Business Plan Museum

Business Plan Museum
Business Plan Museum
Business Plan Museum

According to market experts, private museums by virtue of the features form a new collectible format and increases the audience of interested. Depending on the direction, private owners of museums to increase the investment attractiveness of a particular subject / theme collectibles. under the concept of “private museum” often fall projects, which are owned or leased sites with exposure, in which consists of thematic private collections and access to which is open to all comers for a fee. According to statistics, over the last decade has seen a significant increase in private museums. At the leading world positions are Europe, US and China. Private museums of Russia actively cooperate with government programs, giving their last exposure.

The reason for increasing the growth in the number of private museums lies in the fact, that private projects can be more flexible in making decisions and can create mobile collection, some items which can be purchased on the world-famous auction.

recall, that public museums is prohibited at the legislative level to participate in auctions, held in the West. Another huge advantage of the private museum is its right to sell part of its collection. In this state museums it is forbidden to sell even a portion of their assets. Private museums can respond quickly to fashion trends, sell the old collections and purchase new and more relevant for visitors. This right gives private projects on time to update the exposure and attract more customers.

market Features

Private museums in fact themselves form the market collections and monopolize the process of pricing in different niches. attracting customers, demonstrating different exposure, private museums create demand and new elements of the target audience, who are willing to buy the liked items. Museums-trendsettery (English. Trendsetter; from English. Trend - trend, to set - to set, start off) become not only active bidders, but also by their founders and main driving force.

Auctions are very beneficial such cooperation - comes to them a huge amount not only stakeholders, but the whole institution with a strong potential and investment opportunities. Besides, it should be stressed, that participation in the auction is celebrated not only the passion, but also a high cultural level and scale of charges. Art market in the world is constantly updated with the help of new and diverse topics of private museums. experts say, that the development of private museum business in Russia will follow the Western scenario and will eventually be able to strengthen and create its own distinctive features. So, mostly private museum collects the Board of Trustees (investors), which combine to result in a large enough resource. The current legislation is encouraging the scenario.

Federal Law on Export and Import of Cultural Property (№435 «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of public administration in the sphere of export and import of cultural property and archives" and № 430 "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation") from 28.12.2017, reads, that there are benefits, which can use only state and municipal cultural institutions.

This law also apply to the non-government-museum (P. 2 Article. 333-34 NK RF).

Besides, objects, of cultural significance, which were purchased or donated by private galleries, They will not be subject to VAT (P. 3 Article. 333-35 NK RF), as well as private museums, according to the Russian President postavnovleniyu, exempt from the payment of state fees for the right of temporary export, It is giving them the opportunity to participate in international projects.

Director of the Hermitage, Head of the Union of Russian Museums Mikhail Piotrovsky, He notes that private collections are often very professional and distinguishes from the classical academic museums, reflect the personality of its creator.

He also notes, what "Museum in our understanding, this institution, which has foundations. If there are no funds, this gallery ...». Also, experts say the trend prevailing in Russia to create a single museum area, in which the three main types of museums today marked - this state, private and public. In this space there is a healthy competition. Mikhail Piotrovsky, including direct competitors of private museums called recreational and entertainment complexes. Among the important components of successful expert calls the necessity of declaring exhibits, preservation of museum fund of the country, and security of collections. Besides, financial resources, earned museum, You should be spent on its immediate needs, but not deducted in favor of the state while reducing subsidies nation's cultural heritage.

expert stresses, that modern museums of Russia need a special concept, which will distinguish them from the rest of leisure and services.

Business plan of the museum as a start
Business plan of the museum as a start

Michael is convinced, what "Our mission: all we received from previous generations to preserve, to study and pass the following. This is the main, not fun ...». Art - is a kind of therapy, thus it should be offered knowledgeable educated people. Among the finest private museums in Russia, he called the Metropolitan Museum, and stresses, that it blends perfectly the mission of the museum and its dialogue with the urban space and visitors.

state museums, unlike private, They can take advantage of a number of tax benefits and receive some support from the state.

In this particular project should not draw such a document as an agreement on immunity from arrest of his paintings, imposed legal claims. Experts note, that a similar problem occurs in the organization of exhibitions in the US, representatives of which however are free to bring their own exhibition to showcase cities in Russia.

The best way to development of the industry will be close cooperation of private and public museums - thus, a single museum space will have the opportunity and the potential to expand and diversity.

This can be:

  • The publication of literature on art history topics.
  • Exchange of experience of curators.
  • development of infrastructure of small towns and even villages.


Business Plan Museum
Business Plan Museum


What information should contain a business plan?

Summary of business plan to open a museum from scratch

This project - a plan for the creation of a private enterprise for the organization of the museum 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for the launch of a private museum business plan from scratch.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand to fill a niche of the art market in Russia.
  4. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
  5. Project cost: 3 690 000 rub.
  6. financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 3 690 000 rubles.
  7. payback period: 2 of the year.
  8. investor income is 237 385,22 rubles.
  9. Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
  10. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
  11. Implicit interest rate on borrowings 14 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
  12. The total amount of accrued interest will be 237 385,22 rubles.
  13. The payback period from the beginning of the project 8 month.
  14. Payback period with discounting 2 of the year.
  15. The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 73 783 840,85 rub.

stages of the project

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1,5-2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month 1 -30 banking days
Getting credit Availability

the respective set of documents

30 calendar days
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities conclusion



30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary


30 calendar days
Buying exposure items (Finally, the exposure of contracts) preliminary


30 calendar days
Buying equipment conclusion



1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation reception



1-30 calendar days
recruitment production


1-30 calendar days
Training The end stage of the production process 1-30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project 12 months – 24 of the month

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan

In the business plan registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. services, now rendered.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.




Business Plan Museum: walkthrough

In private collections often exhibits on display, collected from private collections. According to the Association of private museums, many private museums have grown into a serious organization of all kinds of collections, who were part of the exhibition of certain major projects. Sometimes space is needed for interactive museums to attract more visitors and money return.

According to the current legislation of Russian Federation, you must register the museum as a form of private property, and pay a single tax on the activity. The main advantage of this type of business is the fact, that the opening of the museum does not require the purchase and registration of license.

Entrance to a private museum may be voluntary, however it is necessary to set the lower limit in the amount of, for example, at 50 rubles. Implementation of the souvenir and information products on electronic media also taxed.

Additional profits can be obtained, renting the museum premises for excursions, master classes and recreational activities. Expensive rent will pay for itself only, if visitors will very much, and they will have to constantly, so in order, to open a private museum in the city, also need to enlist the support of travel agencies and tour operators - visit your project, included in the finished tour of Russian cities for foreign tourists or residents of the country, It brings income as a travel agency, and your museum.

The main difference between a private museum by the state - ownership and the availability of charter. State may formally be regarded as the cultural institution, which has documented the museum fund and a plan for further development. The advantage of this type of activity is an opportunity to put his institution on the municipality balance, cities.

If the museum institution is totally private, the owner will have to pay all costs yourself. You can register as an individual, and company. to report to the authorities there is no need, and all the exhibits are in private collections, in other words, They belong to the owners. Some of the exhibits at the same time can be displayed on the thematic events, (example – "The Museum of little stories" and "Drum House") sometimes becomes a museum space itself - such as the White Tower in Yekaterinburg.

Today, during the change of generations, private museums and unusual space, It will be interesting to different age groups and individuals with different levels of income. Contemporary Museum - an interactive playground, a kind of creative laboratory, which does not require silence and stiffness. Museum for today's customer - the space, where you can take an active part: touch the exhibits, try, photographed with them. Muse show a good return, where you can taste these or other distinctive dishes, watch video tutorials.

Business Plan Museum
Business Plan Museum

The urgency of the opening of the museum business plan

museum, open to private collectors, It has all chances to become the brand of the city, region, countries. Those private projects become part of the urban space image. Another difference between these projects from large public institutions - is emotion, proximity to visitors, dialogue with it.

To a private museum brings a stable income, the need for clear planning framework of the future project. Practice shows existing museums, that prices and an extensive entertainment program attracts a large number of visitors.

Advantages and disadvantages of business at the opening of the museum

  1. Expensive room rental. To solve this whitespace, There are several ways. Sublease. So, some private museums rent their space for 7 000 rubles per hour for burgernyh, and other catering enterprises. To be held in the museum promotional campaign can any other company wishing to. Additional income, which will cover the cost of rental space, It can also bring the museum premises for rent for commercial event projects. Proceeds from the tickets at a lecture / concert is usually divided 50/50 between the organizers and participants of the event.
  2. Profit museum directly depends on quality of the target audience interest income and rental rates, which can reduce the legally. Ticket sales greater value shows in the premises of the museum. About 3% visitors to buy e-tickets, and a little more 5% of the total profits from the organization of corporate events, festivals and the sale of souvenirs. Most often, souvenirs are sold at cost, and produced / sold in order to maintain the museum brand.
  3. before, you open a museum in one or another city of the Russian Federation, necessary to carry out careful monitoring of citizens' incomes - so, if the capital cost for the entrance to a private museum can vary from 300 to 1500 rubles, the, eg, Kazan population simply does not have such income, to visit costly, no matter how interesting it may be.
  4. Each private museum can get a grant from the state, if he proves the viability and relevance of the project.

Modern private museums are mostly self-financing balance, As well According to the Budget Code, city ​​authorities have the right to grant grants only for projects, which are under their jurisdiction. City authorities in many regions of the Russian Federation note, that in recent years has increased significantly the appearance of a mini-trend of private museums. Mayors are ready to support private projects on the condition of the owners of the full information on the operation and development starapov and confirm their usefulness for the city.

If a private project of the museum belongs to the municipality, authorities will assist in the search for a safe and cheap rent room, or help to lower interest rates to pay the rent and utilities. Other projects will be supported by advertising and other means.

The process of inclusion of the private project in the museum fund may not be necessary in the event that, if no project exhibits artifacts. The most popular among the population today is the so-called "research centers". In this case, the owners of private collections claim, that delivery on gosuchet only complicates the management of the private museum of cultural activities, It imposes a number of restrictions, but it does not protect against the negative factors, emerging economy.

Private museum without posing gosuuchet may show greater mobility factor. Private cultural institution has the right to draw up their own action plan, which do not need to necessarily agree on and approve the representatives of the Ministry of Culture. experts stress, that the small private museums can respond quickly to any significant cultural event, occurred in the city and can quickly and efficiently make suggestions.

services, which can have a private museum

  1. Demonstration of exposures both on the basis of a permanent nature, and mobile.
  2. Organization and carrying out cultural activities for residents.
  3. Production and sales of photos- and video, museum dedicated to events and expositions.
  4. Implementation of gifts and souvenirs.

Contemporary museum features interactive and the ability to dialogue with the audience.

Billing period provided Museum Museum services business plan

Period Name of Service The volume of sales per month (u) price Revenues from sales (thousand. rub.)
1-12 monthly investment


Plata login from 300 to 3 000 people from 300 p. from 90 000 to 900 000 p.
1-12 monthly investment


Complete is эkspozitsiy, meals. from 1 meals. from 10 000 p. from 10 000 p.
1-12 monthly investment







from 12 meals. from 30 000 p. from 360 000 p.
1-12 monthly investment


Production and distribution of video cassettes, CD-R, DVD, aways, meals. from 100 000 meals. from 300 p. from 30 000 000 p.
13-24 month FUNCTIONAL Plata login from 330 to 3300 people. from 350 rubles from 115 500 to 1 155 000 p.
13-24 month functioning of Bani Complete is эkspozitsiy from 2 meals. from 12 000 p. from 24 000 p.
13-24 month





mass meropriyaty

from 13 meals. from 35000 rubles from 455000 rubles
13-24 month functioning of Bani Production and distributed s videotapes, CD-R, DVD, aways from 110 000 meals. from 350 rubles from 3 8500 000 p.

For, in order to fully realize the museum project, must

  1. Take out a loan in the amount of not less than 3 690 000 rubles to 24 settlement months discount rate 14%.
  2. Exit to break even venture will begin with the 4th billing month. During this period, the first sum arrived at the true entrepreneur will make the calculations 607 041,87 rubles.
  3. At the end of the crediting period will be the amount of profit 6 237 730.
  4. rub. In this case, the bank's profit will be 237 385,22 rub. for 24 settlement period. Monthly payments as expenses 516 770 rubles.
  5. The total gross profit of the project was: 112 574 000 rubles. Project's profit amounted to: 73 783 840,85 rubles.

project costs (in rubles.)

Name expenditure cost of
Qty (PC) per month in year Lump


Total expenses


Purchase (rent) building, room from 100


62 500 750 000 125 000 125 000
Buying equipment 10 508 820 508 820
Acquisition exposures items from 100 1 700 000 1 700 000
Purchase of computer equipment 1 100 000 100 000
Site, hosting, purchase of the necessary scripts, 1 250 000 250 000
Constant advertising costs, in Internet 12 100 000 1 200 000 200 000 1 200 000
Salary 12 354 270 4 251 240 4 251 240
including. taxes 12 113 270 1 359 240 1 359 240
Unexpected expenses 288 380 288 380
in total: 516 770 6 201 240 3 172 200 8 423 440


Advantages and disadvantages of opening the museum project's business plan

  1. The main advantage lies in the fact, that does not need license documentation for activities. Approvals and permits required in the preparation of the lease and will deal with general requirements, which typically imposed san station and Roscomnadzor. For a complete list of such documents can be found below.
  2. Small private project is quite able to do without the state.
  3. Owning startups rare objects increase attendance, and if the project owner can afford to purchase quality equipment and provide the proper current level of interactivity, the influx of customers in the entrance day and the holiday season provided.

on the video: Useful tips for beginners businessmen from the museum business owners

What you should pay attention to

  • room rental and its price, Structure condition.
  • business seasonality.
  • Skills, which will help in the drafting of the collection and provision of technological base of cultural institutions.
  • The concept of institutions - it is the range of emotions, you will want to give their customers. So, it may be naughty fun for a certain group of people - a museum of torture or eroticism, or exposure to a wider range fans, including teenagers and young children.
  • museum concept may be the simplest - way, A.Sergienko businessman had the idea of ​​the project for about a year, carried out in a matter of months. Museum tells the story of the site, that the establishment of seven rooms, each dedicated to a particular emotion. installations, art objects, audio and video tracks are selected in such a way, to hold a person in certain emotional states, that we often experience, or vice versa, we do not have enough in their daily lives. For this project, the author enough 200 quarter. m.
Evaluation of business attractiveness
Evaluation of business attractiveness

In the tourist centers reach the break-even point is usually easier and faster. Tourists will be able to find your museum faster, if we denote it on Google-maps, hire competent for the development of site SEO and opportunities identified in the guides and maps.

Documentation for the opening of the museum

  1. On approval of the standard industry labor standards
  2. About the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and museums in the Russian Federation (to changes in 28 December 2017 of the year)
  3. On approval of the professional standard of specialist accounting of museum objects (with changes 2016 year)
  4. On approval of the professional standard Guardian museum treasures (Staff museums)

Selecting the concept of the museum business plan

Typically, in order, to open a museum, required:

  • The presence of his own apartment (if you are willing to open the door to numerous strangers).
  • Separate premises owned or leased.
  • Plot of land in the open air.
  • Actually elements exposure, you are going to show.

You can open a museum or mono mix Museum, in other words, united by one theme or many topics, do not contradict one another.

good return, According to experts, offer eclectic entertainment and educational components. The museum's program may include a demonstration of the show, custom color music, videos, presentations. Museum owner must also take care of the timely completion of the collection.

Most often, private museums are working in the direction of painting and artistic values ​​- customers can purchase their favorite works. These include gallery, passages, which demonstrates pictures, photographs and installations. Additional charge for carrying camera and video will also bring net income museum.

What to choose to start: virtual or conventional museum?


Parameter virtual museum normal museum
creating value


From a few hundred thousand


From a few million


Terms of the museum, months Several months A few years
Number of visitors to the museum on the day From a few hundred to a few thousand


From a few tens to a few hundred visitors
Number of visitors to the museum in the year From a few hundred thousand to several million


From tens of thousands to several hundred thousand
Geography and coverage


From any country Mostly, from this


museum area, m. from several

square meters

From a few hundred square meters
The payback period of the museum, months Few months Some years
Advertising Museum possibilities Operational update anytime Updating of advertising takes time


In any country, in any city Economically feasible only in the capitals, or in the big cities
language support

visitors to the museum

The number of supported languages ​​is not limited Usually, no more 6-7 languages
The number of museum exhibits not limited Not more than a few thousand
Efficiency familiarization with the new

museum exhibits

Anytime there are restrictions
Making a building permit Not required required
Updating the museum exposition Anytime Usually, to a predefined plan and traffic


Museum mode of operation 24 hours a day, no lunch break, weekends and holidays Limited mode of operation time, intermittently
The museum staff Can stay in

any country

Live in the village, which houses the Museum
Teleworking in the museum possible and


extremely limited
fame museum World fame limited
The costs of promotion of the museum virtual museum, itself, already have ads Requires the cost of promotion
The legal formalities of the museum minimum take time, forces, knowledge and money
Removal of exhibits abroad for demonstration no restrictions Required to comply with the formalities
Re-registration of ownership rights museum minimum


Required to comply with the formalities
The cost of creating the museum branch No cost and

investment is required

Required to comply with the formalities and financial investments
Prospects for the development of the museum unlimited It depends on many factors and have a number of limitations

How to open a private museum business plan in your city

In order to launch a museum project in its region, it is necessary to conduct market research and monitor the activities of its direct and indirect competitors

business registration can be done in the form of a company, SP or non-profit association. Non-profit association choose those businessmen, who later want to achieve the acquisition of the national-cultural status, and obtain financial support from the state in the form of grants. Coordination with the Ministry of Culture of necessarily in that case,, If the exposure will be involved archaeological finds and exhibits, represents the largest material value. The room is rented for the purpose, lease of land required for a period of 20 years or more, therefore, for the organization of such a format of the museum is better to buy a plot of land in permanent ownership.

Closing of the exhibition in order to save sometimes organizes on-site, which can not be used for the production of (this area plants, shops and so on.), however it is necessary to take care of customers' security.

Additional expenses

  • Acquisition and installation of fire and security systems.
  • Shelves of glass or plexiglass.
  • Storefronts.
  • Fittings.
  • Furniture for the convenience of customers (sofas, Table, chairs, seat).
  • quality lighting.
  • climate and ventilation system.
  • If you plan to open an interactive exhibition, It requires expensive equipment.
  • The expenditure will purchase screens, audio systems, computer panels and much more.

The main taxes paid

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added

cost of

Month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule of payments 2,2 %
podhodnyh tax wages fund month 13%
Social payments wages fund month 34%

Additional income can bring the entrepreneur launching a public catering at the museum - so, Project "Time Flat" offers not only a visit of the exhibition - apartments, completely stylized definition of the Soviet period, but also serves, fully complying with the era and prepared in accordance with technological maps of the time, simply put, chef of the restaurant of the museum used the information from the "Book of Tasty and Healthy Food", which was published in 1952 year.

In the museum you can spend a romantic evening, wedding, corporate or birthday. It is also good to focus on the link between generations museums and the strengthening of family values. So, example is the Museum of Soviet slot machines - children 2000 We used to play on smartphones, tablets and other gadgets, and when they see the excitement of parents, they begin to understand, that their parents do not have such and backward, some children sometimes think. However, not all young people can understand the relatively simple mechanics of the Soviet era machines, and here the parents have to explain to children the intricacies of management.

"Creating a museum is necessary, the younger generation has been able to create a purpose in life, ethical, the present and the future, and the ability of high-quality scientific and engineering thought ", - noted the authors of the concept of the museum, dedicated to the life and works of the Strugatsky brothers.

For, to staff and, and visitors were comfortable, owner of a private museum need to take care of the internal and external decoration. Design must meet not only the essential safety requirements, but also be interesting for the customers - both those. Who came as part of a tour group, and at independent visit.

According to preliminary estimates of experts, museum format in the form of scientific and entertainment center also meets the needs of the population in the informative and entertainment services. In such client centers may take part in the experiments, observe rare phenomenon or even put on their own series of tests.

This museum format has two features

First of all, most of the exhibits are made by hand, and it carries significant additional costs, Secondly, We need to find a reliable investor and prime location.

To select an effective, profitable and able to live and develop further the concept of the museum, you must first carry out analysis of the fullness of the market of a particular region of Russia.

Components of marketing research

  1. Analysis of the problems of the target audience and the study of its composition
  2. Determination of the composition of the future exposition and exhibits format, their size, color, the form, performance material, quantitative composition of placing items on a given territory.
  3. Interior Design exhibition.
  4. Additional income will receive from the owner of the museum set up a separate area of ​​master classes for children / teens.


It is better, if it will be people with experience, or young professionals - teachers, guides and animators. Some museums are aimed at career guidance, and it must also be considered in the selection of personnel. Employees in the normal mode must be issued in accordance with all the norms of law, but you can hire volunteers at the start of the project, which will gain experience for a small fee and without employment paperwork books.
