travel agency business plan

travel agency business plan
Business travel agency plan
Business travel agency plan

What information must contain a travel agency business plan?

Summary of the business plan for the opening of the travel agency from the ground up

This project - a plan for the creation of a private enterprise for the organization of travel agencies 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for start-up business plan travel agency from the ground up.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand to fill entertainment niches, providing health services, Organization of safe travel, as well as citizens' organizations Leisure.
  4. enabling make a trip and organize leisure.
  5. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
  6. Project cost: 3 078 159 rub.
  7. financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 3 078 159 rub.
  8. payback period: 2 of the year.
  9. the investor's income will be 178 812,88 rub.
  10. Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
  11. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure and of calculating the discount flow regulating money potoka.Vozvrat leveraged begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
  12. Implicit interest rate on borrowings 14 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
  13. The total amount of accrued interest will be 178 812,88 rub.
  14. The payback period from the beginning of the project 2 of the month.
  15. Payback period with discounting 2 of the year.
  16. The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 54 948 324,02 rub.

stages of the project

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1,5 – 2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month 1 -30 banking days
Getting credit Having a proper set of documents 30 calendar days
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 -30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary work 30 calendar days
Buying equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 -30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds 1 -30 calendar days
recruitment production activity 1 -30 calendar days
Training The end stage of the production process 1 -30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project 12 – 24 of the month

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan travel agency

The business plan travel agency registered the following algorithms for starting business activities:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. services, now rendered.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.

The urgency of the opening of business travel agencies

The market package tourism has shown the highest point of its development 2014 city, and corresponded to the amount of 340 000 000 000 rub. According to the results of the past year was about dynamics 280 000 000 000 rub. The majority of customers choose Travel inside the country. tourists, who travel within Russia, often choose low-cost options of accommodation - such counted 80%, the amount of average check 1 person was 25 000 rub. excluding logistics.

The most active development and dissemination of market of tourist services received 2010 year. Every year, according to statistics, It increases not only the number of enterprises, but profit, which is produced by existing operators and agents.

The high level of competition in this segment generates higher quality services and increased demands from customers.

Every year the Russian tourist market shows an increase of 100 000 000 000 rubles.

The urgency of the opening of business travel agencies

According to experts, in tourism following structural changes:

  1. The main driving force of all kinds of tourism industry has become an active development of digital technology. Business has become more globalized and transnational actively developing Internet resources.
  2. tourist services sales channels substantially modify in terms of structure and its functional significance. Today, fewer and fewer customers are trying to cooperate with consumers - in fashion came in direct contact of the consumer and the service provider (hoteliers, sales and flight booking). Also, many companies, indirectly related to the tourist industry, try to spend fewer resources to distribute and gain their own customer base. Besides, advantageous to cancel the commission agencies, develop attractive loyalty program for customers, raising direct booking of tickets, which has a positive effect on the level of booking tickets for airline flights generally.
  3. Activity does not depend on low-cost airlines operations Agents, and some carriers today have increased the percentage of sales to 50 percent.
  4. company, engaged in the carriage of goods, create own tour operators in online mode, which can also pick up options to stay tourists.
  5. The tourist industry in Russia relatively recently, a new definition "Dynamic packaging". “dynamic packaging” - a special kind of technology, used for the formation and distribution of the tourism product online mode mode. Carried out by the simultaneous circulation without the help of intermediaries to online resources Hotels, airlines, aggregators of tourist services. In this way, subject to availability, airlines offer as part of dynamic packages for profitable customer tariffs, which are significantly lower than those, which publishes the system itself and the following charter. This method makes it easier to adapt to changes in the global economy, increases sales and customer loyalty.
  6. Classic travel agents and tour operators now have to balance the risks due to global overproduction of the tourist product.
  7. The volume of charter and block charter is significantly reduced. The vast majority of tour operators abandoned the wholesale production of the tourist product. Consistently high earnings demonstrate those companies, who can provide customers with the opportunity of cheap air travel or favorable conditions for the transport of direct logistics provider. Long-term partnership - the key to the future success of the company today. Today, people will book their places for themselves in a pleasing hotel - there are now about 70 percent. Hotels, as well as airline, demonstrate the increase in the percentage of direct sales volumes.
  8. marketpleysov function are today perform metapoiskoviki, who are involved in settlements between client and supplier of tourist services market.
  9. The volume of distribution channels enlarged banking institutions and information portals. Major players of the financial market, who have the possibility of operating a large volume of customers' personal data, create their own services on booking of travel services. Internet resources with sufficient population density in shares, also offer the service to place on their sites Travel Services.
  10. Corporations and large companies themselves organize affiliates, which can provide not only business trips, but rest for each employee.

Making a profit on the tourism business

The tourist industry due to the profitability

  1. Increased level of solvency of some segments of the population.
  2. urban infrastructure, as in Russia, and abroad, develops and may offer a higher level of service.
  3. Developing tourism services, and an increasing number of customers interested in all sorts of travel.
  4. The market has become more attractive to private foreign investors.

The difference between the travel agent and tour operator is small, and it is, that agents are intermediaries between the client and those, who sell directly tours. The vast majority of firms, who are currently working in Russia - are intermediaries.

services, that will provide your company

  1. Providing comprehensive information about the tour.
  2. Hotel reservation and search for optimal solutions for each individual client
  3. The organization of the trip and booking tickets for transport (train, cars- air,- and other).
  4. Making foreign passport, Visas and insurance, other accompanying documents
  5. Additional services (nutrition, Active tours).
  6. Execution of the client's wishes, travel-related.
  7. Information support at all stages of the tour.
  8. Attracting a guide / interpreter.
  9. organization of loyalty programs.
  10. Providing discounts for other.
  11. bonuses, accumulative discount cards.
  12. The opportunity to visit unique tours abroad and within the country.
  13. Informing customers by all available means of burning stages.
  14. Quick replacement of the passport.

Description and analysis of the market

The structure of the tourism industry

It can be characterized by the modern market of tourist services as follows:

Tourism industry in pure form, typical private enterprises, providing tourist services Additional services for travelers and industry Indirect industry representatives, associates
Production Production
Provision of tourist accommodation services abroad or on the territory of Russia Production of souvenir and gift products
customers transport services by rail, road trails, aircraft or ship Production and sale / lease of goods for leisure
Tour operators the automotive industry (motor-, Spare)
Travel agency of the complete cycle Printing printing products, dedicated to tourism (catalogs, cards, Promotional Products)
Spas / resorts / motels Publication of specialized lines of drugs to tourists
Service sector Service sector
unions, associations and other associations, control the development of tourism in Russia and abroad
Organization of exit Congress, workshops, lectures
holding festivals, exhibitions, fairs, etc..

To suit business at the opening of their own travel agencies

Most often, successful owners of travel agencies are former managers, which have had some success in this type of activity. Also, such a business for those, who have the appropriate education and experience in leadership positions.

The target audience

The main consumer of tourist services in Russia - it:

  • The citizens of consistently high-income aged 20 to 50 years old,
  • they, who regularly visits other countries, or within the country often goes on business issues.


The monthly cost of the advertising campaign can be up to 140 000 rubles, if you use the following additional types of business promotion:

  • TV ads.
  • Work with bloggers.
  • magazine / catalog Issue (every month).
  • Other printed matter (small, leaflets, brochures).

Rent costs, depending on the city, will be from 15 000 rubles per month. For the main office representative will be enough room in the small business- or shopping center.

The main taxes paid

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added

cost of

Month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule of payments 2,2 %
podhodnyh tax wages fund month 13%
Social payments wages fund month 30%


project costs (in rubles.)

Name expenditure cost of


per month in year One-time purchase Total costs per year
rent office, room from 20


35 000 420 000 70 000 490 000
Spending on the paperwork companies 1 30 000 30 000
Purchase of vehicles 1 1 900 000 1 900 000
Buying equipment 10 182 229 182 229
Purchase of computer equipment 1 103 780 103 780
Site, hosting, purchase of the necessary scripts, 1 60 000 60 000
Fixed costs of online advertising 12 55 000 660 000 660 000
Salary 12 407 550 4 890 600 4 890 600
including. taxes 12 90 000 1 080 000 1 080 000
Unexpected expenses 234 600 234 600
in total: 497 550 5 970 600 2580 609 8 551 209



To ensure the quality of managers, you need:

  • computers (2).
  • Printer.
  • Scanner.
  • tables.
  • Furniture for staff and customers placing.

Costs for this item of business travel companies plan amount to about 70 000 rubles.

Algorithm step by step actions for registration of travel agencies

  1. Paperwork, study regulations, regulating the activities of such firms.
  2. Making agreements with the major suppliers of stages, debugging operation timing of applications and computer programs
  3. Buy or Rent.
  4. behavior repair.
  5. Purchase of office equipment.
  6. recruitment.

Important! For, to obtain a license to conduct tourism activities in the Russian Federation, you must perform a number of conditions:

  1. Hire in the state of not less than seven employees with diplomas of higher education in the field of tourism, or experience of at least 5 years old.
  2. Head of experience should not be less than, than three years in the presence of a special diploma. or higher education.

The license is issued for a period 5 years old.

Documentation for review

  1. Russian Federation Federal Law on the bases of tourist activity in the Russian Federation
  2. Russian Federation Government Resolution 18.07.2007 N 452 (row. from 01.09.2018) “On Approving the Rules provide services for the implementation of the tourism product”
  3. Article 4.1. Terms of the tour operator activities


  1. The major risk has been and remains the presence of competitors. About 30% startups, travel agencies are closed in the first years of operation, not being able to become competitive in their niche.
  2. Currency fluctuations.
  3. Unstable political and economic situation.
  4. Malfunctions tour.
  5. Human factor (errors, managers admitted during the procedure of registration or the total travel documentation).
  6. Failures clients against travel.
  7. business seasonality. High season in tourism is generally considered April-November.

Search and selection of partners

Among the potential partners of the young developing a travel agent can be: major tourist corporation, which on mutually advantageous conditions given the opportunity to enter into an agency agreement, which usually includes tours booking system online, as well as through bonuses.

  1. logistics companies.
  2. Hotel owners, hotels, hostels.
  3. visa Application centers.
  4. Entertainment centers.
  5. Bureau to provide excursion services.

on the video: The urgency of tourist industry, how to make their journeys


The principal in the state are considered as managers, consultants. Job descriptions of such employees are registered in the following regulations:

  1. GOST R 55318-2012 tourist services. General requirements for the staff of tour operators and travel agents
  2. On approval of the Administrative Regulations

Usually the responsibility of managers includes client consultation, assistance in the selection of the tour and its subsequent registration:


Position Requirements for the employee Job Function Salary

per month


Accountant knowledge of accounting software;

special education;

work experience 3 years old.

conducting the accounting documentation;

Preparation and submission of reports.

35 000


fluency in a PC and dedicated reservation software;

English / other / their foreign / s language / s;

Correct oral and written language;

stress resistance.

advising clients;

receiving calls and control email;

site content;

Reservations and tickets;

order insurance;

preparation of documents for

the client receives a passport and visa;

interaction with the tour operator;

monitoring best deals on the tourist market.

25 000

helpful hints

That will quickly go out today to self-sufficiency in tourism?

The main trends today is the individual approach, the personification of a different kind of vacation, depending on the client's goals, and a total yield of citizens in the Internet network. Over the past few years, passengers accustomed yourself to book a place on the bus, train and plane at your home or office, and stopped so often turn to intermediary company or apply directly to the ticket office visit. These potential customers, there are today about 70%.

People have started to organize their leisure time and recreation. Holidays in a group today are choosing very few citizens. It is worth noting, that potential customers-millenialy absolutely refused travel agencies services, directly using summer services segment and B2C.

Government supervisors were legalized TN. "Electronic tickets". agents, working in the online segment, They increased their sales by more than 20 times compared to previous period. The most successful are those, who invested in the promotion and filling their sites more effort and funds.

Consumer habits and demand grow from the development of online offerings. Online agents offer the service at an attractive price, which can be viewed from the comfort of home. Conveniently, quickly and reliably - service above all else. And these trends will significantly gain momentum in the future.

Western market ahead of Russia in the development of tourism industry, there has long been offering dynamic packaging and form a high-quality online packages, which allow to expand the geography of travel, improve the reliability and quality services.

Sell ​​charter product today - very big and unnecessary risk, According to experts. Level margins classical tourist industry today is about ± 3%, this figure does not always cover the risks, resulting in the unregulated market, which depends on many political and economic factors. So, supply and demand balance in the dynamic batching regulate themselves airlines and hotels - they can afford to offer the cheapest product without compromising quality and own income.

Hoteliers get a higher income, than tour operators. During low season, they can attract customers discounts, to be able to maintain a high class infrastructure, and to justify the maintenance of staff.

We can say with confidence, experts stress, that the market of tourist services players are dependent on technology. Today, the market shows a high integration in the global network, part of which is Peakwork platform, which includes Google, Kayak, Sabre, Expedia, TUI, Tomas Сook, FTI, Booking, KIWI, Hotelbeds and a number of other brands. Yet Peakwork - it is the only high-end database network of tourism service providers. Decision, ideally suited to customers, as it saves them time and money.

According to experts, Today investors are still willing to invest in the development of world tourism business. If some segments and indicate the presence of pent-up demand, in general, tourism is the driving lever of the economy of many cities and even entire countries. Global industry leaders own their own hotel chains, airlines, fleet, and other segments of the tourism infrastructure. holdings, created on the principle of vertical integration, Virtually no crisis effects: they are completely self-sufficient in the service chain, from the service provider, and ending with distribution.

Documentation for the study

  1. On approval of the Administrative Regulations GOST R 54600-2011
  2. tourist services. travel agencies services. General requirements GOST R EN 13809-2012
  3. tourist services. Tour operators and travel agents.
  4. Terminology GOST R 55318-2012
  5. tourist services. General requirements for the staff of tour operators and travel agents

According to experts, further developed large metapoiskoviki and consumer digital platforms, which will be available as a financial, and marketing tools. Besides, the above-mentioned platforms have an arsenal of tools Big Data. Much attention will be paid to a personal consultation. Today, customers still need specialist, which will not only help qualified advice free of charge, but it will also provide a competitive offer with a varied assortment., assortment offer,

Pay is already in the planning phase much attention to after-sales customer support. Actively developing now extra. services and expertise, which also include tech personification. According to experts, most traveling nation will become the Chinese - already it shows the dynamics of growth in the tourism sector about 9,8% compared to the same period of previous years.

According to the head of the Federal Tourism Agency, Oleg Safonov, the main trend in future years will be the development direction of sales “electronic vouchers”, that will guarantee the protection of rights and interests of travelers. This product will be an opportunity to improve the quality of services, provided by tour operators and travel agencies and increase the level of transparency in this market segment. Such a system will be comfortable for both business, and client. Until such a system is recommendatory, but it may soon become a must-see destination travel agency business plan.

It is worth noting, more 80% tour operators have established a system “Master Tour”, which has not yet been integrated with electronic vouchers, and, therefore, the necessary data will have to enter manually.
