Бизнес-план ремонтно-строительной организации

Execution of construction works is a fairly popular area of ​​activity of their own business. In order to start his own company, is engaged in repair and construction works, should draw up an appropriate business plan, about what, properly, and will be discussed in this article. On this page are given practical advice on drawing up their own business plan for the organization, engaged in construction and repair works in apartments and private homes. Besides, the project of starting a business can be adapted to personal conditions of the entrepreneur.

selection of premises

If the business plan of opening repair and construction company is not incorporated an impressive start-up capital, at the initial level work an office for the organization can not provide, and all communication with customers takes the form of telephone conversations.

Upon successful course of business in the future office space, it is advisable to find, namely - to rent.


For small repairs and construction companies have to use the warehouse does not necessarily. Most of these companies operate without it, purchasing materials for business within the framework of certain orders.

Выбор квалифицированного персонала очень важен!
Selection of qualified personnel is very important!


The number of mandatory Employees repair and construction company includes:

  1. Construction workers (tilers, plasterers, painters, plumbing, electricians, etc.).
  2. foreman (His responsibilities include supervision of works, communication with customers in order to discuss aspects of repair and finishing works).
  3. Smetčik (His duty is to cost estimates produced by the Organization's work).
  4. Architect (In the case of the organization renovations Capital).

Development of marketing programs

The main limiting factor in the development of business, associated with the repair and finishing works, It is a seasonal activity.

Most active customer orders is observed from mid-spring to late autumn. This factor should be considered when designing a promotion to attract customers and developments fixed base. For this reason, an active marketing campaign should begin precisely in low season by attracting customers through advertising on the street outside facilities, as well as through the introduction of various systems of discounts and promotions.

Particular attention in the advertising company should be given to new areas, where active construction underway and commissioning of residential buildings. In such areas should be distributed promotional flyers and glue ads on porches.

Of great importance in the customer base has an operating time of the development of Internet spaces, namely, development and promotion of the company's own site.

To the company acquired the status of a major organization, should carefully study its image by following manipulation:

  • selection of qualified personnel;
  • preventing marriages production and execution of construction works at the highest level of quality;
  • exact compliance with construction deadlines (overdue orders is inadmissible).

Download a business plan construction and finishing company for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality.




Бизнес-план ремонтно-строительной организации

Expenditure part

  • Purchase of professional tools (Drifters, screwdrivers, sanders, jigsaws, spatulas, etc.) - average 150 000 rubles.
  • car purchase, intended for transportation to the place of work materials and tools - 360 000- 400 000 rubles.
  • Remuneration of staff. The company can be applied different system of remuneration of staff - for the head, and Accounting estimator can be applied payment system based on the size of the fixed salary. It can be used piecework wage system for the company's other employees. However, the work of the personnel compensation fund should not exceed 45-60% the total cost of work performed.
  • advertising costs, stationery and telephone - 20 000 – 30 000 rubles.

In order to reduce costs in the first period of the company car for transport of material, as well as large-sized tools can be rented. For the same purpose can be hired workers under contract, has its own tool, after which they must be paid amortization.

The profitable part

As part of the business plan of opening repair and construction company for its services following rates can be set:

  1. cosmetic finishing work - 1 000 – 1 700 rub. / sq.m.;
  2. repairs in the class "economy" – from 2 000 -2 300 rub. / sq.m.;
  3. repairs in the class "luxury" – from 3 500 RUB / sq.m..

Organizations may establish terms of work from their own production process, as well as the complexity of the work undertaken.

Average, to repair one-bedroom apartment in a class "lux" is required 2 – 2,5 of the month.

The intensity of adoption orders, depending on the period, characterized as follows::

  • December to March - 1 – 3 Order per month;
  • June-October - 2 – 5 Order a week.
Profitability repair and construction organization depends on the type of work performed
Profitability repair and construction organization depends on the type of work performed

The average cost of work performed within a single order is 17 000 – 45 000 rubles.

The profitability of the business project the opening of the organization for the repair and construction works depends on the type of work performed.

the highest profitability (about 50%) have:

  1. Electrical installation;
  2. replacement of glass;
  3. installation of air conditioning.

There is also a high profitability of work includes plumbing and pereplanirovochnye work.

Download a business plan construction and finishing company for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality. Open access, on the Internet, it is not.
The contents of a business plan:
1. Confidentiality
2. Resume
3. Stages of the project
4. Feature object
5. marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Feasibility study of investments
10. findings

The video tips on opening REPAIR COMPANIES


In drawing up the business plan for the opening of the organization for the implementation of construction works, special attention should be paid to recruitment and active advertising and marketing program. At the initial stage the company of the expenses can be reduced by the rental of vehicles for transportation and professional tools.

On this page is a sample business plan of opening, engaged in carrying out construction works, which can be completely free download. We hope, that this example will help you in compiling a professional activity.

