Business plan for a detective agency

Business plan for a detective agency
Business plan for a detective agency
Business plan for a detective agency

Private investigation has existed for many centuries in a row. But in recent years, especially active detective activity. The private detective can retrain many. The main condition is not even the presence of special education, and an analytical mind and a desire to move in this direction. But to create a truly profitable organization, It should draw up a well thought out business plan detective agency.

according to statistics,, in recent years the interest in private investigation increased by an average of 30 percent. It means, that with proper organization of the company will be successful.

Features detective agency as an activity

Any agency can specialize in various areas : it may holidays agency, advertising agency, Agency for organizing wedding celebration, company to provide insurance services, and other kinds. The specifics of the detective firm depends on the originally claimed range of services it, as well as the market demand.

The main directions of the future organization will:

  1. – finding the required information about any person at the client's request, surveillance of a person specified by the customer and the search for evidence of any of his actions;
  2. – Search missing or intentionally hiding citizen.

If the first line is actually illegal, but in some cases it is necessary to restore justice, the second type of activity is often duplicated law enforcement duties. Despite, that a statement about the missing person can go to the police, in fact, law enforcement officers rarely have the necessary help. therefore, opening a private investigation agency, should put the emphasis on this area.

Activities detective agency provides several important nuances. First of all, its start will be quite expensive, as necessary to purchase expensive hardware for shooting, wiretapping and other activities. Besides, to work effectively need to attract highly qualified specialists, compensation which will be a significant part of the costs. Another risk item - frequent use is prohibited by law research methods. Despite the ban, Most investigators have resorted to periodically set to telephones listening devices or the use of hidden cameras. If such actions are detected, Agency may suffer financially and even lose its license. It is necessary to mention the risk of life-detectives - a must-have of the profession.

However potentially private investigation - promising activity and profitable. detective services are an elite character, and they are engaged members of the middle and upper class. It means, that detectives services prices will be high enough, which will accelerate the return on the enterprise.

When planning the creation of a detective agency, it is desirable to acquire bonds in the police and other government agencies, who can provide personal information on the interest of the people and provide other assistance.

The basic properties of a detective agency – video:

Stages of business creation and development

to create, time to market and development of the company, as well as its full return, period allocated in the plan 2 of the year. Therefore, all the stages of the creation and promotion of the company calculated on this period:

stages Test conditions Deadlines
project Basis, beginning of activity 1 – 2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month first 30 banking days
Getting a bank loan The availability of compulsory set of documents 1 month
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities Conclude an investment agreement from 1 to 30 calendar days
choice of location, training and documentation preliminary work 1 month
Office rent for the Agency, his preparation for the opening conclusion of contract 1 month
Buying equipment conclusion of contract To 30 calendar days
Purchase of computer equipment and office equipment Obtaining investment funds To 30 calendar days
recruitment production activity To 30 calendar days
Training The end stage of the production process To 30 days
Marketing campaigns 30 calendar days To 360 calendar days
End of project 12 – 24 months

It is worth a closer look at each of the main stages:

  1. – strategy Development. Start traditionally stands with creating the very concept of the future organization. At this stage, should develop guidelines for the activities generated by the agency, and draw up a rough list of services;
  2. – attraction of investments. To a large extent this is a commercial loan, but it is possible to attract sponsorship and the use of funds of the founder. All financial relationships should be documented the relevant agreements;
  3. – office rent, repairs, equipped with all the necessary, purchase of equipment;
  4. – registration of the company as a business entity;
  5. – the state stuffing;
  6. – advertisement, attraction of clients.

Once all of these items will be carried out, the agency can fully function.

The room and the location of the agency

Business plan for a detective agency
Business plan for a detective agency

Office detective agency should be so situated and arranged, to him it was predisposed client, who came to the reception to the leader to solve the problems. Territorial space agency can be located in the central part of the city, as well as on its outskirts. However, due to the specific organization of a certain desirable conspiracy: if the input to the organization will be located on a busy street, Potential customers will not be resolved to visit it, afraid to be seen. Besides, too noticeable location the organization may attract too much attention from the public authorities.

The office may have average size. The main thing in it – convenience, business and presentable. In this case, the client will be liberated and come to a frank conversation.

All negotiations are made through the registration of the contract with the specified therein and the requirements of the task. The agreement sets out the terms, who undertake to comply with the two sides.

Here in the office meetings with customers and are encouraged to talk about the work done. Therefore, immediately, opening agency, should take care of creating the appropriate atmosphere: necessary to have comfortable furniture in sufficient numbers to receive more visitors. Supervisor will need a workplace, Computers and Office Equipment, cabinet for storing necessary things and materials and other equipment.

Many aspiring private detectives decide at first not to rent an office, working from home and meeting with customers on neutral territory. Such a method can basically, if the company's founder is actually the only one of its employees. In the presence of even a small state should open a full-fledged office, subsequently expanding it.

Equipment for the detective agency - separate important point plan. To fulfill orders and obtain accurate information, as well as its confirmation needed:

  1. – professional photos- Camera and camcorder. This technique should allow you to take pictures and video at a considerable distance, adverse weather conditions and poor lighting, with the absence of fixation of the subject;
  2. – a computer with special software for processing and studying footage. Also need a color printer for printing photos and, maybe some additional equipment;
  3. – Specialized equipment for surveillance and listening - listening devices, miniature video camera, etc.. On the territory of Russia banned the sale of most of these devices, so they have to look at foreign websites.

In the early stages, you can purchase a small amount of equipment and machinery, then, when you receive a large number of orders, expanding arsenal. Compulsory acquisition will be safe. Obligatory and alarm clock.


For the organization of the professional, based on a legal basis detective work, the staff of the Agency is taking a big part of qualified professionals, previously worked in law enforcement bodies. To create such an organization does not necessarily have legal education, but experience in similar structures will not be superfluous.

it's desirable, to employees, who will perform the task of surveillance, skillful with technology, including - photo- and a video camera. Nice to have a team of persons, related to the actor's activities. After all, some of the tasks consists of surveillance, to be followed, without causing distrust of himself. staff size is necessary to think in advance, as this will directly affect the cost of wages. So, if the first time customers will be a little, the team will be composed of 2 – 3 person. Sometimes, in the first months of full load takes on the settlor, the other specialists as needed hiring.

marketing campaign. important nuances

Competition - the first, you need to study in preparation for the opening of the company. In this sense, the detective activity compares favorably with most other areas – major competitors in the market are practically absent. According to official data, firms, offering private investigation services, in the capital just 150. In the rest of the country's major cities, even smaller - in the regions are mainly private detectives, working individually. Due to such characteristics of the new organization will be able to take their rightful place in their niche.

The second important issue - the total services market conditions at the moment. Take into account the costs and the recent crisis, started in 2014 year and significantly lower demand for many types of services. As of 2018 year, the overall economic situation in the country, and therefore, and the financial condition of the citizens, gradually recovering. And given niches founder of private investigation agency can feel confident.

After you have completed the main steps in opening a detective agency, be sure to pay attention to the promotion of its services and attract potential customers. One of the important problems, inherent agencies Private Investigation - the number of potential customers is limited: This service does not belong to the category of basic needs, it is quite expensive. It is therefore important to involve stakeholders and paying customers and keep them, offering favorable conditions for cooperation.

Advertising detective agency will differ from most other promotion companies. So, outdoor advertising, the distribution of printed material, in this case will be less relevant. The same applies to the dissemination of information in the media - activities of detective agencies, usually, not advertised in the press and on television. The main methods of promotion will be effective dissemination of information on the internet and reviews of satisfied customers.

Be sure to create your own website, which should be a description of all services, rates and all useful information for potential customers. In the experience of many private detectives, Yet the most effective advertising is the so-called word of mouth - the majority of customers rely on word of mouth of their friends. Therefore, it is desirable to quickly and efficiently execute all orders, providing customers with complete and accurate information.

Of Internet methods will also be effective dissemination of information about the agency in social networks. This method will allow to advertise their services, without attracting too much attention controlling bodies.

Turning to the print advertising, should carefully choose the place of distribution of leaflets and business cards to offer their services. So, distribute printed materials on the streets may be ineffective, as the percentage of the target audience there is a small. A lot of interest in the investigation, gathering evidence or obtaining information about relatives, friends or partners can be found in law firms, banks and security firms. Therefore it is necessary to agree on the placement of business cards or flyers with their contacts in such structures. However, should try once again to not attract the attention of law enforcement agencies. If they have any questions, may follow the extra inspections of, which can result in fines and even the withdrawal of the license.

All the detective agency work should be carried out strictly according to the law. Nothing, contrary to human rights law, should not happen. Violations are fraught with punishment and deprivation of the opportunity to engage in this activity, until the criminal proceedings against delinquent detective.

Answers to basic questions about the detective and information activities – in the video:

Registration and License

Before proceeding to the activity, Detective Agency should be allowed to provide services - license, which is issued by the internal affairs bodies. The second important step - registration certificate of the standard assignment of the new enterprise status person or entity.

There are two main forms of business activity: natural or legal person. Company, engaged in private investigation, It may be executed any of these methods. But keep in mind, that if there are several founders of the only possible option would be an LLC or other legal entity format. If in the future you wish to set up a large company or even a network of agencies is also preferable to open Ltd.. In addition, legal entities are less ephemeral, and therefore, such firm will cause more trust among potential customers. In the early days of this form will be enough - an individual can pay less tax, and initially less complex and costly is the preparation of constitutive documents.

For registration of any of these forms founder personally need to contact the tax office and submit the required list of documents.

The activities of the detective agency is subject to compulsory licensing. This rule is governed by specialized federal law "On licensing certain types of activities" (

To obtain a license to conduct the detective activities need to submit the following documents:

  • – statement on a special form;
  • – filled out by the applicant profile;
  • – the applicant's passport;
  • – medical certificate;
  • – documents, allows you to engage detective activity. You can submit a certificate of legal education or a document of completion of specialized courses for detectives. The license also requires the presence of at least 3 years of work experience in law enforcement.

List of medical certificates may vary slightly. However, given the specificity of the work, to a package of documents for registration of the license will be necessary to make inspection of the psychiatrist, and a certificate of mental hospital.

In the presence of all necessary documents registration and issuance of a license to the applicant to take 2 months.


One of the main points of the financial plan - calculation of potential earnings Agency. Pre will examine average pricing, current industry, as well as to analyze the factors of pricing. Monitoring services of key market participants, and the study of their prices allow to make such an average price-list:

Type of service Period of execution cost of, rub.
Finding and providing the customer with complete registration information of interest to the enterprise, information about the management, investors To 7 days 7 – 17 thousand
The exact physical address of the company, staff size, Office lease terms, data on receivables and complete personal information about the director To 12 days 35 – 70 thousand
The annual income of the company, data on branches, credit score, Information about the contractual terms with partners. Check the company's management, the establishment of its property, bonds in the presence of various structures, stakes in other businesses, etc.. To 25 day 150 – 350 thousand

These types of services - rather complex and most expensive. In addition to these, Agency be able to provide search services uncomplicated information about individuals, search for missing people, provide services to spy on spouses or other family members. The less time-consuming and involves risks specific task, the less will be the cost of services. So, easy to obtain valuable information about a person can do in 5 thousand. This work may require 1 to 5 days.

Given the seriousness of the available jobs and estimated detective work, and on the job costs. Most detectives for complete information on the companies charge around 60 thousand, but possibly more depending on the complexity. Surveillance within one day - about 30 thousand. The same amount will cost to collect information for one person. missing search is performed for about 50 thousands or more, and the implementation of surveillance - from 20 thousand. The larger the list of works, the more it will cost. Startups can set lower prices, but important, so while it was not only a competitive, but profitable.

Question payback business - one of the most important when you open the enterprise with high costs. If done right within the first year of operation 70% funds returned. In this way, the payback period will be 1,5 – 2 of the year.

But first you need to calculate the expenditure part of the cost. According to the business plan, for the opening of the agency will need investments in the amount of 700 thousand and more, depending on the scale. In this respect the activity seen at a small scale to enhance the prospect.

The main items of expenditure – table:

Expenditure sum, rub.
start-up costs:
lease of premises from 30 thousand
business registration, obtaining of a license 50 thousand
purchase of office and telephone equipment from 100 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment from 100 thousand
buying furniture Over 100 thousand
purchase of specialized equipment About 200 thousand
buying and installing software 100 thousand
regular cost
monthly room rental from 30 thousand
advertisement 10 thousand
Payment of wages to employees from 100 thousand (depending on the size of the state)
other expenses, including utilities, payment of telephone and internet connection, car rental, etc.. 30 thousand and more

Counting start-up costs, you need to include in the list and authorized capital (when opening an LLC). its size, in accordance with the provisions on registration of LLC, will be from 10 thousand and more.

Due to the specifics of the activity, many require office expenses (a photo- Camera and camcorder, Voice Recorders, micro camera, and the like), rental cars and other travel costs. Key staff - detectives, necessary protection means in the form of gas cartridges. In particularly difficult cases, eg, when performing hazardous tasks, need bulletproof vests.

Next, consider the profitable part of the business. Work detective agency provides a variety of activities. Most assume on errands, spying on unfaithful spouses, to serious, business-related, which are built on the need to find out information about a competitor. Among the common activities – study of the future business partner on decency, willingness to conduct business projects. These services are well paid, and therefore, when properly calculated pricing and competently carried out a marketing campaign it is possible to achieve high earnings in the shortest possible time.

If you sum up the financial part of the business plan, following conclusions:

  1. – the total amount of investments - 700 thousand;
  2. – the main source of financing - commercial loan in the amount of 700 thousand. rubles;
  3. – the interest rate on the loan - 14% with the prospect of decline;
  4. – making payments on the loan will start from the first month of operation of the enterprise;
  5. – payback period, taking into account the discount - 1,5 – 2 of the year;
  6. – the overall economic effect for a specified period - 1,2 million. rubles. In perspective, after the end of the crediting period and an intensive advertising campaign, this figure could grow by several times.

The tax portion of business includes such key indicators:

Name base Period tax rate
Tax on profits earned profit 1 month 20%
NDS added value 1 month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income tax wages fund 1 month 13%
Social Security contributions wages fund 1 month 30%

The business plan of a detective agency - promising and profitable project, which will be repaid over 1,5 – 2 years old. In this segment, there is practically no serious competition, therefore attracting the potential customer does not cause difficulties. Nevertheless, private investigation agency provides a number of serious risks, that it is important to take into account and avoid.

Necessary knowledge about starting a business, document preparation and licensing can be found in these regulations:

The cost of detective services – video:

