Business Plan holidays Agency

Business Plan holidays Agency
Table of Contents article:

An example of a business plan from scratch Agency holidays

How to open a business in organizing events agency - an issue of concern to many beginners business. Example of free business plan for the organization of events, including children, It helps to identify the main underwater rocks and businesses to deal with the size of initial investments for institutions of different size and scale of work activities. Business plan is used for the preliminary assessment of the project and determine its effectiveness, as well as a presentation of the project to future investors or creditors.

What information should contain a business plan?

Summary of the business plan for the opening of the agency from the ground up holidays

This project - a plan for the creation of a private company organizing events for 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan start from scratch Agency holidays.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand provision of services organization of celebrations, anniversaries professional team, filling the niche of the entertainment market in Russia.
  4. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan

In the business plan registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be prepared to work in extreme conditions and large-scale, possess creative thinking and acting potential (it's desirable). Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. services, now rendered.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.

According to experts, three large orders in the first months of the Agency for the holidays will come out of newly established enterprises on the level of self-sufficiency, Besides, customers can also become enterprise customers and service promotional(BTL-actions).

Number of employees during the startup phase of the project can not exceed ten experts. Net profit after paying the required contributions in the form of taxes, wages cover other types of costs, will be from 15 percent of the total cost of the event, which is paid by the client. Specialists of the agency should be aware on the equipment service price fluctuations, service actors, psychologists and other professionals, Besides, have information, where you can get technological support at the best price.

Maximum profit agency brings to the modern conditions of the organization of events such as parties for corporate customers, whose price for the end consumer can make from 5 000 to 35 000 000 dollars. For, to be able to receive such a high profit, agency owner need to understand, that of the well-coordinated work of his team, and the level of creativity will depend his future reputation.

They are also popular scripts, built on the basis of cartoons and movies, where as the heroes can try firm employees. The quality of implementation of such orders is dependent on the solvency of the head of firm-customer.

The main limiting factor is the timely profit payment of tax deductions. Tax on recreational activities rose to the level of 13 percent. One of the main items of expenditure will advertising campaign agency services for the promotion of. The main ways of promotion - word of mouth advertising and the distribution of leaflets in places where the target audience (restaurants, and so on.)

How to open a holiday agency with a minimum budget and earn

On the way of the development of human history is replete with examples, where prohibited by law and gambling have helped to develop new land, bring to a new spiral of various art forms and advance scientific progress. Progress entertainment shows, that often forbidden precisely those games and entertainment events, which have earned a lot of popularity among the people. Laws industry development, which can be analyzed and classified, can demonstrate the dynamics of the historical process and to predict the prospects of the popularity of this or that branch of business in the field of entrepreneurship. The historical process is cyclical, so startups will look out of place in the history books and delve into the question of the popularity of certain games. This will help them develop as a person and leader in future business..

Entertainment is one of the fastest growing industries in Russia., therefore, it is important to manage to occupy unoccupied niches and succeed in them. The main distinguishing feature of the current stage is the development of regions. Over the past few years it has significantly increased the number of professional players in the industry, identify new leaders.

The most promising for investments from the point of view of capital investors, are regions such as:
  1. Krasnoyarsk,
  2. Irkutsk,
  3. Khabarovsk,
  4. Primorsky Krai.

Increased activity in business relationships attracts tourists, develops city infrastructure, enriches the region as a whole. The growing growth rate of the need for active leisure requires the emergence of new entertainment centers, creative ideas and the acquisition of technological innovations – tools to meet the demand of today's demanding target audience.

Features of this type of activity

Firstly, it is worth paying attention to such features of opening a holiday agency as:

  1. The importance of first impressions. First event, which you will spend, will become the foundation of your future reputation.
  2. Serious competition, as from private individuals leading holidays and events, and from similar event agencies. Consequently, the increased demand for such services is most dynamically traced in large cities and regional centers.
  3. The target audience for such a business is the corporate component of the population, as private clients cannot always afford such services.
  4. The main points of the businessman’s expenses are rental of a presentable office space, rent, leasing or acquiring professional quality (most often from foreign manufacturers), equipment. Plus cash rewards for animators and other full-time professionals, as well as employees, outsourced. The success of your business directly depends on the skill level of employees earnings level. Choosing an office space for rent, pay attention to offers ranging from 10 to 15 square meters, which should be located in close proximity to the city center, where there is the greatest concentration of potential target audience.

Oakved holidays agency, an excerpt from the main document

Statistical data napolnennnosti some Russian regions of the target audience and the amount of supply / demand for the period 01.01.2017 year are presented in the table


Moscow St. Petersburg In Russia In the European part In the Far East
The population in the village 12,3 million people. 4,97 million people. 146,5 million people. 115,36 mln.r)b. 27,54 million people.

provided services consumed in 2012 year

103.67 bln. 44.57 bln. 1 374.87 billion. rub. 968.64 bln. 406.22 bln.
The number of provided services consumed in 2016 year 176.426 bln. 75.849 bln. 2 339.76 billion. rub. 1648.44




Number of large entertainment industry enterprises (agencies) 2012 year 1 978 858 8 476 6 670 1 806
Number of large entertainment industry enterprises (agencies) 2016 year 2 205 980 9 482 7 460 2 022
Industry growth 2010-2012 11.40% 11.40% 11.40% 11.40% 11.40%
Industry growth in 2013-2016 from 10 % in year from 10 % in year from 10 % in year from 10 % in year from 10 % in year
Industry Growth Forecast 2017-2018 from 5.6% to 7.2% in year from 5.6% to 7.2% in year from 5.6% to 7.2% in year from 5.6% to 7.2% in year from 5.6% to 7.2% in year
Enterprise shortage 123 55 531 418 113


Launch and formation project, the timing of the turn-based strategy

The start of the project begins when you receive a loan on hand. The completion of the project is scheduled in 2 of the year.

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
start of the project 1, 5 – 2 of the year
Conclusion of an agreement with investors 1 project of the month 1 -30 banking days
Getting credit Availability

the corresponding package of documents

30 calendar days
Entering into the list of the state register registration with administrative and tax authorities conclusion

Treaty Investor

30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary


30 calendar days
Buying equipment conclusion

Treaty Investor

from 24 hours to a month
Equipment installation reception

Financial resources from investor

from 24 hours to a month
recruitment production


from 24 hours to a month
Training The end stage of the production process from 24 hours to a month
Marketing campaigns 12 months
End of project, reaching self-sufficiency 12-24 of the month

Statistics and forecasts of experts on the various sectors of the media and entertainment market 2016-2021

AT 2015 , the dynamics of development of the markets showed their entry into the pre-crisis level of sales. In this case, the market left the weak players and doing business schemes have become more transparent and customer-oriented. Therefore, have been greatly simplified model of barter, improved and modernized payment methods for goods and services, the business moved to the online sphere. Consumers thus more closely approach to the choice of the final product and require high service level, since become strapped for cash and / or acquainted with the foreign service practice.

The highest rates of growth of the entertainment industry has experienced in the period 2014-16 gg. It should be emphasized, that the economic and political phenomena, taking place in a neighboring country Russia, extremely negative impact on interstate trade relations. As a result,, in the coming years the growth rate of demand for the entertainment sphere in the Russian Federation will demonstrate a positive trend.

Revenue segments of the global entertainment and media 2016 and 2021 gg.
Revenue segments of the global entertainment and media 2016 and 2021 gg.

the Internet

sector “the Internet” the latest figures show the most dynamic growth. These include indicators of consumer spending to gain access to the network and placing paid advertising. As experts, the average percentage of advertising sector growth in the network to 2021 year around 17,8%, and citizens the cost of connection to the Internet access and payment for services will increase by 10% Every year. Market leader in terms of industry 2008 I was gambling with the result $4,6 000 000 000. Segment access to the Internet network will reach 29%. Russians have become increasingly use mobile devices to access the network. Dynamic gain shows a segment of a virtual reality, which develops due to the video format and the use of portable helmets, that implement the rapidly growing capabilities of mobile technology.

Video game and film industry

The fall of this part of the market amounted to nearly 46% for two years, due to restrictions, imposed by the legislation in force. video games sector in Russia 2019 year can make 2 000 000 000 US $. Russia's growth rate is 10,6%, the result is we are a world leader.



Box office in Russian cinemas keep growing. TO 2021 they grow up 839 000 000 $ with compound annual growth rate 4,7%. Wherein, Revenues from broadcasting commercials before and after the screenings will increase from 16 000 000 $ to 24 000 000 $ at 2021 , with the compound annual growth rate 7,8%. In the forecast period is expected gradual increase in cinema attendance up 197,6 000 000 sold tickets to 2021 year (CAGR - 2,5%).

Musical entertainment market sector and eSports

The global music industry is showing an increasing year-on-year trend of changing user priorities. So, the vast majority of music lovers, instead of acquiring music on media, are increasingly subscribing to paid music services with high-quality content. Despite this, digital music segment in 2016 year exceeded revenue for the first time from music content on physical media (8,5 000 000 000 $) and made up 10,7 000 000 000 $. Total music industry revenue in Russia in 2016 year decreased 4,6%, with 578 000 000 $ at 2015 year before 551 000 000 $ at 2016 year, at 2017 the year the market recovered to 557 000 000 $. The main reason for the decline in market volume was a noticeable reduction in the live music segment, worsening general economic situation in the country and a significant reduction in the price of the ruble. Consequently, the population is less and less able to afford to attend a live music concert.

AT 2017 live music segment remains at the level of 2016 year and amounted 490 000 000 $. However, the appreciable appreciation of the ruble during 2016 made the organization of Western artists' performances available to local promoters again. According to experts, at 2021 the segment of live music will be 535 000 000 $ at a compound annual growth rate of 2%.

Chief Expert of the publication "World Overview Entertainment and Media: forecast for 2017-2021 years ", Yuri Pooh, stresses, that between 2016 by 2021 years will be the most profitable to invest in new technologies, that create the most attractive and intuitive user environment and help meet the demanding tastes of today's consumers. Usually, This could include the means of media industry. 2016 year showed record growth in revenues from mobile / internet advertising. This will be used more and more platforms.

AT 2016 eSports year was officially recognized in the Russian sport, and the official eSports site was opened - Yota Arena. According to the results 2016 , revenue from the eSport in Russia was 3,8 $ millions. at the level of experts predict a growth rate of 33,2%, at 2021 the market volume will be 16 $ millions.


Organization of holidays from the ground up as a business (example business plan)
Organization of holidays from the ground up as a business (example business plan)

Overall rating of the entertainment market in Russia

Firstly, overall assessment entertainment market in Russia amounted as of 2016 year 2339,76 billion, rubles. The projected increase in 2018 year – 7,4%.

AT 2016 , the entertainment industry are complemented by new projects both in Russia:

  1. quests,
  2. antikafe (kovorkingi, time clubs),
  3. aktyvyty parks,
  4. interactive museum and theaters,
  5. contact zoos,
  6. laser,
  7. zorb and a number of others.

As a result,, virtual reality gaming technologies are being actively developed today, viar and other technological interactive innovations, which have an increased demand from the target audience, despite their rather high price category. TO 2021 year, according to experts, order will be used in Russia 12,8 million virtual reality helmets. The total average annual growth rate in the forecast period will be 126,4%. Main part (89,1%, or 11,4 million helmets) will be portable mobile devices, who need a smartphone to work. Such devices are affordable and realize those opportunities, which provide fast-paced technology, used in smartphones.

The most popular and affordable format, the virtual reality of the market was today video. The average annual growth rate of this segment in the forecast period will be 91,2%. AT 2019 year, video will overtake interactive applications and games by income. Expenses for virtual reality applications will be reduced, because utilities, Correcting deficiencies platform or operating system, integrate into the base platform in exactly the same way, as with the release of new versions of the operating systems iOS or Android.


Free example of a business plan of an agency for organizing holidays with calculations
Free example of a business plan of an agency for organizing holidays with calculations


The urgency of the opening of business on holding celebrations

Why is it profitable to open an agency for holding and organizing festive events today??

The most important reasons to start your project in the near future:

  1. Fairly low market entry threshold.
  2. Reduced financial risks, subject to the presence of certain factors - sufficient starting capital, qualified staff, quality equipment and experience with the founder.
  3. Self-sufficiency comes after a year and a half of the existence of the agency.

Assessment of market conditions provision of services in the entertainment sector

User behavior has changed with the growth of technological capabilities, as well as the correlation between the role of content and its distribution in building a successful business strategy. Business models are changing, consumer demands more, what can he offer the media and entertainment industry companies Industry. For, to narrow the gap between demand and supply, startups need to think about:

  1. Search for innovative solutions.
  2. United around their brand active supporters, to obtain best value for users.
  3. The use of innovative technologies to provide a more intuitive, simple and at the same time attractive and sought after by the most exacting client user environment.
  4. The main is the quality of customer service.

According to the results 2016 of the year, global industry volume 1,8 trillion dollars, and to 2021 its global average annual growth rate will be 4,2%. The main industry growth will be provided by the e-sports and virtual reality sectors. Most of the profit is spent by companies on an accurate analytical calculation performance of advertising campaigns and the introduction of effective ways to attract new customers. The average annual growth rate of online advertising is expected to be 18,5%, and to 2021 year, the sector will be 171 000 000 000 Doll.

Comparison of sales growth in various sectors

2016 2017 2019 2020
Online Advertising Brings More Global Market Income, than television.


Online video revenue exceeded home video income on physical media.



AT 2019 year revenue from virtual reality video will exceed revenue from interactive applications and games.



Mobile traffic will exceed the amount of data transfer via broadband fixed channels.


Global revenues from newspaper circulation exceeded revenues from advertising, that was placed in them

Total revenue from digital music exceeded the revenue from music content on physical media, and revenue from streaming music content - revenue from downloads.


First of all, the state of the service sector of the market shows steady growth from year to year, however, the number of potential customers remains at the pre-crisis level. For, that the business plan shows a clear trend of each city / region, a thorough marketing analysis is necessary, which will demonstrate consumer opinion factors. The project with the first months of the launch is to build a true financial strategy and become a legislator creative exclusive offers.

Feature object

The company for the organization and holding of holidays will be engaged in the professional organization and conduct of events of an entertaining nature.

the main goal: entertain and deliver pleasant emotions to participants in events such as:

  • Corporate.
  • Wedding.
  • Birthday (including children).
  • Public holidays.
  • Thematic events and so on.

Agency work begins at that moment, when the target customer, together with the consultants of the institution, chooses the main idea of ​​his holiday. Definition of the main semantic load of the holiday, as well as its direct preparation and further conduct is a creative creative process, lively and exciting action.


The main range of services, which will be provided by the agency for celebrations:

  • corporate entertainment events,
  • organization of theme holidays,
  • team building, team building trainings, games (as one of the components of a corporate holiday),
  • escort and birthday service, anniversaries, commemorative dates,
  • wedding design and maintenance,
  • organization of public holidays for individuals and organizations,
  • conducting and accompanying holidays for children,
  • organization of concert programs, tour management PR, accompaniment of show programs, holding cultural events for citizens,
  • corporate service holidays in the country,
  • organization and assistance in conducting presentations, workshops,
  • decoration of all the above events.

Select the format of the agency organizing events

  • Independent organization of a turnkey event from scratch, requires a large staff and solid investment.
  • Minimum staff, which can provide search for contractors for large orders. This format is most often used by startups.. The main disadvantage is the need for thorough preparation and selection of bona fide contractors to ensure the best quality of the event. Moreover, the financial return on such orders is minimal with the usual mark-up in 10-15 percent. The advantage is low financial costs and, as a consequence, a lowered threshold of financial risk.
  • Part of the staff is hired, part is invited on the terms of outsourcing. It’s common practice - the sales manager and the driver with a private car are constantly working in the agency.
  • The main protagonist of the event is the host. He is developing an entertainment program., and ensures its implementation. Typically, presenters are invited from the outside and collaborate with a wide range of showmen.

We list the main types of the leading

  1. Young specialists and employees of cultural centers. The price of their services, as well as the quality of events - at a fairly low level and varies from 3 to 5 000 rubles per evening.
  2. This category itself offers its services to firms and offers ready-made work portfolios.. It’s worth hiring such a specialist from 7 to 17 thousand.
  3. Media Presenters. Universal specialists, who perform with a concert program. The cost of the services of specialists of this kind can reach 50 000 rubles per evening.

On nationwide holidays, the fee of all, without exception, leading increases several times. You can search for leaders on the Internet or conduct a survey among colleagues, which among other things, can characterize one or another specialist, or on the forums, dedicated to weddings and other events. Show groups and artists themselves also offer their services and place ads on the network.. The price of a performance by an ordinary artist can reach 6 000 rubles, stars - from 25 000 rubles, DJ - 7 000 rubles. Photographer services and video recording will cost 6 000 rubles per evening.

experts note, then the niche of the entertainment market is not yet completely filled, due to, that this type of entrepreneurial activity has a long payback period and requires a solid cash investment. It is very important for investors to have a ready-made business plan with all the calculations., risks and timing - as a guarantee, that their financial assistance to a startup will pay off and will benefit both parties to the contract.

Implementation of financing for startups

  • The project is financed through commercial lending.. according to calculations, which will be given below, received a loan of 2 850 169 rubles.
  • nature of the enterprise: company for the organization and holding of celebrations.
  • Starting investments into the project: 2 850 169 rub.
  • Startup payback period: 24 of the month.
  • The investor will receive an income of 216 755,35 rubles.
  • Payments of interest on the loan are made immediately during the launch and development of the project until the full repayment of the debt.
  • Repayment of the amount of borrowed funds begins immediately from the beginning of the project.
  • The return of borrowed funds is carried out without deferred payments to simplify the structure of the formula for calculating the flow of discounting and regulating the cash flow of the project. The project summary contains the interest rate on borrowed funds, which amounted to 14%. worth considering, that the interest rate for investment projects and small businesses may fluctuate depending on conditions, delivered by a particular bank and changes in legislation. Accrued percentage in total terms amounted to 216 755,35 rubles.
  • The conditional life cycle of the project will be 24 of the month
  • The payback period from the beginning of the project will be 210 days.
  • Payback period, taking into account discounting 24 of the month.
  • The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 17 440 449,93 rub.

Financial plan

Accounting system: The financial year of the company starts in January.

project Currency: rubles (rub.)

Basic tax table, paid by the enterprise

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added value Month 18%
Property tax Property Price According to payment schedule 2,2 %
podhodnyh tax wages fund Month 13%
Social payments wages fund Month 30%

How to attract and keep customers?

Properly formed pricing policy and high level of service.

planning revenue. Structure, forecasts

The first sales are for the period 2017-2018.

The basis of income

  • Consideration of the depth and level of demand of the needs of the target audience in the service;
  • Analysis of the volume of the market for the provision of services for enterprises "Organization of holidays";
  • General systematic conclusions about the state of the market volume of the business segment “Organization of holidays”.

Average prices for services companies to organize and conduct celebrations


Show – program
Leading for 5 hours from 16 380 p.
Presenter and Disco for 5 hours from 28 829 p.
Disco * (equipment rental, DJ work) for 5 hours from 12 252 p.
Music bands (live music) for 5 hours from 24 898 p.
Dance groups, ballet show for speaking from 11 794 p.
Original artists for speaking from 5 242 p.
Photo, video, shine, special effects
Rental of dynamic lighting “Head” (Motorhcad), rent 4 PC. from 15 725 p.
Projection equipment * (screen, projector), rent 5 hours from 15 332 p.
Digital Photography for 1 time from 2 621 p.
Digital video shooting, DV format (minimum 8 hours) for 1 time 1 966 p.
Video editing, computer per movie from 13 104 p.
Balloon Decoration from 2621 p.
Holding a firework * from 24 898 p.
Awnings and scenes
Awning, rent for 1 m ** 2 from 2 555 p.
Mobile scene, rent for 1 m ** 2 from 2 621 p.
Limousine rental for 1 time from 1 441 p.
– bus for 1 time from 1 966 p.
– minibus for 1 time from 1 441 p.
– motor ship for 1 time from 15 725 p.
Cake (order)
Exclusive cake for 1 kg from 1009 p.
Buffet in the nature for 1 man 590 p.
Pigeons 1 couple 2 621 p.
Bouquet for the bride from 4 128 p.
Decoration of the hall with flowers from 3 931 p.

implementation services program

In the process of compiling the grid for the provision of services, the factor of the most reduced profitability threshold for the acquisition of enterprise services. For, to fully form the influx of orders, need to spend from 6 to 8 months. At the beginning of its work, the enterprise will be able to qualitatively perform no more 2 full orders for 100 000 rubles. While maintaining a high level of service and quality of services, the enterprise will be able to increase the volume to 3 orders with increasing their cost and increasing the complexity of the order, increasing confidence (customer loyalty) and reputation. The life span of the company will reach 12 months and more, during this period the company will hold from 4-6 orders monthly, making profit on 70 000 rubles for each. If these conditions are maintained, the company will pay off for 12-24 of the month.

the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period

Period Type of service volume

production and sales in a month (PC.)

cost of Revenues from sales (rub.)
1-12 month

project investment


Corporate parties 2 – 4 from 100 000 200 000 –

400 000

1-12 month

project investment


Weddings, anniversaries etc. 3-5 from 250 000 750.000

1 250 000

13 -24 month


Corporate parties




106 000 1 060 000
13-24 month


Weddings, anniversaries etc. from 10 from 260 000 2 600 000

Subject to the preservation of such market growth trends, in the form of an increase in the volume of services and consumption in the amount of 5,6 %% in year, the company will reach a growth in sales volumes of the 26,24 000 000 rubles per year or more.

Based on the above sales growth data, The calculation of the discounted revenue streams, loan repayment, the cost of activities of the company.

Basic and indirect costs Enterprises

One of the main goals of the company is to overcome obstacles to entering the market and obtain consistently high profits., it is necessary at the start to purchase high-quality equipment with improved characteristics and the possibility of longer use, and a good level of depreciation. The purchase of equipment will be the main part of the costs. Cost analysis takes into account the specifics of the Enterprise.

Project costs in rubles

Name expenditure cost of


PCS. per month in year Lump


Total costs per year


lease of premises from 40


48 0000 57 60 000 960 000 6 720 000
Buying equipment 10 372 380 372 380
Consumables 1 5674,5 68 094 5674,5 5674,5
Website and hosting 1 500 6 000 121 450 121 450
Fixed costs of online advertising 12 75000 900 000 900 000
Salary 12 6 83 540 8 202 480 8 202 480
• including. taxes 12 205 540 24 66 480 24 66 480
Unexpected expenses 145 950 145 950
in total 1 244714,5 14 936 574 1 605 454,5 164 679 34,5

Useful documents

NACE nightclub and Celebrity

About licensing

Federal-Law-on-08.08.2001-N-129 FZ-red.-of-31.12.2017


Federal Law of 03.07.2016 N 290-FZ (row. from 27.11.2017

The range of services, accounted for within the indicator "The volume of paid services to the population" Collective classification group "Paid services to the population" based on the National Classification of products by economic activity (OKPD2) Approved by the Order of the Federal State Statistics Service 23 May 2016 g. № 244 (with changes, approved by Order of the Federal State Statistics Service 3 July 2017 g. № 448).


Equipment, necessary to ensure the full operation of the enterprise: office equipment, equipment, special equipment.

Special equipment includes:

  • Laptop model L500 - 1UU.
  • LCD TV Samsung.
  • LG DVD Player.
  • Helium balloon 40 liters.
  • LG speaker system.
  • HL Linear HF Amplifier.
  • Mixer.
  • Microphone Sony.
  • Laser color music on LEDs "LSS-020».

Risk assessment

risks, which can influence the beginning and development of activities:

  1. Unstable situation in the entertainment market in general.
  2. Fixed costs are at a fairly high level.
  3. Fairly long payback period of the project.

Necessary investments

The successful implementation of the project implies a loan in the amount of 28 50 169 rubles to 24 settlement months discount rate 14%. At the same time, the business will reach break-even points on the 13th settlement month. Then the first amount of profit will be 24 15 285,5 rubles.

After the loan is repaid, the amount of profit will be 24 15 285,5 rub. In this case, the bank's profit will be 2 16 755,35 rub. for 24 settlement period.

Monthly payments of expenses were from 12 44 714,5 rubles. The total gross profit of the project was: 524 70 000 rubles.

Project's profit amounted to: 17 440 449,93 rubles.

payback period

The acquisition of basic equipment usually pays for itself within a year of the agency's existence.

marketing plan

The marketing plan implies an analysis of the activities of competitors in the territory of the city chosen for the start, as well as the state of solvency of the consumer audience against the background of growing crisis phenomena in the global economy in general and in the Russian economy in particular.

Proof of the exclusivity of service orders in this particular company:

  1. Cold calls, communication with potential clients by e-mail sending letters with offers. The experience of medium and large event companies shows, that New Year's offers should be sent, since August.
  2. Development of, ordering and printing of merch - logo, trade brand, copyright.
  3. Rent or creation of a company website, placing advertisements on thematic forums and other related online platforms
  4. Creation of staffing table and conditions of personnel policy.
  5. The main promotion method is to create a positive reputation in the mind of the client, the desire to tell your friends about the agency - this will significantly save on business promotion.

Another important feature of this type of activity is its pronounced seasonality.: So, most wedding ceremonies are held in June-September, corporate parties – late December and summer. It is best to start with the opening of the company in the spring, to build up a client base and collect more profitable orders.

It is important to start with this project as soon as possible, as the entertainment market and the organization of corporate events in Russia are just beginning to develop, there is every chance to capture large orders and make company owners their regular customers. Today people are ready to pay good money for emotions and pleasure., therefore, the modern target audience requires performing certain tasks for their money.

The volume and quality of services, provided by the Agency for the holidays

  1. Creativity and exclusivity of the organized party.
  2. Individual approach to each client.
  3. Intrigue, drawing for guests.
  4. Maximum involvement of guests in the action.
  5. Opportunity to speak to the employees of the customer company.
  6. The wit and freshness of the host's jokes, improvisation.
  7. Today there is a clear tendency towards adaptation of rating television projects to the market for holding corporate events..

Professional television and show business is now available for a fee to almost everyone. At the same time, interest in this format of service provision may fade away in the near future, keep high ratings. The activities of creative scriptwriters and agencies will be popular and in demand, professionally building the logistics of a festive event from scratch. In the spring 2017 of the year, according to Rosstat, the volume of services was rendered at par 712 000 000 000 rub.

According to general statistics, the population of the Russian Federation is 146,5 million. person, while the number of agencies for organizing events in Russia is less than 10 000. Natural population growth increases the demand for these services. The potential for new entertainment businesses is approaching 531 unit when predicting the growth of the industry from 5,6% Every year.

According to experts, the number of customers for a service gives it social significance in that case, if their number is 1% from economically active population, i.e 710 000 person. In other words, with a correctly chosen business strategy and a well-chosen business model, creating a high reputation and trust among customers, a startup organizing holidays will allow the owner to receive a consistently high profit and provide an opportunity for further development.

Free example of opening a holiday agency
Free example of opening a holiday agency

The volume of the competitive environment

A number of new entertainment agencies are emerging, so the startup, to attract the attention of a potential client, and later make it your regular customer, it is necessary to take into account the following features of conducting fair competition:

  1. Introduction of new types of services.
  2. Search for an individual unique highly specialized niche, acting in one direction.
  3. Investing funds in innovative equipment, the ability to use the latest decor elements, keeping up with world fashion trends
  4. experts note, that modern startups have become more economical, and after the period 2015 of the year, when the industry shrank in general due to a temporary reduction in consumer demand, aspiring businessmen started investing in expensive equipment with caution.

AT 2015 year, the statistics noted the exit from the market 20 percent of players, while today growth is projected to 5, 6% in year.

Expert opinion:

According to the results 2016 the volume of the entertainment and media market in Russia amounted to 17 000 000 000 $, in 2017 it grew to 18 000 000 000 $, and to 2021 year - will reach the indicator in 23 000 000 000 $.

Worldwide survey of the entertainment industry and media: industry forecast for 2017-2021 is forecast at 7,2% - and this is higher than the growth rate of the global market (4,2%).


36% the entertainment and media industry in Russia is occupied by the advertising market, which in 2016 year was 6 000 000 000 $ , and 2021 will reach 7,8 000 000 000 $.

Business plan agency holidays example
Business plan agency holidays example

Price policy

The calculation is given as an example for a company, which already has permanent employees:

  • Sales Manager,
  • DJ, driver with personal vehicle.

Decorators and other employees are hired under an outsourcing agreement. The cost of the original congratulations or the organization of an act for lovers (marriage proposal), under such conditions may vary from 20 000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment

A novice businessman purchases equipment as the number of orders increases and the level of their complexity increases. Therefore, at the start, a basic set of equipment is enough. (is shown in Table), and rental of additional concert equipment or equipment of other types and purposes. At the stage of establishing a business, you will need a set of sound equipment, columns, amplifier, mixing console, microphone, light music and laptop. A helium cylinder is required as an accessory, which depending on the frequency and intensity of use, must be refilled every 60 days.

equipment requirements:

  1. Equipment must meet all fire safety requirements and basic regulations., prescribed by government supervisory authorities.
  2. The equipment must support business development and comply with regulations, included in the marketing plan of the enterprise.
  3. Equipment procurement price category - above average. First of all, depreciation and further depreciation are taken into account, as well as service features and quality of technical equipment, used by the enterprise.


An enterprise organizing holidays as a business is highly profitable and will bring income to the founder, subject to the proper conditions at the start of the business. Business is relevant in cities with a large number of residents with middle and high income. Business investment in the amount 2.85 mln.r. will pay off within 24 months from the date of launch and will bring revenue in 26.24 million.
