Analysis of risk factors and the opening of a clothing store features primarily aimed at finding ways and means to increase sales, and reduce the existing risks in the course of commercial activity. Besides, based on a common analysis can be performed SWOT study clothing store.
Getting to the analysis, should examine in detail the circumstances of the beginning of the business. To these circumstances refers:
- clothing range (what kind of clothes will be presented in the shop) and accessories (if available);
- a list of suppliers and brands;
- Open Spaces (Shop can be located in a separate building, Pavilion shopping center or a multifunctional complex);
- estimated clientele (in the age group can be selected by way of example 25 to 45 years old, with a level of income above average).
Identify the benefits and the potential development of a clothing store

As part of the analysis of risks and opportunities of opening a clothing store with a view to outline marketing tasks to expand and promote the business it is appropriate to define the benefits and the potential development of this sphere of business. For maximum attraction of attention of potential customers to open shops must be done emphasis on certain points, namely:
- It can clearly be seen the idea of decoration shop, and adapted to the specific dimensions of the room outlet. According to research the nature of the emotional background in the process of shopping, Visitors to the store experience more intense emotions are not from the clothing purchase process, and created from the room atmosphere and a certain style of such premises.
- Using the location of a shop selling clothes with the maximum benefit to raise the level of sales. For example, very attractive is the location of a clothing store on the ground floor in the passage-site shopping center, since it not only allows you to draw a catchy sign, significant for the majority of visitors to this center, but also carry out various promotions and advertising campaigns in order to attract more potential buyers.
- The products themselves a clothing store can be used as advertising media. It uses dummies, dressed in carefully selected stylists images. This gimmick allows you to not only draw more attention of potential buyers, but also demonstrate, in what other combinations, this thing can be used.
- Before changing the warm season advanced sales system can be applied to a cold, for a long time involved in the West. Such a system is to run the sale of the collection is not at the end of the season (how to make the most of local stores) and a month before. For example, sale summer collection according to this scheme should begin in late August, and in late July,. Such a measure is the impact on the subconscious allows customers to increase sales by 35-40%.
Product distribution of the trading hall
To increase the turnover and the total profit clothing store range should be distributed according to a common customer preferences. According to this distribution range of clothing is divided into two groups. first (basic) group includes:
- dresses;
- Blouses & Shirts;
- trousers;
- mothers, T-shirts, be.
The second (secondary) group includes:
- skirts;
- jumpers and sweaters;
- jackets and cardigans.
According to the distribution of all goods store located on the trading floor of the rules of commercial space zoning and relevant groups of goods. Based on this zoning, 2/3 retail space allocated for placement of the main product groups, and the remaining third of the area of the store is located range of products of the second group. In this jewelry is placed on a separate stand or distributed among other groups of goods (which is more efficient in terms of sales). This distribution of the clothing store assortment according to certain groups and subsequent placement in a relevant area allows visitors to shop better focus on the trading floor and immediately draw attention to the products of the main group.
Activation of the impulse sales factor

Using the fact, that for the female shoppers with clothing made self-expression, You can increase turnover by incorporating impulse sales. Such a concept is a woman in addition to the acquisition of the item purchased additional items of clothing and accessories to complete the image, thereby increasing the amount of purchase 1,5-2 fold.
Enabling factors of impulse sales can be stimulated through the implementation of permanent shares shop, is as follows:
- a discount on the second item on the check;
- extension to check prices in the case of not less than 5-10 sample.
Also to unplanned purchases, and the inclusion of sales of impulse factor can be stimulated at the level of visual psychology, when indoor lighting fitting is built according to the most favorable lighting visitor, while they themselves are equipped with dressing mirrors, completely covering the buyer figure and visually making it slimmer and more.
the opening of the risk factors and how to store them reduce
When you open a store in the mall is great probability of occurrence of certain risks. Their consequences and measures aimed at reducing the threat defined below. To those risks include:
- Increasing the size of rent due to an increase the number of visitors of the shopping complex. The occurrence of such a risk is fraught with rising prices of goods store, which leads to a decrease in profits. To prevent the likelihood of such a situation should conclude leases, where rents are determined in a fixed amount, and a revision of this amount can be made when the critical point SEC attendance.
- Opening stores in this shopping complex, competitors owned, It leads to a loss of customer data store part and a subsequent reduction in revenue. Store shoppers can keep due to the uniqueness of the ideas elaborated this point of sale, the introduction of a system of discounts and discount, as well as the sale of a unique product.
- Recruitment and staff unprofessional level store entails negative customer service and service, which is fraught with decline in sales and the acquisition of a negative reputation point of sale. This risk can be reduced by improving the professional level of employees and sending them to various lectures and trainings on sales activation, the introduction of a system of rewards for the successful fulfillment of job duties, video surveillance of employees work, etc..
- Irrelevant range of goods, inappropriate fashion trends, can cause "zalezhivaniya" goods in a shop, cheapening of it in terms of buyers and reduction of store profits. To prevent such situations before the next purchase of goods should carefully study the fashion trends, as well as to carry out active sales of previous collections.
Summing up the results of the study

If we examine the risks and the possibility of opening a clothing store in the shopping complex, there is a risk is quite possible to repay, using competent marketing moves. As for the return on the business and the introduction into the consciousness of buyers from this brand, the provision of business data for successful development factors provided by the location of the store due to the high traffic mall.
To raise the level of sales and promotion of a clothing store as a successful trading unit should be used marketing tools:
- originality of the idea and the general concept;
- imposition of promotional offers;
- tracking fashion trends and consumer preferences;
- encouraging employees to high sales;
- thought-out advertising campaign.