Business plan wedding agency

Business plan wedding agency
Business plan wedding agency
Business plan wedding agency

What information should contain a business plan for a wedding agency?

Summary of business plan to open a wedding agency from scratch

This project - a plan for the creation of private enterprises for organizing business plan for the wedding agency 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for the launch of the wedding agency business plan from scratch.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand to fill entertainment niches, providing health services, Organization of safe travel, as well as citizens' organizations Leisure.
  4. Providing the opportunity to organize a wedding party from the ground up and take complete responsibility for his conduct quality.
  5. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
  6. Project cost: 2 070 000 rub.
  7. financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 3 180 000 rub.
  8. To implement the project the company needs to take out a loan in the amount of RUR 24 settlement months discount rate 17, 5%.
  9. payback period: 2 of the year.
  10. the investor's income will be 216 664 rub.
  11. Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
  12. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and. Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
  13. Implicit interest rate on borrowings 14 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
  14. The total amount of accrued interest will be 216 664 rub.
  15. The payback period from the beginning of the project 21 month.
  16. Payback period with discounting 3 of the year.
  17. The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 3 183 253 rubles

stages of the project

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1-2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month 1-30 banking days
Getting credit Having a proper set of documents 30 calendar days
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary work 01 month
Buying equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds 1-30 calendar days
recruitment production activity 1-30 calendar days
Training The end stage of the production process 1-30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project 12 – 24 of the month

To suit business at the opening of a wedding agency?

Wedding - a customer holiday. For you and your staff - it workdays. so, you are a director / founder, should have the following skill set to succeed in writing a business plan for a wedding agency

  1. organizational skills. This type of business is perfect for creative professionals and creative mindset. At the same time we must be able to handle such nuances, as logistics, documentation, preparation of a budget, problem solving, appearing on the site.
  2. foresight. Organizing a wedding involves many risks. Therefore, the wedding preparation, especially outdoors, It requires maximum discipline from the team. It should be remembered, the wedding in "a beautiful day" will cost a lot more expensive and it will be difficult to organize due to the influx of newlyweds.
  3. Discipline and the ability to multi-task. Plain wedding prepared for a couple of weeks, event with exotic wishes preparing for several months. A good agency can take on as many as five projects.
  4. Attention to details. Today, it is seemingly insignificant detail creates a general impression about the holiday.
  5. Love for people. Some customers want to completely change the format of the festival for a few days before the celebration - such moments must also be considered.
  6. Stress resistance.

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan wedding agency

In the business plan the wedding agency spelled out the following actions to start a business algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. services, now rendered.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.

Business risks in the organization of the wedding

  • seasonality. High season begins in spring and ends in late September. At the same time we must be prepared to work seven days a week. November - the most unprofitable month.
  • The high degree of responsibility - every holiday detail - to the organizer of conscience.
  • The behavior of the guests during the event.
  • routine.
  • Irregular work schedule of all the agency staff.
  • There is no certainty in obtaining consistently high profits. To reduce the financial burden, Prepayment is required - many celebrations thwarted by the customer, and then you will be able to reduce the financial expenses for the work of contractors.
  • Force Majeure.
  • Human factor. Here, the responsibility for the failure or not properly organized celebration can go both on the Agency, and contractor, sometimes - by the customer himself. Consider these points and be sure to include them in the contract, which is signed by the parties before, How is the wedding preparations.


services, which has a mean statistical wedding agency

  1. The organization offers the bride.
  2. Help in choosing a wedding date.
  3. Organization of registration in the open air or in another country, on a hot beach or ski resort.
  4. The choice of restaurants and the development of the banquet menu.
  5. wedding design and image of the guests.
  6. Preparing logistics.
  7. Organization of "redemption" of the bride.
  8. Preparation of entertainment events.
  9. Services florist and decorator.
  10. Organization of hen and stag parties.
  11. Fireworks / fire show, laser show
  12. Business cards for the guests and the organization of invitations
  13. Organization of wedding ceremony or other religious rites according to the religion and the request of clients.
  14. Preparation honeymoon.

The approximate price for the services of a wedding agency and contractors:



How can earn organizer of the wedding celebration, taking into account all interest

The urgency of the opening of business on the wedding agency

Agency weddings can be a separate department of a major Event-agency, as well as a separate entity. Target Audience wedding agency - quite wealthy couples of all ages. Today, the most conservative estimate, the couple spend a celebration of 100 000 to 1 000 000 rubles. According to statistics, over the past year in Russia it was concluded about 1500 000 marriages.

on the video: Work wedding agency


If the overall budget of a wedding celebration of one million rubles, the agency can make a profit of about 300 000p. All the rest will go to the payment of services of contractors and other expenses.

The fee is better to discuss at the first meeting with potential clients and discuss all conditions. So, with a budget of 300 000 p. Organizer counts his reward in the amount of 15 000 p, and other expenses the organizer together with customers "scatter" of contractors depending on, some entertainment and a banquet of some level want to arrange a couple. The Commission works contractors should normally 10% of earnings. Work with contractors require care and a good orientation in the local market of entertainment services. If the wedding is planned in the format "for two" and the solemn signature, the organizer of a couple of hours of training will receive 4 000 rubles. Marketing studies in recent years suggest that, that the business of wedding floristry and decoration are still poorly represented in the domestic market. The demand for the services of wedding organizers continues to grow. Wedding - one of the most important and crucial events in the life of each person. Wedding designers try, I remember that the customer is a triumph for the whole life and was able to capture professional photos- and video-events, after all demonstrating their happiness it is becoming more popular among the generation millenialov.

Approximate estimate of the wedding in the summer season might look like

Example wedding on budget 50 People in the capital

High season, including. the summer months


class wedding “economy”


class wedding “Standard”


class wedding “Premium”

Fee wedding agency / organization of the wedding completely turnkey service or just the wedding coordinator / 15 000 paid services coordinator 55 000 wedding “Full construction” 85 000 “Full construction”
platform hire zero 30 000 100 000
Banquet 150 000 250 000 400 000
your alcohol 30 000 50 000 90 000
Wedding printing 15 000 25 000
Cards on the table of guests 3 000 7 000
Print plan seating guests 3 000 10 000
musicians 50 000 150 000
Leading + DJ 35 000 60 000 80 000
Photographer 30 000 50 000 90 000
videographer 40 000 90 000
Visagiste 10 000 15 000 25 000
Outbound recorder 10 000 15 000
Cake 10 000 ₽ 15 000 30 000
Book for recommendations 5 000 5 000
loaf 1 500 1 500
Transport guests 20 000 20 000
Transportation molodozhёnam 10 000 50 000
Arch with flowers (for registration) 20 000 35 000
Equipment for rent 10 000 20 000
Napkins for rent 5 000 10 000
Chiavari chair / Napoleon / most popular / 15 000 25 000
Hall: flowers on the tables of guests 10 000 15 000 50 000
Hall: number plates on the tables in the box under the gold (10 PC) 3 000 5 500
Hall, laying: Podstavochny plates 20 000
Hall, laying: stemware 10 000
presidium: tablecloth 3 000
presidium: herbaceous border of flowers 10 000 15 000 35 000
Bridal bouquet and boutonniere for the groom 4 500 8 500 11 000
photo zone: banner (Press-Wall) 2,5 x 3 m 10 000
Returns custom goods, logistics 10 000 20 000
work decorators 15 000 35 000
Total 304 500 798 500 1 657 500

What is included in the wedding package decorator

  1. Defining the concept of celebrations depending on the amount, you're willing to spend a couple.
  2. The style and theme events.
  3. Development of colors.
  4. Significantly affect the concept of the event of the year and weather conditions, as well as fashion trends, which are relevant at the time of the wedding.
  5. Experienced decorator at the meeting is required to take into account the psychological characteristics of a pair, their style and way of life. they are, as well as individual preferences.
  6. Usually for wedding planning 4 a month before the expected date of the celebration, that for 30-50 calendar days time to inform about the invitation of relatives, who want to see at the ceremony.
  7. It is worth noting, that the site for the event is prepared as soon as possible - bouquets can not be ordered well in advance.



Florist and decorator, with which the agency will also have to conclude agreements, provide the following services:

  1. prepares bouquets.
  2. Engaged in decoration space and transport.
  3. Pick up wedding accessories.
  4. Develop and send out invitations.

What's more profitable to open - or SP OOO

The choice of form of business registration depends on the size of the amount of initial capital and goals for the future

Individual entrepreneur:

  1. Far below the price of business registration,
  2. You can select a better and simpler system of tax deductions,
  3. no finucheta,
  4. suitable only for working with individuals,
  5. owner - one person.

Entity (Ltd):

  1. There is an opportunity to collaborate with other entities (to conclude a subcontract to the merger agreement),
  2. the founders are not liable for the obligations Ltd.,
  3. you must keep accounting records,
  4. taxes more in qualitative and quantitative ratio.

The primary documentation-on-opening-activity

on the video: How to open the Agency for wedding decoration and where to buy decorations

The plan sales volumes of goods salons wedding dresses billing period

Period type service name The volume of sales per month (PC.) price Revenue from sales in the month
1-12 monthly investment Wedding Dress from 6 -7 PC. from 16,8 to 33,6 thousand roubles. from 520 000 rub.
1-12 monthly investment Rent wedding dresses from 5 PC. from 8-9 thousand. rub. from 33 000 to 50 000 rub.
1-12 monthly investment Sales and sewing dresses premium 1 — 2 PC. from 56 thousand. rub. from 56 000 to 120 000 rub.
1-12 monthly investment other services (hairdressing et al.) from 12 orders from 8 thousand. rub. from 80 000 rub.
13 -14 month functioning of Bani Wedding Dress from 7-8 PC. from 19,6 — 39 thousand. rub- from 1 370 000 rub.
13 -14 month functioning of Bani Rent wedding dresses from 6 PC. from 8-10 thousand. rub. from 47 000 to 60 000 rubles
13 -14 month operation Sales and sewing dresses premium from 2-3 PC. from 65,52 thousand. rub. from 131 000 to 196 560 rub.
13- 24 month operation other services (hairdressing et al.) from 14 orders from 8 thousand roubles. from 109 000 rub.

At the start of the business, you can save on rent office - meeting at the customer's premises will be some customers even more convenient, and you do not need to spend money on rent and repair facilities.

fixed charges:


project costs

  • banquet manages the number of 80 persons within 3 thousand. Doll.,
  • a photo- and video will cover about 400 Doll.,
  • Toastmaster services, along with musical accompaniment will cost 300 Doll.,
  • car rent – within 400 Doll.,
  • floristics – to 100 Doll.,
  • wedding scenario – about 100 Doll.


The required equipment list for the business, taking into account the rental of office space



Name expenditure cost of
Qty (PC) per month in year One-time purchase Total costs per year
lease of premises from 80


56 000 672 000 112 000 784 000
Repair of premises from 80


200 000 200 000
Buying equipment 10 450 000 450 000
Household expenses 1 72 000 8 64 000 864 000
Purchase of goods, Dresses and Accessories 1 400 000 4 800 000 1 200 000 6 000 000
laptop acquisition 1 60 000 60 000
Create site, payment hosting 1 120 000 120 000
Constant advertising costs 12 45 000 540 000 540 000
Salary 12 239 610 2 875 320 2 875 320
including. taxes 12 76 610 919 320 919 320
Unexpected expenses 214 200 214 200
in total: 812 610 9 751 320 2 356 200 12 107 520



on the video: How to open a wedding agency

The main taxes paid

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added value Month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule of payments 2,2 %
podhodnyh tax wages fund month 13%
Social payments wages fund month 34%


Business plan wedding agency
Business plan wedding agency

the main goal – organize and supervise the work of specialists of different specificities.

These include:

  • writers,
  • musicians,
  • operators,
  • florists,
  • Tamada,
  • Photographers.

They are usually in a state of not being drawn, and invited to cooperate as necessary.
