Investigation of possible risks and prospects of opening a clothing store
Investigation of possible risks and prospects of opening a clothing store

Analysis of risk factors and the opening of a clothing store features primarily aimed at finding ways and means to increase sales, but…

Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Internet service "My business"
Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Internet service "My business"

For effective implementation of any business, regardless of its size, будущий бизнесмен в обязательном порядке должен зарегистрировать свою компанию в

Offset of overpaid VAT in respect of income tax
Offset of overpaid VAT in respect of income tax

There was an overpayment of income tax, and want to resolve this issue? solution is, можно воспользоваться возможностью засчитать излишнюю сумму переплаты

Risk analysis and the prospects of opening a beauty salon
Risk analysis and the prospects of opening a beauty salon

Before financing a business project for opening a beauty salon need to carefully analyze all risk factors, а также возможности успешного ведения данного вида

Features of the application of cash registers
Features of the application of cash registers

There are some features, which should be considered when purchasing and using CCPs. the federal law 54- from 22.05.2003. регулирует правила использования кассовой

How do we reconcile the room with Rospotrebnadzor
How do we reconcile the room with Rospotrebnadzor

Below is the detailed requirements of matching network to the premises by the Rospotrebnadzor for organizations catering. Если ранее начало деятельности по

How to develop and coordinate the formulation of dishes for catering?
How to develop and coordinate the formulation of dishes for catering?

This article shows, both within the framework of legislation to harmonize the formulation of dishes for organizations catering. Процедура разработки и согласования рецептур

How to obtain a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages
How to obtain a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages

The first question, which confronts entrepreneurs, have decided to start selling liquor, It is to obtain a license. Это актуально не только для оптовых

How to get the fire safety service solution for the opening of public catering points
How to get the fire safety service solution for the opening of public catering points

A large number of documents at the opening of any enterprise creates certain difficulties. They are no exception and catering. Но все

Fire protection requirements of retail and obtaining permission MOE
Fire protection requirements of retail and obtaining permission MOE

To a stationary point of retail sale to function properly, it must exactly match the rules of fire safety. Прежде чем получить заключение

How to get the enterprise statistical codes
How to get the enterprise statistical codes

After registration and approval of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) as a participant of tax relations, местным налоговым ведомством должно быть

How to register in the FSS and the RPF
How to register in the FSS and the RPF

In order to fully register an entrepreneur or a legal person need: get a TIN, get BIN, open personal checking account, встать на учет

The business plan for the breeding of pigs
The business plan for the breeding of pigs

Many entrepreneurs wonder: Is it possible to start a business without the use of borrowed funds? As practice shows, possible, and…

Social contributions SP (how to pay)
Social contributions SP (how to pay)

What is the procedure for payment of fixed premiums for SP? What documents must be presented? Similar questions of interest to many individual entrepreneurs. Фиксированные страховые

Reduction of fixed premiums
Reduction of fixed premiums

Almost every payer of fixed premiums, in some cases, has the opportunity to reduce their amount. To this must be some grounds,…

Changes to EGRIP
Changes to EGRIP

Sometimes there is a need for entrepreneurs to make a difference in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Во время ведения бизнеса предприниматель выбирает формы

How to fire an employee
How to fire an employee

The instructions below for steps paints to fire employees, taking into account the grounds for dismissal. Каждый предприниматель в процессе ведения своего бизнеса

Registration of individual entrepreneurs via the Internet
Registration of individual entrepreneurs via the Internet

This article will help the future of the individual entrepreneur to save time, using an online registration application. The Internet has become in modern life, и теперь многие

Advantages of private farming as a form of entrepreneurial activity
Advantages of private farming as a form of entrepreneurial activity

What is the private farms (LPX) and what nuances should be considered in the conduct of such business? Данная статья поможет

The main concept of franchising
The main concept of franchising

Below are the basic terminology with explanations, helps entrepreneurs understand the principle of operation of the business model: Франчайзинг Представляет собой такую систему деловых отношений

How to open a business franchise
How to open a business franchise

entrepreneurs, которые решили начать самостоятельный бизнес по франшизе, better to get acquainted with the process of doing it, чтобы в дальнейшем избежать возможных

Business franchise
Business franchise

With the concept of the franchise, many are familiar and are currently examples of such business. Business, а тем более собственный влечет людей и представляется

What to choose a beginning entrepreneur: or startup franchise
What to choose a beginning entrepreneur: or startup franchise

Many of today's businesses face a serious choice in the very beginning of its activity, which will determine the fate of their business: развивать «бизнес

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