation, which should be read before starting a business
- the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period
- Staff
- Regulations, regulating the activities of fisheries staff
- How to arrange a private pond
- The expenditure part of the private pond stocking
- The main taxes paid
- project costs (in rubles.)
- Where else can you grow fish
- Features of growing fish in a recirculating water
- Growing fish in cages
- Types of cages for fish farming
- Disadvantages of working with cages for fish farming
- How to choose the type of fish breeding
- Financial part

What information should contain a business plan for fish farming
Summary of the business plan for the opening of fish farming from scratch
This project - a plan for the creation of private enterprise on the organization of fish farming 24 of the month. First of all, we will list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for starting a fish farming business plan from scratch.
In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:
- Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
- Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
- Satisfying consumer demand for filling the niche supplying nearby catering and retailing fresh fish by creating a stocked pond and organization of paid fishing in Russia.
- Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
- Project cost: 3 550 807 rubles
- financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 3 550 807 rubles
- payback period: 2 of the year.
- investor income is 228 494,43 rubles.
- Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
- Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
- Implicit interest rate on borrowings 17,5 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
- The total amount of accrued interest will be 228 494,43 rubles.
- The payback period from the beginning of the project 13 months
- Payback period with discounting 2 of the year.
- The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 12 162 336,5 rub.
Stages of the project business plan for fish farming
stages of the project | Test conditions | Deadlines |
Home project | from 1 of the year. Deadlines depend on the complexity of the sewage treatment works | |
The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1 project of the month | 1 -30 banking days |
Getting credit | Having a proper set of documents | 30 calendar days |
Selection of locations and documentation | preliminary work | 30 calendar days |
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities | The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1-30 calendar days |
Clean-up work at the site of the organization of the enterprise | Obtaining investment funds | from 30 days and more in
Depending on the complexity of the sewage treatment works |
Buying equipment | The end stage of cleaning works on the site of the organization of the enterprise | 1-30 calendar days |
Equipment installation | Buying equipment | 1-30 calendar days |
recruitment | Obtaining investment funds | 1-30 calendar days |
Training | phased: 1.Leasing area; 2. the end of the treatment phase of work on the site of the organization of the enterprise | 1-30 calendar days |
Conducting marketing company | Starting from the end of the period of the sewage treatment works on the site of the organization of the enterprise | 1-360 calendar days |
End of project | Contracts for the supply of fish to consumers, start selling tickets lease fishing grounds according to the price list | 12 – 24 of the month |
algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan fish farming
In terms of fish farming business registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:
- The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
- Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
- Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
- services, now rendered.
- The choice of the enterprise size.
Feature object
Company, performing a service providing recreation opportunities and paid fishing on a chartered pond, may also supply fish to local retail chains or for catering establishments.
services, which can provide an enterprise of this nature:
- Service fishermen - professionals and amateurs.
- Supply of fish and cancer for cafe, restaurants and other catering enterprises.
- Stocking ponds to order.
- Implementation fresh (alive) fish delivery.
- Provision of transport services of live fish to a customer.
- Service and ennobling recreation places citizens, coastal areas.
on the video: Pond as a business( how much can be made of carp a year) TV Compound
The urgency of raising fish
The purpose of creation of modern farms is to breed fish in different water bodies of natural origin, and artificial ponds and pools of specialized. Among modern trends of fisheries can be identified:
- Pond fish farming. This method is suitable for growing various types and classes of fish..
- Basin breeding. Salmon is grown this way, carp, pike, lentils, perch and stuff.
- Cage culture. This method is suitable for the cultivation of large fish.
- Individual breeders grow fish in small ponds, is a large barrel or tub.
milestone, is preceded by the opening of the economy of fish farming, It is drawing up a business plan. Only in this way, calculating all future costs and predict the likely profit, you can succeed in this industry.
Site selection and reservoir
Choose the appropriate portion, which will be located fish farms, it is possible not only in the settlements of small size, but also major cities. The easiest way to do this on their own land.
In such a business should be to establish a dedicated pool of fish or dig out an artificial pond. In some embodiments, can be set welded from sheet metal container (made independently or ordered in special institutions).
Pond for fish farming must meet certain parameters. This is necessary in order, individuals to development was the right way. So, the depth of the pool or pond for the fish should be at least 150 cm, it is important to, to its bottom was clean and did not contain peat sludge or impurities. It is also important to monitor the pond vegetation, it should be present, but in moderation within.
Important to remember, that the purpose of the reservoir is not only in the content of fish, but also in its cultivation, selecting the eggs and young incubation. Only under these conditions, businesses will be able to be economically beneficial.
As for fish breeding in the wild - a pond of natural origin, then these water bodies are divided into the following types:
- floodplain ponds;
- ruslovye;
- beam.
Beam ruslovye and ponds characterized by a small depth, the presence of the flow-through channel and a good. However, breeding fish in them economically less profitable, than in the ponds of floodplain type.
Usually, reservoirs of natural origin for fish farming are divided into the following types:
- Pond feeding species;
- nursery ponds;
- pond for spawning;
- wintering pond.

How to open a business in breeding fish in private pond
- First of all, you need to carefully examine the legislation, that regulate this type of business activity.
- Secondly, accordance with the provisions of regulations, you need to select the location of your future stocking pond. According to statistics and studies, stocking going better and faster in vivo, than in equipped cages and artificial reservoirs. You also need to decide on the type of fish, with which you wish to fill the reservoir and sales markets, and to provide services of paid fishing.
- The next step will be the preparation and registration of contracts and the drafting of the plan summarizing the necessary communications and recruitment experts from controlling services, who hold the necessary laboratory studies of qualitative and quantitative composition of the water, measuring compliance against your direct targets
- It is also necessary to calculate the cost of arranging the territory., its refinement. If you plan to vacation spots - registration permits for the construction of the cafeteria summer or on a permanent basis, as well as the improvement of activities and possible temporary stay of tourists.
- Then carried out to the pond cleaning, his stocking and implement marketing component of the business plan.
on the video: RAS domestic fish farm 6000000 rubles per year
What could be the format works for stocking the pond and breeding of certain species of fish?
- You can create a pond stocked with the provision of paid fishing places for locals or visitors, leasing of fishing gear. Farmed fish can be traded in the wholesale and retail trade networks nearest town or open their own retail outlet.
- Open a full-fledged recreation area for citizens - with summer houses, small infrastructure, paid fishing, bath / sauna and other types of public leisure. This type of income generation is associated with a number of additional financial expenses and obtaining many permits.
- If funds allow, you can rent several reservoirs at once and create a developed and profitable business.
How to choose a pond, meets all the requirements of supervisory authorities
For, to be able to stock fish and raise certain types of fish in it, it is necessary to withstand the conditions.
Among them
- Reservoir area must be greater than or equal to one hectare. This requirement is due to the fact, that in a smaller reservoir it is impossible to fully grow the volume of fish that are most popular among the population, necessary for doing business.
- An insufficient amount of water will not allow special people to develop normally and receive a complete balanced diet.
- Wherein, large bodies of water, ten hectares or more, require a very solid investment, spent on cleansing, aeration and arrangement of the reservoir.
- Remember, what is the size of the fish and then, how does it react to a hook with bait, do not depend on the size of the reservoir, but on the quality and composition of feed. It is also necessary to strictly regulate its quantity and prevent its oversupply., which leads to additional water pollution. Feed must be purchased in advance, since at the start of the business, natural feed for the growing fry will be catastrophically insufficient. You need to closely monitor the health of individuals.
- Most often, for the needs of stocking and the provision of paid fishing services, ponds from two to four hectares are rented.
- If the main purpose of stocking a reservoir is paid fishing, not selling fish products to city shops, then take care of that, to make it convenient for your guests to get to the place of rest. And ideally, if it is convenient to get to the reservoir by a private car, and by public transport.
on the video: Business in a village or village
Documentation, which should be read before starting a business
- Russian Federation Federal Law on Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources, as amended, see here: http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc&n=278889&base=LAW&rnd=0.09257160114988361&from=301250-6#0343842325476696
- Government of the Russian Federation 15 May 2014 g. n 450 on approval of the rules for organizing and conducting tenders (contests, auctions) for the right to enter into an agreement for the use of a fish hatchery http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc&base=LAW&n=291786&fld=134&dst=1000000001,0&rnd=0.3566512365425163#05305327583077257
- Government of the Russian Federation 12 February 2014 g. n 99 on approval of the rules for the organization of artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc&base=law&n=159077&fld=134&dst=1000000001,0&rnd=0.23312155010294044#03848929859267227
- RF Federal Law on Aquaculture (fish farming) and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_148460/
- About aquaculture (fish farming) and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (to changes in 1 July 2017 of the year) http://docs.cntd.ru/document/499030026/
- On approval of the conclusion of the agreement to use hatchery fish farm site with, who was provided with a fishing plot for commercial fish farming on the basis of a contract for the provision of a fishing plot http://docs.cntd.ru/document/420216969/
- On approval of the Methodology for determining the minimum volume of aquaculture objects, breeding and (or) content, growing, as well as release into the water body and withdrawal from the water body within the boundaries of the fish farm (to changes in 16 May 2018 of the year) http://docs.cntd.ru/document/420396544/
- Federal Law of 20.12.2004 N 166-FZ (row. from 05.12.2017) “On fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources”
(amdt. and supplemented., introduction. into force on 01.04.2018)
on the video: Growing sturgeon and trout
the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period
Period | type service name | The volume of production and sales | price(kg, PC.) | Revenue from sales in the month (rub.) |
1-12 monthly investment | Improvement of the reservoir and territory is being carried out (depending on the initial state) | |||
13-19 month operation | Sale of wholesale supplies of fish and fry | 3 000-10 000 kg per month | 500— 10 000 rubles per kg. | 1 500 000-10 000 000 |
13 – 19 month operation | Fish catch in summer | 100-200 tickets per day | 500-5 000 rubles per kg. | 50 000-100 000 |
20 – 24 month operation | Fishing in winter | 40-90 tickets per day | 550-12 000 rubles per kg. | 22 000-1 080 000 |
13 – 19 month operation | Sale of club vouchers in the summer | 5-6 PC. in a day | 500 – 5500 rubles per day | 2 500-33 000 |
20 – 24 month operation | Sale of club vouchers in winter | 10-20 PC. in a day | 550-6500 rubles per day | 5 500-130 000 |
13-24 month operation | Selling fish after catching a reservoir | 3 000-10 000 kg per month | 500 — 1 000 rubles per kg. | 1 500 000-10 000 000 |
on the video: Sturgeon farm business plan
reference Information: “Professional standards” (Based on materials from the ConsultantPlus website)
15 | Fish farming and fishing | |
15.001 | Fishing gear manufacturer | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 07.04.2014 N 185н |
15.002 | Design engineer of industrial fishing gear and seafood | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 07.04.2014 N 209н |
15.003 | A specialist in the production of fish | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 07.04.2014 N 207n |
15.004 | Engineer fish farmer | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 07.04.2014 N 213n |
15.005 | pisciculturist | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 07.04.2014 N 208н |
15.006 | hydrobiology | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 07.04.2014 N 206n |
15.007 | extraction of fish master | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 08.09.2014 N 608n |
15.008 | ichthyologist | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 04.08.2014 N 543n |
15.009 | hydrochemists | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 04.08.2014 N 544н |
15.010 | microbiologist | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 31.10.2014 N 865n |
15.011 | The handler of fish and seafood | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 22.12.2014 N 1091 |
15.012 | production line operator of semi-finished and food products from fish and seafood | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 22.12.2014 N 1067н |
15.013 | The operator of fishing machines | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 22.12.2014 N 1086 |
15.014 | Operator Smoking devices | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 22.12.2014 N 1088н |
15.015 | Technologies for processing of fish and seafood | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 25.12.2014 N 1135н |
15.016 | Sailor on ships fishing fleet | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 23.03.2015 N 188n |
15.017 | Technical means aquaculture specialist | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 23.04.2015 N 244H |
15.018 | The captain of the fishing vessel fleet | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 19.10.2015 N 727n |
15.019 | ichtyopatology | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 09.12.2015 N 1006n |
15.020 | Specialist in Quality Control of production of fish and seafood | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 02.12.2015 N 955n |
15.021 | Chemical engineer, laboratory processing of fish and seafood | Order Ministry of Labor of Russia from 02.12.2015 N 950n |
Regulations, regulating the activities of fisheries staff
- On approval of the professional standard engineer pisciculturist (to changes in 12 December 2016 of the year)
- On approval of the professional standard for fish farmers (to changes in 12 December 2016 of the year)
OKVED codes for fish farming
03 - Fishing and fish farming,
05.02.1 - Reproduction of fish and aquatic biological resources.
- On approval of rules for calculating and charging for the use of fish-breeding areas (to changes in 19 Martha 2018 of the year)
- On approval of the conclusion of the agreement to use hatchery fish farm site with
- Federal Law of 20.12.2004 N 166-FZ (row. from 05.12.2017
- On approval of the professional standard for fish farmers (to changes in 12 December 2016 of the year)
- On approval of the professional standard engineer pisciculturist (to changes in 12 December 2016 of the year)
- Federal Law of 20.12.2004 N 166-FZ (row. from 05.12.2017
How to arrange a private pond
Today on the Internet you can find quite a lot of ads from the owners of reservoirs with offers to rent their reservoir.. So that stocking occurs legally, and also to be able to purchase really high-quality material, it is best to enlist the support of local large-scale fish farms. Except healthy fry, you will be provided with consulting support for their care, as well as high quality feed.
The expenditure part of the private pond stocking
About 30 percent of the total starting capital will be spent on the acquisition of fry. Financial resources, and also the work of staff will be required to, to provide the fry with proper care. You also need a specialist, which will start the fry - the timely stocking of the reservoir is a very important component of the business. Malek must have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather and winter lack of food. Moreover, each type of fish is launched separately.
The main taxes paid
Name | base | Period | Rate |
Tax on profits | Profit | Month | 20% |
Income tax | wages fund | month | 13% |
royalties |
wages fund | month | 30% |
Important! In the process of signing a lease agreement, reservoirs, the parties must invite an independent expert, which will help determine the legal status of the reservoir, will give its use a legal assessment, and will also determine the degree of its suitability for subsequent stocking and sale of products.
project costs (in rubles.)
Name expenditure | cost of | ||||
(PC) |
per month | in year | One-time purchase | Total costs per year | |
reservoir Rental, purchase of a license
and quotas |
10 years old | 120 000 | 1 440 000 | 240 000 | 240 000 |
Buying a car | 1 meals. | 660 000 | 660 000 | ||
Construction of the reservoir | – | 800 000 | 800 000 | ||
Buying equipment | – | 869 070 | 869 070 | ||
Buying fry | 1-3 t per season | 15 000 | 180 000 | 180 000 | |
Constant advertising costs | 12 | 45 000 | 540 000 | 540 000 | |
Salary | 12 | 544 830 | 6 537 960 | 6 537 960 | |
– including. taxes | 12 | 163 830 | 1 965 960 | 1 965 960 | |
Unexpected expenses | 256 907 | 256 907 | |||
in total: | 724 830 | 8 697 960 | 2 825 977 | 10 083 937 |
Where else can you grow fish
Another method of raising fish for sale is using recirculating water installations.. Another name is trays, pools. The main advantage of this method is complete independence and autonomy from climate conditions., weather, temperature drops. Besides, fish develop and grow faster in such an installation, since there is no period of decrease in activity and feed intake.
Features of growing fish in a recirculating water
- Stocking density significantly increases. So, depending on the type of fish being raised, can be grown to 1 500 kilograms per year from one square meter. area. At the same time, the natural growth of fish in open reservoirs is up to 600 kilograms per year from 10.000 cube. m., when using cages.
- Ability to maintain ideal conditions for keeping fish, individuals gain weight faster and they can be sold within six months after stocking. Under natural conditions of fish farming, such indicators cannot be achieved..
- The cost of purchasing feed and nutritional supplements will significantly increase compared to raising fish in natural conditions.
- Choosing a closed water supply installation, pay close attention to water treatment systems, enriching it with oxygen.
- Connecting RAS to communications (water, electricity must be continuous. There is a great risk, that all individuals will die, if there is a prolonged disconnection from the mains or in the event of other force majeure circumstances. Such systems are significantly more expensive, than conventional cages.
What is the principle of closed water supply installations
A closed water supply installation is a complex of installations, each of which ensures the normal functioning of the system as a whole.
There is a kind of circulation of the water flow, which needs to be updated periodically, as under the influence of the environment and the temperature of the room or air, natural moisture loss occurs.
The installation kit includes these types of equipment
- Filters for water, which prepare tap water and adapt it for a comfortable stay of fish. Filters include filtration and degassing units, which also purify water from the products of life and activity of fish, and also an oxygenator, which oxygenates the water.
- Ozonizer, which disinfects the water and filters it of organic contaminants and excess minerals.
- Biological filter, which passes through itself the waste products of fish.
- To ensure continuous operation of the installation without human intervention, it can be fully automated, which will entail a number of additional financial expenses.
Among the additional costs should be the purchase of a generator - this will help in the event of an unexpected power outage and prevent the death of fish.
Choosing a closed water supply installation, best to stay at the pools, round. When buying, pay attention to indicators such as
- Ability to monitor and regulate oxygen levels,
- residence time in water before solids filtration,
- the ability of the installation to self-cleaning,
- use of usable space.
You can choose a closed water supply installation both among domestic manufacturers, and among foreign. There is a kind of eclecticism - part of the equipment at a Russian-made installation, and some of the filters were brought from abroad. Check certificates and warranty documents carefully, which should accompany this type of equipment. The cost of this installation, depending on the size, and quality of equipment, ranges from 600 000 to 1 000 000 000 rubles.
Growing fish in cages
A method such as raising fish in cages, will require much smaller start-up investments from a novice businessman, than with the method, described above. costs, however note, what fry (planting material), you still have to pre-grow in a RAS or in a fry pond. You can buy slightly grown individuals in fish farms or purchase cages with the smallest cells.
Types of cages for fish farming
- Stationary cages. Most often they are used in reservoirs, in which the water level is at a stable level. The frame is usually wood or metal, it is covered with a nylon net or other soft material. Sometimes bag cages are used as savings, frameless type, the upper part of which is fixed on the flyover, which is mounted on the water surface, and a weight is tied to the bottom to ensure immersion. Convenient walkways must be installed to access the cages.
- Floating cages. Installed in any water. Subtypes – on pontoons (not very well suited for bodies of water, in which the water freezes in winter, as this leads to damage and deformation of the pontoons), sectional and floating autonomous (fish feeding comes from boats). You can also make floating cages yourself, however, you will have to spend funds on renting a reservoir and building additional structures.
- The use of cages in terms of raising fish for sale as food is more profitable, than in natural conditions - weight gain and weight gain is faster, however, in this regard, the best is still fish farming in closed water supply installations. The density of fish in cages depends entirely on the species you choose.
Disadvantages of working with cages for fish farming
- Fish gains weight at a slower rate.
- It is necessary to obtain a permit for the use of water resources, conclude a number of agreements.
- The growth of fish and its development directly depends on climatic conditions, weather and other natural factors.
- Additional care must be taken to ensure the safety of the cages, so that the locals do not catch the grown up and gaining the desired weight fry with nets.
For, to rent a reservoir for private needs, it is necessary to first study the law "On aquaculture" and, on the basis of its provisions, act and negotiate with local authorities, or go the other way - rent a land plot, located in close proximity to the selected body of water.
How to choose the type of fish breeding
Each type of fish has its own peculiarities of breeding, which must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan. Better to choose the type and type of fish, based on conditions, and care, which you are able to provide to the fry. Carps are considered the most convenient for breeding., as when creating optimal conditions for divorce, the growth rate of the fish will increase. Besides, watch carefully, what kind of food goes to fish, because for each breed it is different. Even within the same breed, adult food, larvae and juveniles differ in composition and useful substances.
Compliance with optimal conditions for fish farming is important not only for its growth and reproduction, but also to prevent the development of serious diseases, resulting in the loss of fish and a decrease in the level of business income.

Financial part
To start a business, fry must be purchased. The market price for them is set depending on their weight, the type of fish and the size of the fry themselves (the smaller the size, the more expensive). For example, market value of trout fry per 1 kg is 250-400 rubles.
When calculating the required number of fry, losses should be taken into account, components of approximately 10% from the total mass. Fish from fry to the age of an adult reaches approximately 2,5 of the year. The weight of an adult trout is about 800 g., what can be sold at market value 140-160 rubles for 1 kg.
Many fish breeders advise purchasing not fry, and already fertilized eggs, since it is more profitable.
Additional sources of income can be found to increase business profitability, for example - the device of paid fishing. Revenues from these events can reach 5-6% fish farm gross profit.
When drawing up a business plan for a fish farm, the financial part of the project must be calculated. It is divided into expenses and income.
For example, for carp farm, expenditure part will consist:
- Fry purchases - 10 400 rub.
- Staff salaries - 30 300 rub.
- Purchase of fish feed - 6 700 rub.
- Other costs - 19 700 rub.
in total, the expenditure part is 67 100 rubles.
The estimated gross profit of such a business will be 100 000 rubles. Respectively, taking into account the expenditure side, the net income will be equal to 32 900 rubles (excluding taxes). The main serious disadvantage of this type of business is the relatively long payback period.