Insurance agency business plan

Insurance agency business plan
Insurance agency business plan
Insurance agency business plan

Despite, that the insurance market is developed enough, the current situation in this sector is, that open a new insurance agency can be beneficial idea based on the needs of the target audience.

In the capital and other major cities often seek jewelers insurance services. Demand in megacities insurance of financial risks, arising during the joint construction of residential or commercial buildings. Niche to open the agency can always find, After a thorough analysis of the insurance market of available services. To do this, with all the features, set out below, create a business plan for an insurance agency. One possible option - the franchise or branch of the already popular agentstva.Takoy project could be a good starting point in the future for a new and independent agency.

Features of the project business plan insurance agenststva

The essence of the project - in the creation of an agency for life and health insurance, property and other valuables. The main goal of the business plan - to assess the viability and economic efficiency of the project on creation of an insurance agency from scratch. The plan can be used as a commercial offer in the negotiations with the potential investor, or in the preparation of commercial loans.

The project is designed to 2 of the year.

During this period it is planned to achieve these objectives

– the creation of a profitable enterprise;

– satisfaction of the needs of the target audience in the field of life insurance and property as a physical, and legal entities;

– high profits.

Key financial aspects of the new business following:

– time, in which the company will pay all the initial investments and will be released on the level of profitability - 2 of the year. Under favorable conditions, – earlier;

– The total cost of the project (commercial loan size, which is scheduled to issue the first activity) – 1 million. 200 thousand;

– mortgage payments will begin from the first month of the company. The total amount of payments for the first two years will reach 82 thousand;

– the interest rate on the loan - 17,5 %. In the future, this figure could be reduced;

– the overall economic effect of the implementation of services for the specified period at favorable conditions reach 84 millions.

In general, the beginning of activities in the insurance industry will be different costs on a low level. But in order not to suffer losses and have the opportunity to develop in this direction, you need to think carefully all directions and create a clear plan all the upcoming steps.

Features and prospects for the insurance agent – video:

Features of the insurance company

Offering as basic services of life insurance and various types of property, the company immediately represents an indicative range of its customers. The target audience of the insurance companies is very wide. First of all, it is individuals, that insure their lives in the event of illness or death, accident or occupational injury. second, more extensive and lucrative category - insurance of movable and immovable property of individuals, as well as organizations and enterprises.

Many insurance companies offer just too many kinds of services. This can complicate the entry of, because it would require too much time and finances, but also attract a large number of specialists. Therefore, we should start with a limited list of services, with a strong focus on personal service and provide a limited range of services to businesses and organizations.

The principle of operation and procedures of the insurance company is largely dependent on the nature and scale of its activities. But in general, the general procedure involves such duties insurers:

– preparation of all types of insurance programs, provided for in the strategy. At this stage, it is calculated all the financial aspects and developed a specific insurance offer;

– the signing of the contract with the customer - an individual or organization;

– obtain from the insured first insurance payment, from which 15% the insurer receives as a commission and payment of the costs incurred, and the remaining amount postupaetv insurance reserve. Insurance reserve, in turn, divided into 2 parts: 70% – on the accumulation reserve and 15% – on the risk reserve. Both reserves are invested in instruments provided by the law;

– when the insured event agency specialists consider all the documentary evidence and decide on the appropriateness of insurance payments, their size and order.

The procedure for insurance and payment may be slightly different, but the principle is the standard for all organizations. It is defined by a core legislation. true, the organization may have different sales channels - are active in the market as a direct, and brokerage channels. At the same time the domestic market share of the brokerage of insurance services sales channel still quite low at less than 4 percent. Russian insurance system more characteristic part of non-insurance intermediaries - banks, travel agencies or car dealers. Obvious examples are the policies CTP and Casco.

Internet insurance today is also not only direct sales of insurance services. Over the past few years has increased significantly the number of Internet agents, mediate.

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Insurance agency business plan
Insurance agency business plan

The insurance company can immediately issue as an LLC. There are other types of legal entities. But with the limited liability company is the most convenient and advantageous for the beginners. Constituting statute for discovering Ltd., You need to list in detail the planned service agencies, not forgetting the additional and ancillary offerings. When filling out the documents you need to submit all the codes of the new company. For this purpose, a dedicated classifier NACE. It selects one or more appropriate activity code. Regardless of, however there may be additional activities, they must be associated with insurance and necessarily separately identified in the preparation of statements. for example, it can be a damage assessment, that has a direct relationship with insurance.

Obligatory condition for creating company - introduction of the authorized capital. Its size depends on the services, provided campaign. The higher the value of the services (eg, insurance of client's life), the greater the share capital of. But its minimum amount - 10 thousand.

Among other mandatory at the opening of the legal entity of documents - the charter, the decision to establish Ltd. (or other forms of), the decision to appoint the head and, if there are several founders - Minutes of meeting of founders.

License. Certificate

The Agency may act on the basis of a special permit document – Licenses for services. All legal requirements regarding the types and forms of insurance, as well as licensing and certification - in a special federal law "On the Organization of Insurance Business in the Russian Federation" (,0&rnd=0.6434972420580998#02573872618532298).

You must first pass the certification provided by the law. This process is quite complex, it passes under the guidance and supervision of the Ministry of Finance and requires a long period of time - usually certification takes up to a month. For its registration documents required, including:

  1. insurance rules.
  2. Documentation for the opening campaign.
  3. tariff calculations.

The specifics of the campaign is, that each new type of insurance requires registration of new documents. Besides, head of the company must confirm their qualifications in this field. undertakings Success will depend on the experience of the manager, the number of positive reviews on its activities.

The outcome of the preparatory work will be the introduction of the company in the profile state register after obtaining a license. The process of obtaining a license as a whole will take up to six months, so take care of it must be timely.

Regulations, which should be read before starting work:

RF Law of 27.11.1992 N 4015-1 (row. from 03.08.2018) On the organization of insurance business

Federal Law of 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ On Licensing Dep. Business

business creation stages

The basic procedure for opening an insurance agency next:

– Development of the company's future strategy;

– drawing up a marketing and financial plan;

– renting or buying office space, its equipment and preparing for the opening;

– staff selection;

– advertisement.

A more detailed plan for the insurance agency includes the following stages:

stages Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1 – 2 year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month first 30 banking days
Getting credit Availability of compulsory set of documents 1 month
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities Conclude an investment agreement from 1 to 30 calendar days
choice of location, preparation of documentation preliminary work 1 month
Buying equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement To 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds To 30 calendar days
hiring employees production activity To 30 calendar days
Training The end stage of the production process To 1 of the month
advertisement During 1 of the month To 1 of the year
End of project 12 – 24 months

Premises and equipment

The main condition for the selected office space – good access to it and the availability of convenient parking for customers of personal vehicles. Nearby should be a good transportation - subway station and public transport for customers, not have their own cars. At the entrance is obligatory noticeable sign, which will orient visitors and will perform the function of advertising.

Insurance agency business plan
Insurance agency business plan

The room may be small, but spacious enough to accommodate more staff and opportunities to meet with customers. Maximum area – 150 quarter. m, but may be less. office decoration, as the agency faces is very important. This issue should be given a lot of attention: no bright decorative details emphasized should not be here. Customers are more attracted strictly businesslike, Talking about the reliability of the company.

Purchase of office equipment will be an important step in the opening of the company. In the first stage you need to buy:

– work desks and chairs for the number of employees in the, necessary to provide furniture of the whole team;

– chairs, armchairs or couches for waiting clients;

– computers with high-quality software for all professionals;

– other office equipment - printers, scanners, copy machine;

– connection to the phone and internet.

Workplaces of experts to create a comfortable atmosphere should delineate. It can be equipped with several separate small rooms. If this is not possible, space is zoned by using screens.


At the opening of the agency in the state should be no more 10-20 employees. More staff will be too costly monthly maintenance. Besides, beginning to the insurance agency is unlikely to be able to count on a large number of customers. The team will include:

  • manager,
  • accountant,
  • lawyer,
  • insurance agents.

The primary responsibility of insurance agents - independently look for customers for the provision of insurance services. Otherwise it is necessary to wait long for the company's development. According to the preliminary plan, first 2 , the need to increase the staff of the company's development to 100 – 150 full-time and part-time agents.

With the expansion of business opportunities will grow and staff, insurance agents. And that business developed, the state must have such insurance agents, who can convince and sell insurance service. The more services will be sold, the better things will go in the insurance agency. It is from this and will depend on the company's profit.

To correctly dial professional staff, You need to be familiar with a large number of applicants and to select only the most professional and opytnyh.Chtoby retain new employees, you need to create the most favorable conditions of work, Agents interested in a positive bonus, opportunities for advancement in their careers, a good percentage of them sold services. You can go by training beginners, Using special training. It is advisable to use these two types of work with agents at the same time. Be sure to take in the state held in several insurance specialists work, no training required.

staff dress code is one of the optional, but the important conditions. Strict appearance underlines the credibility and professionalism of the company.

marketing. Key strategies to attract customers

Marketing campaign should begin with a study of the market conditions, current trends and dynamics. Important in the functioning of the insurance market have a crisis, which periodically affect the overall state of the economy. So, at 2008 – 2009 and 2013 – 2014 years of insurance market has reduced its activity, which is natural due to the international and domestic crisis. At the present time the echoes of the last crisis still experienced by most insurance agencies, especially small market participants. To cope with this problem and keep customers, should be offered more favorable conditions, complex insurance packages, necessarily improving the quality of services.

Statistics show, that despite some of the negative trends in the insurance market is still growing and expanding. Especially popular areas - life insurance: every year this service is increasingly in demand. If we analyze the insurance situation in the country as a whole, we can conclude, the total number of companies in the market as a result of the crisis has decreased. At the same time in this segment were only strong and competitive participants.

Motor insurance agency is advertising ahead of each individual insurance services, as the work of an insurance agency - is the sale of insurance services.

With each specific insurance services they need to go to the target customer audience, sometimes mixing them. Effective solution will offer "two for one" – discount while insuring two objects.

For a small start-up capital and the inability to immediately give a wide range of insurance services, you can stay on the same kind of services. Important, to this trend it was still not widespread in the market or even new. In the absence of competition can achieve high results in business development. And with the development of business in the future to add new insurance services.

according to statistics,, It works best such methods of advertising:

– the Internet: creation and promotion, placement of information about insurance services on niche sites, the use of banner and contextual advertising;

– mass media, especially the use of thematic publications. This will allow maximum coverage of the target audience;

– Advertising in banks, enterprises or gas station.

A good method is to offer services directly to potential clients - organizations and companies - in the form of online newsletters with information about the service packs. Customer Reviews - one of the best methods of promotion in this area. This is due to the high cost of insurance and the low level of consumer confidence in the little-known and untested companies.

In a short time to open his own insurance business – in the video:


First, you need to rely on the minimum size of capital 20 million. rubles. The presence of such amount will allow confidence to start a business and do not be afraid of the temporary absence of profit.

When you open an insurance campaign should be calculated on the following main cost items:

item of expenditure Costs per month Expenses for the year lump-sum costs Total expenses for the year
rent (purchase) room (from 40 m) 30000 360000 60000 420000
Purchase of equipment, including computers and orgteghniku 106000 106000
Buying a car 430000 430000
Create site, hosting, scripts 120000 120000
Advertising costs 45000 540 thousand. 540 thousand.
Salary 332000 3,9 million. 3,9 million.
taxes 99800 1198000 1198000
Additional expenses 71560 71560
Total 407 thousand. 4,9 million. 788 thousand 5,7 million.

Thus the financial result with respect to investments in the first year of the company's next: for the discovery and development of the insurance company in this period is necessary to have available amount within 6 million rubles. This condition is true for a small organization numbering several insurance agents. If initially open a large-scale organization, This amount could double. However, the project provides for a gradual expansion of the company scale.

The fiscal year begins in January. Just since the beginning of the year will be counted the period of tax payments. The list of tax for limited liability companies with a standard system of taxation will be the following:

Name base Period tax rate
Tax on profits earned profit 1 month 20%
NDS added value 1 month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income tax wages fund 1 month 13%
Social Security contributions wages fund 1 month 30%

The profitable part of the business plan should begin with a drawing of an example of the future pricing policy agency. This indicator is determined taking into account the cost of the organization and the pricing policy in force in the industry.. The average rates for insurance services in the country today are as follows:

Types of insurance Insurance rate (% from the sum insured
Life insurance 0,15 – 0,6%
Vehicle insurance 0,1 – 0,5%
Real estate insurance 0,11 – 0,5 %
Air transportation insurance 0,1 – 0,35 %
Other insured events 0,1 – 0,8%

Dividing the entire 2-year period and the opening of business on 2 main stages - investment and operation, you can make the next plan of Service:

Period Type of service The volume of production and sales of 1 months. (PC.) price, rub. Revenues from sales, rub.
1 – 12 monthly investment Life and health insurance 20 person from 120 thousand. from 2,4 million.
1 – 12 monthly investment other insurance 100 objects from 17 thousand 1 million. 680 thousand.
13 – 24 month operation Life and health insurance 50 person from 134,4 thousand. from 6,7 million.
13 – 24 month operation other insurance 200 objects from 18,5 thousand. from 3,7 million.

If the Save Action for today the market trends in the future, that is, increase the volume of services in the amount of 10 – 22% in year, the annual growth in sales volumes of enterprise services will reach more 58 million rubles a year.

To overcome the complexity of entering the market and seamlessly pass entry barrier, necessary to attract highly qualified specialists and use high-quality equipment. Mandatory competent marketing strategy and well thought-out advertising campaign. To find the best specialists, you must allocate approximately 1 month search frame, by conducting interviews to select the best.


When planning the enterprise income, be sure to take into account all possible risks.

The main ones are

– high level of competition in the insurance industry;

– lack of proper trust among potential customers, in particular - individuals;

– the high level of competition in the industry in the position of top managers and specialists of different directions;

– high level of capitalization investments.

The conclusion that the opening of the insurance agency as a kind of business can be as follows. First of all, such an enterprise is potentially a highly promising and profitable, characterized by high profitability and the ever-increasing demand among potential customers. All of these benefits occur when the competent organization of the company and timely production of advertising campaigns. Of the weaknesses of the industry - high competition, preservation of mistrust among the target audience and the lack of specifics in the legislative framework. The future prospects of the insurance business will depend on the general economic situation in the country, the quality of legislative regulation of the issue, as well as careful planning every business entrepreneur.

The main features of the opening of the insurance agency – video:
