Beach Business Plan

Beach Business Plan
Wedding on the beach
Wedding on the beach

What information should contain a business plan for the beach?

Summary of business on the beach open plan from scratch

This project - a plan for the creation of private enterprises on the beach for the organization 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for the launch beach business plan from scratch.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand to fill a niche organization seasonal leisure.
  4. Providing opportunities for recreation on a landscaped beach.
  5. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
  6. Project cost: 64 280 000 rub.
  7. financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 64 280 000 rubles to 36 settlement months discount rate 14%.
  8. payback period: 3 of the year.
  9. investor income is 8 648 619,03 rub.
  10. Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
  11. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
  12. Implicit interest rate on borrowings 17,5 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
  13. The total amount of accrued interest will be 8 648 619,03 rub.
  14. The payback period from the beginning of the project 36 months
  15. Payback period with discounting 3 of the year.
  16. The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 4 964 523,07 rub.

stages of the project

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1-2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 30 calendar days 1-30 calendar days
Getting credit Having a proper set of documents 30 calendar days
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary work 30 calendar days
Buying equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds 1-30 calendar days
recruitment production activity 1-30 calendar days
□ swelling staff The end stage of the production process 1-30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project Year or two

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of the beach

In the business plan registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. services, now rendered.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.

Feature object

Private beach is capable of with proper businessman bring a good income. We also recommend to pay attention to the business plan opening of paid fishing. The beach can be located both on the river, and seashore. Typically beaches classifying on the basis of the composition of the surface layer. So, distinguish between sandy beaches, pebble and sand and shell. Advantages and Disadvantages of sand and pebbles discussed below. Pebbles is essentially trimmed waves small stones. experts note, beaches with pebbles that are usually cleaner, them easier to care, They are recommended for diving. Besides, fine pebbles foot massage, and keeps his eyes and body clean, Unlike sand.

The main disadvantage is the need for the pebble beach lying on hot rocks and the sun quite uncomfortable walking on it walk. However, this disadvantage can be solved easily purchase quality equipment and improvement of beach lounges and tracks.

Sandy beaches often recommended for families with children, they provide a more comfortable stay and offer the opportunity to play beach sports outdoors. Today, a few businessmen decide to open a private beach, since this kind of business is considered quite risky, and besides seasonal.

Business on the private beach

How to rent a beach legally

Rent coastal area the land must be legally.

Remember, there are a number of restrictions, which may hinder the development of your business on a private beach. So, the main difficulty lies in the fact, that legal conditions, you can not stop vacationers and local residents have free access to water. before, you start a business in the sector of private beach mean solid investment, I need to start to hire an experienced lawyer, who offers to rent a coastal area. This rule applies to both freshwater, and seas, estuaries and other water resources of the country. Most waters are federally owned, however there are a number of cases, When advantageous to arrange the sublease.

Most often the rental procedure and redemption of the beach is as follows: city ​​government announces an auction, which exhibit a certain section of the public beach with a water area. Local governments clearly define the rules for participation in the auction, and give priority to those applicants, which will provide the most viable business plan to use the site.

If you plan to rent a land with flowing waters, located outside the city limits, there should contact the regional management of the Federal Agency of Water Resources. One of the main conditions for participation in the tender for a plot is a ban on the slopes of the construction of buildings. It permitted the construction of garages for boats accommodation.

The first step will be to obtain the document - solutions for construction, in other words, opportunity to bid on an equal footing with other applicants.

After that, as the lease agreement is signed and approved, you need to hold a series of preparatory activities, without which it is impossible to pay on a private beach.

  1. Survey divers waters, identification and elimination of pollution of.
  2. Getting expert from the technical and sanitary services of the Russian Federation.
  3. Construction of the first paragraph or pre-hospital medical care.
  4. Organization of the rescue station and fire corner.
  5. Preparation of the beach to the opening of the bathing season followed by a reception operation in the beach area all regulatory agencies.

After that, How did you become documented temporary owner of the beach area with sand or pebble cover, You are solely responsible for the suitability of this point for residents and visitors to the city during the tourist season.

Get ready for, that regulatory authorities each month will come with checks.

Before the start of the bathing season is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities such as:

  1. Bottom survey by divers, identification of dangerous places (abrupt changes in depth, ям, whirlpools and so on.), with their subsequent marking
  2. Carrying out all necessary communications or repair outdated equipment
  3. Bacteriological analysis of water and soil in the absence of parasites and bacteria dangerous to humans
  4. Installation of buoys for safe waters limit for bathing children and adults
  5. Purchase the minimum required equipment - washers for the feet, fountains and drinking water machine, showers, cabins for changing clothes, toilets. Among the mandatory items - the presence of the hands-free, security and surveillance. It must also be set high mast, which will set the signal, permitting or prohibiting bathing under the influence of changes in weather conditions.

businessmen, who have already started their business on a private beach, mark, that the rent for the use of coastal zone is not the highest item of expenditure. Most of the start-up capital will be spent on landscaping and repair of communications. Some coastal areas must be constantly cleaned from the submerged logs, which can sometimes be used as a material for decorating the beach area. Also, there is another difficulty, related features of coastal areas Climate. It is necessary to carry out a complex of measures for the conservation of the coastal strip from the waves and wind erosion. Therefore, the purchase and installation of equipment, which will reduce the effect of waves, It will be completely out of place.

Some landlords contribute to the fight against the effects of natural forces on the territory of the beach, however, in most cases, an aspiring businessman has to cope on their own. Business on the private beach is seasonal and is associated with very high risks as the man-made, still economic.

experts note, that the main income of the beach owners comes from the paid infrastructure of the beach, organizing entertainment and food outlets. Rental of accessories for a beach holiday, as well as cabins for storage of personal belongings of visitors and the organization of car parking / parking will remain in positive territory. Eating entertainment and catering points are profitable in the summer season, regardless of proximity to the beach, however well the beach area and the opportunity to receive an additional package of services attracts a large number of potential customers.

You can make a profit regardless of weather conditions, by equipping a paid indoor sports ground. In recent years, there has been a rapidly growing demand among clients for the organization of corporate recreation and sports entertainment..

Active recreation park, erected on the beach, will reduce risks and help bring good income during the season.

According to experts, the beach business is constantly evolving, and it is almost impossible to predict accurately indicators of activity and movement of funds. This is an image business, cost-effective, with average profitability. Cooperation with urban infrastructure and favorable sublease conditions also give a good return..

Business plan beach prices
Business plan beach prices

Marketing plan

The main conditions for obtaining high profits

The main trigger for private beach customers is the cleanliness of sand / pebbles and developed infrastructure. Organization of timely collection and removal of garbage is the main item of the current expenses of a businessman in the high season.. It is advisable to organize beach cleaning and waste disposal during such hours, when there are fewer vacationers. Buying a large number of dumpsters with lids will also help keep the beach tidy..

To keep the beach clean, you can learn the practice of foreign beaches - there is face control at the entrance. I.e, guards do not allow persons in a state of altered consciousness to pass, with your food and drinks, as well as children and adolescents of a certain age, unaccompanied by adults. Fines for thrown bottles and cigarette butts also help keep the beach clean. Sand sifting equipment will also give the beach an extra attraction.. For active smokers, it is possible to equip separate smoking areas for cigarettes and vape devices.

It is also worth noting one more feature, which a businessman will have to face, who decides to organize a private beach. So, according to experts, areas near beaches are most often not assigned to any of the municipalities or are not maintained in proper condition by utilities. This negative factor also greatly influences the popularity of a private comfortable beach..

Some businessmen allocate funds from their personal budget to maintain this territory in proper form., however, the safety of visitors they can only on documented rented meters of coastal territory.

Private beach service during off-season

Some businessmen completely close their territory during the autumn-winter period, others buy additional equipment and organize winter outdoor activities. This includes the arrangement of ice rinks, slides, ski rental, snowmobiles, organization of winter kitesurfing. Winter holidays like Maslenitsa or baptismal bathing can also bring a good income in the off-season. From the beach you can make a full-fledged recreation park over time. In winter, the beaches are mainly serviced by funds, received during the high season. The enterprise is usually preserved for the winter, staff have to be recruited every year.

The rented beach area can be divided among several subleasers - this way you can significantly reduce costs and quickly get a profit. So, it is possible to implement together with other tenants a project to improve the beach holiday - arrange a lounge area for a more comfortable stay on the beach. These can be covered terraces with furniture for relaxation., separate bars and restaurants with a specific conceptual focus and much more.

Experts advise aspiring businessmen, so that they follow the simple, but nevertheless a very effective strategy. Namely: each beach should have a multiformat and be different from others. At the same time, the level of service should always remain on top and it is necessary to increase the number of bonuses., that your customers will receive, choosing a holiday on your beach.

Mayors of coastal cities celebrate, that the process of transferring part of the beaches to private hands, does not mean, that this property is completely transferred to the hands of the investor. So, entrance to the beach can be free. However, the use of the service (Catering, restroom, storage of things and entertainment can be paid and allowed at the legislative level).

Information to study

According to the current legislation of Russian Federation, water area and adjacent water protection coastal strip width 20 m. is a single natural complex, maintenance and operation of which is carried out by the water user.

The water area is intended for any business permitted by the current legislation (Water Code and Government Decree No. 1300 from 03.12.2014 g.)

In the water protection zone (Width 20 m) allowed to install

  • Any non-stationary objects, designed to improve the rest of citizens.
  • Piers for rental of boats and other water vehicles

For, to have all the authority to conduct business on a rented stretch of beach, the businessman must have a document called "State contract for water use". According to Article 7.6. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, without a private enterprise having this document to conduct activities in the water area and in the water protection zone.

Article 6 VC RF, applies only to natural persons, who have the right of access to water to meet their personal needs, wherein, these citizens are not authorized to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

project costs (in rubles.)

Expenditure base of the project business plan of the beach

Name expenditure cost of


per month in year Ednnovremembnaya


Total expenses


Beach rental 42 000 2 625 000 31 500 000 5 250 000 36 750 000
Construction of the pool, arrangement of the beach area 1 49 980 000 49 980 000
Buying equipment 10 1 216 470 1 216 470
Purchase of computer equipment for bookkeeping 1 60 000 60 000
Create site, payment hosting 1 60 000 60 000
Constant advertising costs 12 45 000 540 000 540 000
Salary 12 379 995 4 559 940 4 559 940
– including. taxes 12 121 495 1 457 940 1 457 940
Unexpected expenses 56 566 640 56 566 640
in total: 3 049 995 36 599 940 113 133 110 149 733 050



Prices for the equipment of luggage storage of things of beach visitors business plan
Prices for the equipment of luggage storage of things of beach visitors business plan

The financial year of the company starts in January.

project Currency: rubles (rub.)

The main taxes paid

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added

cost of

Month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule of payments 2,2 %
podhodnyh tax wages fund month 13%
Social payments wages fund month 34%


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