- What information should contain a business plan for the tourist bus?
- Summary of the business plan for the opening of a tourist bus from scratch
- stages of the project
- Documentation, mandatory for the study before the start of activities
- algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of a tourist bus
- The business plan of a tourist bus prescribed the following to start a business action algorithms:
- project costs
- By the fixed costs include such items of financial business plan
- For variable costs can be attributed
- The main taxes paid
- The format works and services, now rendered
- Challenges and risks, related business on bus tours
- business Urgency
- The target audience
- Seasonal business on bus tours
- How to take a tour bus rental?
- Rent a bus has a number of advantages
- Promoting your business
What information should contain a business plan for the tourist bus?
Summary of the business plan for the opening of a tourist bus from scratch
This project - a plan for the creation of a private enterprise for the tourist bus for the organization 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for the launch of the tourist bus business plan from scratch.
In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:
- Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
- Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
- Satisfaction of consumers demand to fill entertainment niches, providing health services, Organization of safe travel, as well as citizens' organizations Leisure.
- Providing the opportunity to travel and to organize leisure.
- Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
- Project cost: 2 070 000 rub.
- financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 2 070 000 rub.
- To implement the project the company needs to take out a loan in the amount of RUR 24 settlement months discount rate 14%.
- payback period: 2 of the year.
- the investor's income will be 278 141,76 rub.
- Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
- Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
- Implicit interest rate on borrowings 14 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
- The total amount of accrued interest will be 278 141,76 rubles.
- The payback period from the beginning of the project 2 of the month.
- Payback period with discounting 2 of the year.
- The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 65 710 196,23 rub.
stages of the project
stages of the project | Test conditions | Deadlines |
Home project | 12 – 24 of the month | |
The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1 project of the month | 1 -30 banking days |
Getting credit | Having a proper set of documents | 30 calendar days |
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities | conclusion investment
agreement |
1-30 calendar days |
Selection of locations and documentation | preliminary work | 30 calendar days |
Buying equipment | The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1-30 calendar days |
recruitment | production activity | 1-30 calendar days |
Training | The end stage of the production process | 1-30 calendar days |
Conducting marketing company | 360 calendar days | 1-360 calendar days |
End of project | 12 – 24 months |
Documentation, mandatory for the study before the start of activities
- the federal law “On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” from 18.07.2006 N 109-FZ (latest revision) http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_61569/
- the federal law “About bases of tourist activity in the Russian Federation” from 24.11.1996 N 132-FZ (latest revision) http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_12462/
- Article 4.1. Terms of the tour operator activities http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_12462/891bcc0a7a668840fc79e56f457f6e6979877fad/
algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of a tourist bus
The business plan of a tourist bus prescribed the following to start a business action algorithms:
- The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
- Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
- Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
- services, now rendered.
- The choice of the enterprise size.
- Purchase / Rental / leasing a comfortable tour bus.
- Business registration with the relevant authorities.
- Development of the tour route.
project costs
In Europe, business coach bus regulated by specific legislative acts, which are absent in Russia. So, there is no minimum threshold of comfort equipment for the transport of passengers. Therefore, the majority of Russian businessmen prefer to use buses of foreign production. coaches, operating in the Russian Federation, must be compulsorily insured. In this case, additional insurance is to get every seat passenger. The presence of CTP insurance policy necessary. The analogue of these instruments in Europe - TN. 'Grinkard'
Own car park will not only require significant upfront costs, but will constantly require maintenance and repair. Article variable costs will depend on the number of trips and distance, who drove buses. For transportation 8 and more passengers, A license is required, another businessman threatened heavy fines.
By the fixed costs include such items of financial business plan
- Monetary rewards drivers (permanent or hired through outsourcing contract, salary may also depend on the season).
- Expenditure on the driver's content during the journey (according to the contract).
- The remuneration for staff, who is traveling with a driver and provides support in the operation of the bus.
- Payment service fleet in the period of inactivity or during active operation.
project costs (in rubles.)
Name expenditure | cost of | ||||
Qty (PC) | per month | in year | One-time purchase | Total costs per year | |
Purchase of buses | 1 | 1 447 000 | 1 447 000 | ||
Constant on fuel and maintenance costs | 1 | 100 000 | 1 200 000 | 1 200 000 | |
Constant advertising costs | 12 | 45 000 | 540 000 | 100 000 | 540 000 |
Salary | 12 | 220 500 | 2 646 000 | 2 646 000 | |
– including. taxes | 12 | 70 500 | 846 000 | 846 000 | |
Unexpected expenses | 154 700 | 154 700 | |||
in total: | 365 500 | 4 386 000 | 1 701 700 | 5 987 700 |
For variable costs can be attributed
- The price of fuels and lubricants.
- Spare parts and repair of buses.
The main taxes paid
Name | base | Period | Rate |
Tax on profits | Profit | Month | 20% |
NDS | added
cost of |
Month | 18% |
Property tax | value of property | According to the schedule of payments | 2,2 % |
Income tax | wages fund | month | 13% |
Social payments | wages fund | month | 34% |
The format works and services, now rendered
development of routes - it can be like a journey within a tourist city / region, and full multi-day tour with a visit e.g. ski resort or comfortable private beaches.
The format of the work will depend directly on the amount of initial investment and future profits. To save on wages and tax deductions for employees, Outsourcing contract can hire professionals such as an accountant, designer, guide, Escort Guide.
What can be included in the cost of the tour bus tour (Package «Standard», day)
- Services on transportation by bus.
- work guide.
- Escort Guide (His responsibilities include the organization of the group, issues with the settlement, power, placement, solution to all organizational issues, travel-related, insurance registration, Regulation Schedule visits to museums).
- If the tour is held a few days, additional charge for overnight.
Challenges and risks, related business on bus tours
- The network has a lot of offers from private transport companies and agencies. Beautiful website does not always give an accurate idea of, as a technique will reveal itself in the course of work. The site description of the bus and the real situation may be different - for example,, presence / absence of the air conditioner. It is better, if a representative of your company will be able to check all the items on line, and then you need to let the rented bus in your sightseeing flight
- drivers, employed under a contract of transport rent, I can ignore the ban on talking on the phone while driving. Also, the driver can smoke, that not everyone likes to passengers, especially with children.
- Force majeure - chartered bus was not provided on time, in the terms stipulated in the contract.
- Book in advance hotel rooms can be provided to customers at a higher price in the high season.
- Hire an experienced guide, which is able to revive the story interesting facts and naturally communicate with excursionists rather difficult, sometimes there is a "turnover" frame.
- With museums must be agreed in advance – not be allowed association of several groups - this is strongly reflected in the quality of services.
- Takiom margins in a business can reach 20%, but the standard group can not reach 15 and more people. In this case, it is not necessary to cancel the trip - this will significantly reduce customer loyalty, and come up with a way to make the missing funds for the expense of another group or offer VAS for a fee. Canceling route should be a last resort - you can also try to propose another development trip or return to customers of the funds.
business Urgency
Business, based on the provision of services on the organization of a bus tour on comfortable buses is profitable and fun. Clients of all ages like to visit in new and interesting places, learn new things, make colorful photos and video, to share experiences with friends. Bus tour, which brings a steady income and the influx of new customers should be planned in such a way, to tourists for a short time were able to cover the largest number of attractions and places.
According to statistics, in just the past year, the Russians have committed 28 604 030 trips to the near and far abroad countries, What's on 31,6% more, over the same period of the previous year.
rice. 1. TOP-20 exit direction by the number of trips of Russian citizens 2017 year (except CIS, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia)
Fig.2. TOP-20 exit directions 2017 of the year (“classic tourism” recreational, cultural and cognitive purposes)
Pay attention to the new legislation. So, at 2013 It was adopted and signed the bill, imposing an obligation on tour operators to upgrade bus fleets. At the current business it has been several years in order, to renew fleets. New rules for the transport of children, and require updating the fleet once 10 years old. The bill will come into force in January c1 2018 year and will prohibit the transportation of children on buses, which more than 10 years old.
Many experts are inclined to believe, This measure is not a measure to increase security, and only make business to spend more or to close the tour, which has a negative impact on the volume of proposals and reducing the possibility to spend the school holidays and public holidays.
According to statistical data, Only in St. Petersburg, children's group serves about 1 000 buses. About a third of them over 10 years old, and falls within the scope of the ban. TO 2020 , the right to transport passengers only school age will have 50% existing bus fleet. In other regions, will lose the right of children's transport to 90% transport. The most affordable new bus will cost Chinese-made businessman in 9 000 000 rubles, from European and domestic manufacturers - 18 000 000 rubles. In this way, payback tourist industry in transportation will be equal to 15 years, Besides, obtain reasonable rates of interest at the bank for this kind of business today is very difficult. Loss of turnover is already forcing businessmen to raise prices for their services, So, comparing with the previous year, price increased by 20%, to 1 800 rubles per hour.
In this way, number of excursions may significantly reduce, and the amount of revenue in the low season fall significantly. A significant problem for business is also becoming tougher trip Harmonization. According to experts, older buses 10 years old, it is capable of serving a large passenger flow provided timely technical inspection, replacement of parts, Fuel and proper maintenance.
Wherein, Similar bills significantly support the domestic auto industry and the increase of healthy competition - the market will be forced to leave the small travel agencies, activity has been directed primarily to work with children's groups, the other travel agencies will be able to compensate for the costs due to transport groups of adults.
During the high winter season is expected to increase the number of clients to 10%. According to the statistics, that the number of orders for children organized group excursions in the northern capital fell twice. The school administration is afraid to take on increased responsibility, and transport companies are not willing to pay large fines.
recall, that the rules of transportation of children were also tightened the requirements of the Russian Interior Ministry order number 941 on the procedure for filing notice of an organized group transportation of children from buses 30 December 2016 of the year, entered into force 1 April. So, according to the order, organizer of transportation of children is required to notify the traffic police to conduct tours, specifying the number of children transported, route program, as well as complete information on the bus, водителе, owns a bus transportation company, as well as the organizer.
Earlier notice on the implementation of traffic directed tour operators in the traffic management, now it must be sent to the district at the starting point of the carriage units. At the same time supply the documentation by e-mail is not available in all regions. Traffic police departments can work at a very inconvenient schedule. After reviewing the notice of carriage, permission for it can not give. Also operates a system of fines for filing the notice is not modeled or late filing.
The bill also does not provide for force majeure: So, it is impossible to replace the diseased driver, since information about it is applied for 2 days prior to the trip. Under current law, for violation of traffic rules during the day the children there is a penalty for the driver in the amount of 3 000 p. rubles, for officials - 25 000 g., for legal entities - 100 000 p. Industry representatives say, that the cost of services will increase several times. Already parents of students now pay 20 000 p. 5-day tour.
The average salary of a tour bus driver:
The main equipment in this type of business will be the vehicle fleet – own buses or buses rented from a transport company.
Tourist bus seat
- Adjustable headrest.
- Metal frame-base.
- Plastic base.
- Ergonomic seating surfaces with soft fabric upholstery.
- Three and two point seat belt.
- Folding table.
- Folding armrest.
- Mesh for personal belongings of passengers.
- Optional equipment.
- Seat cushion tilt adjuster.
- Backrest blade adjuster.

Useful documentation for the study
GOST R 57807-2017 tourist services. Requirements for the guides (Gida)
On approval of the professional standard guide guide to changes in the 12 December 2016 of the year
The target audience
You can increase your profits, focusing on clients with an average level of income - such citizens are the majority in our country, and many of them decide to afford a bus trip with their families.
Besides, parents of schoolchildren are happy to send children on organized bus tours in order to their cultural development and organizing leisure activities during the holidays. This type of recreation is considered to be quite inexpensive and educational.. Retirees, released well-deserved rest relatively recently, and maintains an active lifestyle, and stance, also with great pleasure that goes on a long bus tours around the country or even abroad.
Demand for bus tours in conjunction with other services and high level of service, remains high, which means, that the novice businessman can make good money on this form of entrepreneurial activity.
Typically, the organization of bus tours on the list of major tour operators services, to significantly expand its customer base and get more profit.
To your service demand remained high, you must pay attention to the level of service and professionalism of the staff. Today's customer has become much more demanding - strong competitors offer a good service and a number of additional services, various loyalty programs and other triggers for potential customers, and, if the offer of a competing organization seems more attractive to the client, he will go to him. People are now carefully counting money in their pockets., and expect to receive the most favorable offers at the lowest price, therefore, at the start, it is necessary to enlist the support of investors and business partners on mutually beneficial terms.
Key points, which the client pays attention to when booking a tour
- Organization of a comfortable move.
- Guide / tour guide / animator services for tours with children.
- Accommodation and meals (concerns multi-day tours).
- Getting additional services during the tour (gastro-tour or shopping).
This type of business is very capital intensive and risky.. For, to attract profitable business partners or investors, a high-quality tourist bus business plan should be developed. The state often provides support to young entrepreneurs, however, grants are more likely to be awarded to production areas of economic activity or scientific / technical development. Therefore, buying a car fleet, its registration with the appropriate governing bodies, ensuring its repair and operation, as well as ensuring the safety of customers, will completely fall on the shoulders of the enterprise.
According to experts, most often, startups choose not to purchase their own bus fleet, and concluding a lease with a transport company, which provides cars for excursions for a certain period. In order to provide a decent service for citizens of Russia and guests of the country, choose a proven transport.
If the amount of initial investment allows, for the formation of a vehicle fleet, you can purchase the so-called. stock buses from Europe - local legislation obliges to update vehicle fleets 1 every five years. So for relatively little money you can get high-quality transport..
Excursion group consisting of approximately 15 a person will bring the owner of the excursion buses to 20 000 rubles. During the low season, buses can be rented to holiday agencies, as a transport for weddings, corporate events and other purposes. You can also hire specialists, who will be able to organize outgoing tours of sports stars or pop stars, or start organizing outbound tours from abroad.
businessmen, whose business is already generating a stable income, can draw up transactions for the sale and purchase of new vehicles made in Europe or the USA. A new bus of this format will cost about 250 000 Euro on leasing terms, subject to full employment of the vehicle.
Seasonal business on bus tours
High season for this kind tourism business is the period from spring to early autumn. In winter, the car fleet can bring exactly the same amount of funds, that they will be enough to cover current expenses. It means, that the bulk of the income and the ability to pay interest on loans will be in the summer months. Full repayment of debts occurs in five years from the date of registration of the business.
The best option would be to prepare an excursion package a few months before starting a business - so you can start active work immediately after receiving all the necessary permits, and the car fleet will not be idle. During low season it is also possible to arrange winter excursions for students schools and universities. Greater profitability occurs during the period, when there are more people willing to visit the excursion, than originally planned by the business plan.
How to take a tour bus rental?
Rent a bus has a number of advantages
- No need to take out a loan at high interest rates.
- There are no additional fees for the import of a sightseeing bus.
- Documentation processing is much faster and easier.
costs, however note, that renting a comfortable bus from leading European manufacturers will cost 2 000 rubles per hour.

For European countries, this price is considered prohibitively low., Considering, that the foreign party complies with all requirements and regulations regarding the safety of passengers, proper technical condition of the car and work, which is performed by a qualified driver with a specific driving category.
Moreover, passengers, and guides, as well as other employees of travel agencies feel more protected from force majeure situations and money spending, which they may entail. Our citizens cannot always afford an expensive excursion tour of the "all inclusive" format. The drivers of such buses receive decent remuneration for their work., and we are sure, that they have time to rest and recuperate, Consequently, the risk of getting into an emergency situation due to driver fatigue is significantly reduced. And special sensors are installed on vehicles – time limiters per day, which will not allow the engine to start at an inopportune time. installed.
At the same time, Russia is much more in need of high-quality excursion transport., whereas European tour operator clients they are happy to travel by private car or order caravaning tours. Most often, tours on comfortable buses are ordered by elderly people and parents of schoolchildren..
Promoting your business
Today, the most effective advertising tools are SEO optimization and contextual advertising., as well as social networks. To keep the name of the company in plain sight and be remembered by potential clients, pay attention to bigboards and citylights. According to the assurances of experts, advertising in print media does not give as strong a return as before, however, handout printing works well, which has a positive effect on the image.