Paving tiles continues to maintain its leading position in the market of construction materials. For the exterior finish, owners of private homes and institutions traditionally choose this material. It means, that the production of paving slabs as business can be profitable and promising venture.
Nevertheless, any entrepreneur, who decided to start their own businesses in this area, We need to prepare for the, it expects a lot of competition. However, since this business is currently one of the most profitable, demanded and promising, to succeed you need only develop a competent business plan for the production of sidewalk tile.
The basic properties of the project
The purpose of this project - the definition of economic efficiency of creation of the enterprise for the production of paving slabs. Ready business plan can be used as a commercial offer in the negotiations with potential investors or creditors.
The relevance of business for the production of paving slabs is the high performance of this material and its popularity in the market. Paving slabs harmless, durable, easy to operate, and economical. A period of time and the quality of its service life is significantly increased due to new technologies.
The project to create an industrial facility for the production of paving slabs designed for 2 years - during this period, according to plan, pay off all the initial investments. The business plan takes into account all the risks and possible force majeure situation,, which can reduce the company's profits, and even contribute to its loss.
Main workshops create goals for the production of paving slabs three:
– a high level of profitability of the creation of the enterprise;
– satisfaction of demand in the relevant market segment;
– getting high profits indicated in the plan period.
To achieve these goals, the company planned opening, which will produce paving slabs, designed for decorating the sidewalks in the settlements of any nature and destination.
The overall performance of the financing of the following:
– cost of the project as a whole, including any costs - within 5,5 million rubles. It provides, that a commercial loan in the amount of 5,5 million rubles. The interest rate in this case will be 16%;
– income of the investor, or the total amount of interest paid on the loan will be 270,9 thousand;
– the overall economic benefit of the project for the production of paving slabs over a given period - 34 million 413 thousand or more in favorable economic circumstances.
Preliminary payback period is 1 year. But if there is force majeure or additional expenses this period may be extended to 2 years old.
Technical features of the manufacture of paving slabs – video:
Steps for opening the business
The main list of the steps of opening a workshop for manufacturing of paving slab from scratch involves:
– Plan development and preliminary financial calculations;
– Company registration in the Federal Tax Service;
– rent land and industrial facilities (in the presence of their own material and technical base - its preparation for the beginning of the production process);
– equipment and raw materials procurement;
– advertisement, search buyers;
– staff selection;
– beginning of the production process.
Counting on a two-year period of development of the enterprise, you can make a detailed phased plan:
stages | Test conditions | Deadlines |
Home project | 1 – 2 year | |
The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1 project of the month | first 30 banking days |
Getting credit | The availability of compulsory set of documents | 1 month |
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities | Conclude an investment agreement | from 1 to 30 calendar days |
choice of location, paperwork | preliminary work | 1 month |
The conclusion of the lease or purchase of land | investment contract | 1 month |
Buying equipment | The conclusion of the investment agreement | To 30 calendar days |
Equipment installation | Obtaining investment funds | To 30 calendar days |
recruitment | production activity | To 30 calendar days |
Training | The end stage of the production process | To 30 days |
Marketing campaigns | 30 calendar days | To 360 calendar days |
End of project | 12 – 24 months |
business Registration
For a start will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. The law does not require registration of the legal entity for such activities, and at first SP format will really be more successful.
The process of obtaining IP requires a minimum supply founding documents: copies of passport, identification number, as well as receipt of payment of registration fee in the amount of 800 rubles. These documents served, pre-filling in a standard form application for the registration of an individual entrepreneur. In him, except for personal data businessman, the code of Classifier NACE. You need to select, Using the current classifier ( In the absence of additional activities suitable code 23.31 ("Manufacture of ceramic slabs and tiles"). Prepared a package of documents necessary to submit to the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service, and later 3 – 5 days, the applicant is issued a certificate ready.
If the founders will be some, IP is not suitable for the registration of the company - will have to choose one of the existing formats of the legal entity. The best option - a limited liability company. In this case, the list of documents submitted will be more extensive, extra pay and special entry fee - the sum of the authorized capital of not less than 10 thousand. The registration and functioning of company governed by a special federal law 14-FZ (
Paving slabs does not require a thorough certification. This feature greatly facilitates the business process of legalization. But you can get the product quality certificate. This document will be a good tool in the competition, and will help the beginner in the market to acquire loyal customers and partners. To receive such a document can be in a special certification service. Pre-products must be tested for durability, resistance to frost, moisture and other quality. If the test is successful, producer will receive the appropriate certificate without problems.
Useful for the conduct of business regulations:
Federal Law of 27.12.2002 N 184-FZ (row. from 29.07.2017 On technical regulation
Federal Law of 08.02.1998 N 14-FZ Ob OOO

Paving tile manufactured by two different methods:
- vibropressovanie,
- vibrocast.
Depending on, what method is chosen, need to purchase various production equipment.
For the manufacture of tiles vibro technology required:
- Vibropress (it cost about 20 thousand. dollars)
- Concrete mixer (about 6 thousand. USD.)
- Punch (about 3 thousand. dollars)
vibratory casting method for manufacturing of equipment considerably less expensive. The list will include the following items:
- shaker apparatus (about 4 thousand. dollars)
- shape (about 1-18 dollars for each unit)
- Бетономешалка (about 600 USD.)
Other equipment, that will be needed for the production process:
- – gipyerpryess (It provides a high-pressure opportunity to receive large volumes of products;
- – conveyors for moving materials;
- – dispensers;
- – cement silos for storage of cement;
- – remote control for automation of batching, weighing and feeding solution;
- – cleavers for splitting of concrete products;
- – racking. Better to choose a steel racks, having high strength.
You can buy ready-made production line. It will cost more, than buying individual pieces of equipment, but greatly simplify the manufacturing process.
Technology business plan for the production of paving slabs
Developing a business plan for the production of tiles, you need to take into account the technological features of this process. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the diagram of the vibrocompression method.. This technology is also used in the manufacture of borders., wall and partition stones.
Production stages include:
- Concrete preparation. Primarily need concrete mixer. It should take into account the number of layers (if two of them - needs two mixer). The finished mixture is placed in a molding die vibropress (shape).
- forming. Then run the punch and vibrators, The result is a vibrational impulse response, and the material is progressively compacted. Next, the product is sent to the drying in the pan.
- drying. To bring in the finished tile view uses Thermo-drying, which are used for water vapor. If you want to decrease the cost of production, the product can be dried directly in the room, without the use of Thermo-drying method.
The production of paving slabs using the vibratory casting method is as follows:
- Prepare the mixture.
- Concrete is placed in molds on a vibrating table.
- The finished forms are laid out on a pallet..
- The resulting mixture was allowed to stand 48 hours.
- The solidified form is heated, then knocked out the product.
Production of tiles requires sufficient number of forms. They can be rubber, plastic or polyurethane. As the production technology may vary greatly depending on the choice of material, should advance to get acquainted with the essential features and differences of each of them.
Proizvodstvennye and organizational features of the manufacture of tiles – below:
Selection and preparation of production facilities
There are no special requirements and limitations to the location of the shop. the main thing – This size of the area, which should allow to place all equipment, as well as compliance with all technical specifications. Geographically shop can be located on the outskirts of the city, in the industrial area or outside of the village. it's desirable, so that a highway or major road adjoins it, which will facilitate the delivery process.
For workshop equipment is best to hire a former industrial building - there is usually initially have all the necessary conditions, including sufficient power electricity, provision of water and other necessary communications.
Most suitable size – from 70 quarter. meters or more. For the operation of the equipment, you will need uninterrupted electrical voltage from 360 Or more. The drying chamber requires special conditions - it needs to maintain the desired temperature within 45 degrees.
Renting a workshop, you should pay attention to the presence of a large and dry storage area, heated office for communication with clients and partners, and the work of management and administrative staff. For these purposes, the availability of telephone communication and the Internet is mandatory.. Timely care should be taken of the equipment of utility rooms and a bathroom for official use.

If the volume of production will not exceed 50 quarter. meters of finished tiles per day, there is no need for a large number of personnel. In such cases, a team of three will suffice., who will deal with the process of direct preparation of concrete, pressing and sending the batch for drying. A wider staff will be needed to service large-scale production.
At first time, while the workshop will produce a small amount of products, the role of a sales manager and an accountant can be performed by the manager himself. With the expansion of production, an increase in the customer base is expected, to work with which you will need a separate employee, experienced in sales. Accounting will become more complex as the enterprise develops. Therefore, within the first year, you will need a full-time specialist in the field of accounting and tax reporting.. In the first months of the company's operation, these services can be provided by outsourcing specialists..
The staff will also need support staff - loaders, security guard, cleaning woman.
Sale of finished products
Sales of products will also be an important stage.. To acquire a wide and stable customer base, you should provide them with the entire range of tiles produced. The right thing to do is to set up production in this way., so that the assortment has a variety of products, satisfying the needs of all groups of potential buyers. Do not take on large orders in the beginning., it is better to firmly consolidate its position among small firms or individuals.
With the development of production, it makes sense to conclude long-term contracts with large enterprises, purchasing large volumes of paving slabs for construction, renovation work or further sale. on, what will the potential buyer be, the specifics of the marketing campaign and the choice of advertising methods also depend.
Marketing plan and advertising
The general structure of the world and national market has undergone negative changes during the crisis 2013 – 14 years. At this time, there was a decrease in sales, and therefore, and production of all types of building and finishing materials. At the same time, the crisis also had some stimulating effect on the industry.: the struggle for the client has intensified between market representatives, as a result – improved product quality of the surviving enterprises.
To enter the market without hindrance, in which there is no shortage of enterprises for the manufacture of tiles, it is necessary not only to offer the buyer a quality product at an attractive price, but also to attract attention to yourself. To do this, you need to immediately prioritize and decide on your target audience.. So, you can focus on the sale of finished products to retail customers or stop at wholesale sales. In the first case, the cost of implementation will be higher, however, you will have to spend more time and money on advertising and attracting buyers. Choosing wholesales as a priority, at the first stage, it is enough to conclude long-term contracts with several large buyers.
One of the features of the sale of paving slabs is the presence of a concentrated consumer market. It means, that it is usually easier and more profitable to sell products within your region. Consequently, and the advertising campaign will be aimed at a limited range of target audience.
Taking into account the already known features of the market, you can determine the most accurate range of target audience. Main categories of buyers:
- – construction organizations, executing the order of the municipal authorities;
- – construction companies, privately;
- – individuals or organizations, purchasing tiles for personal use.
One of the trends in this industry is negligible, but a steady increase in demand from private buyers for 10 – 15 % annually. But in order to keep and increase this indicator, you need to resort to basic working advertising methods:
– dissemination of information via the Internet: own website with detailed information and feedback is required. Besides, you need to advertise your products on thematic sites and forums, online message boards;
– outdoor advertising. It is important to choose the right place for advertising: these can be stands near points of sale of building materials, including in shops and markets;
– advertising in the media: it is desirable to place it in thematic newspapers and magazines, dedicated to construction and renovation.
Timely advertising will play a very important role. Since the greatest peak of construction and repair work occurs in the spring and autumn, the main emphasis on advertising should be done just before the onset of this time.
The participation of the enterprise in thematic events - specialized exhibitions and fairs will be effective.. There you can present samples of your products., exchange contacts with potential buyers and partners and study the structure and dynamics of the market.
Financial plan
Major cost items, necessary for the opening and further development of the company, in the plan of several:
- Initial investment:
- Start-up and adjustment works — 110 000,00 rub.
- APN — 540 000,00 rub.
- Press D2430 — 470 000,00 rub.
- Concrete mixer SBR-500 — 69 000,00 rub.
- Mold PP TR — 210 000,00 rub.
- Scales MK-15.2 — 4 200,00 rub.
Total: 1 403 200,00 rub.
2) Salary. Calculation for the minimum staff in 3 man:
- manager (salary from 25 thousand. rub.),
- APN operator (salary from 25 thousand. rub.)
- roustabout (salary 20 thousand. rub.)
Thus, the wage fund should be a minimum 70 thousand. rubles (for one shift per month; 140 thousand. rubles for two shifts). With the development of the enterprise, the amount of wages should increase, which will keep skilled workers.
When paying a single social tax (ESN) — 26% of the total income.
- Production areas
It is advisable to highlight about 100 m. area for that, to place the necessary equipment and create an area for storing materials and the products themselves. The warehouse can be located outdoors, but also requires no less 100 m. Heating in the production area is not a mandatory requirement for working conditions. If the rent is for 1 quarter. m. is 100 rub., then the total cost of renting the entire premises in the end should not exceed 10 000 rub. The rental price is also calculated for 1 quarter. m. products. It will be 2,38 rub.
4)Cost of materials and energy. Total cost of raw materials, which contains the polymer, sand and pigment, for 1 ton will be 3794 rub. It means, what is the cost of raw materials 1 m. the finished tile is 136,58 rub.
Cost price 1 quarter. m. paving slabs:
Name | sum, in rubles |
Cost price 1 m, rub. | 191,1 |
Overheads, rub. | 1,91 |
Market price 1 m, rub. | 405 |
Profit before tax on 1 m, rub. | 211,99 |
Tax on profits (6%), rub. | 24,3 |
Profit c 1 m, rub | 187,69 |
Profit per day total, rub. | 26275,33 |
Profitability, % | 97,25 |
Payback period, days | 48,84 |
The profitability of this type of business with proper organization exceeds the mark 100 percent. This is facilitated by the fact that, that even defective products can be used (eg, in construction), therefore unprofitableness will be minimal.
A detailed cost plan for opening a paving slab business will include such items:
item of expenditure | Costs per month | Expenses for the year | lump-sum costs | Total expenses for the year |
Buying a concrete mixer | 127400 | 127400 | ||
Vibrating tables (заливчный, stripping) | 90000 | 90000 | ||
shape | 33600 | 33600 | ||
Transformer | 61600 | 61600 | ||
Hydraulic trolley | 20160 | 20160 | ||
Loader / crane beam | 3800000 | 3800000 | ||
Baths (for washing forms, for form stripping) | 22400 | 22400 | ||
Cars, trowels, paddles and other equipment | 28000 | 28000 | ||
Production technology, technology training | 61600 | 61600 | ||
Raw material cost (calculated per 2 thousand. km. Tiles) | 100000 | 1200000 | 1200000 | |
Salary | 250250 | 3003000 | 3003000 | |
Create site, promotion | 55000 | 660000 | 110000 | 110000 |
Wiring | 214200 | 214200 | ||
Unexpected expenses | 456800 | 456800 | ||
Total | 405250 | 4863000 | 5025086 | 5073626 |
Regardless of the chosen format of doing business, the financial year for any enterprise begins in January. From this month the required tax payments are calculated. The list and tax rates of the main deductions in the Federal Tax Service are standard and include the following:
Name | base | Period | tax rate |
Tax on profits | earned profit | 1 month | 20% |
NDS | added value | 1 month | 18% |
Property tax | value of property | According to the schedule | 2,2% |
Income tax | wages fund | 1 month | 13% |
Social Security contributions | wages fund | 1 month | 30% |
To calculate the size of the company's income, except for the cost, you need to make an analysis of the current prices for finished products on the market. The price list will be based on the average prices of the corresponding market segment and the size of production costs.
Average cost of paving slabs, in rubles per sq.. meter:
Thickness, color | Vibrating tiles | Vibropressed tile | ||
60 mm | 80 mm | 60 mm | 80 mm | |
Grey | 500 – 540 | 660 – 720 | 540 – 580 | 620 – 720 |
Colored | 540 – 580 | 720 – 760 | 580 – 780 | 680 – 760 |
White | 580 – 640 | 760 – 820 | 780 – 840 | 880 – 980 |
The cheapest will traditionally be gray tiles., the most valuable and expensive is white, dye-free. The better the materials used in production, the more expensive the cost will be, and consequently, and the price of the finished product.
The company's sales forecast will be determined based on such criteria:
– the results of the analysis of consumer demand for paving slabs;
– market analysis data for tile production companies;
– general conclusions regarding the state of the market for the sale of paving slabs.
The calculations take into account the lowest profitability threshold. The plan necessarily considers all the risks existing in the industry. First of all, these include a high level of competition and a significant threshold for entering the market.. So, to open production, significant initial investments are needed for the purchase of equipment and raw materials. At the same time, without a high-quality marketing policy, it is impossible to fully enter the market and take a strong and advantageous position in it..
Taking into account the main stages of the creation and development of the enterprise, a plan for the provision of services is drawn up:
Period | Type of service | The volume of services provided in a month | price, rub. | Revenues from sales, thousand. rub. |
1 – 6 monthly investment | Production of paving slabs | 2000 m | 500 – 540 per sq.m. | 1000 – 1100 thousand. rubles |
1 – 6 monthly investment | Tiling and related work | 2000 m | from 560 per sq.m. | from 1120 thousand rubles. |
7 – 12 month operation | Production of paving slabs | 2000 m | 540 m | 1000 – 1100 thousand. rubles |
7 – 12 month operation | Tiling and related work | 2000 m | from 580 per sq.m. | from 1150 thousand rubles. |
At the moment, the market growth rates are at the level 10 – 15 percent. If this level persists, over the next 1 – 2 years old, growth in sales volumes to reach 26,7 million per year and more. Main condition, which will help to overcome the barrier of entry, – providing the enterprise with modern and high-quality equipment. The second important advantage of the tile workshop will be the selection of qualified personnel.. An active marketing campaign and a well-designed advertising plan will speed up the process of business promotion.
The business plan for the production of paving slabs includes the average cost estimates and an approximate forecast of the profit of the production workshop. Specific financial indicators may differ due to objective and subjective factors., actions of risks and changes in the market. Taking into account the high level of demand for paving slabs among individuals and enterprises, the following conclusion can be drawn: with good preparation of the material base and careful study of the sales market, the tile production workshop will be a profitable and promising undertaking.
Features of a business for the production of scarves from scratch – video: