How to register in the FSS and the RPF

How to register in the FSS and the RPF

In order to fully register an entrepreneur or a legal person need:

  • get a TIN,
  • get BIN,
  • open personal checking account,
  • to register non-budgetary funds,
  • get a print,
  • to register in the statistics service.

To your business to function properly, You need to pass a certain legislative process. In this article we will talk about the rules of registration of an entrepreneur and the organization in the FSS and the RPF.

Why register in the FSS and the RPF?

FIU collects money from insurers, to later, these funds to issue pension. The policyholder should the regulations of legislation, ie IP and the organization must necessarily pay contributions to the PRF. Organizations are required to make payments to the Pension Fund for its employees, they get their wages. Entrepreneurs make payments on their own in their favor fixed payments. But if he signed a contract with wage workers, it must additionally register itself as an insurer instead of workers. Social Insurance Fund of Russia, in accordance with the current legislation, collects finances, that all citizens have a social work bail disability case. FSS is accumulated through cash contributions, SP and organizations, who have employees.

How to register organizations and entrepreneurs in the FSS and the RPF?
How to register organizations and entrepreneurs in the FSS and the RPF?

How to register to the FIU?

According to the norms Resolution FIU Board of №296p 13.10.2008 g. and the Resolution of the Board Pension Fund of №197p 02.08.06 city, to register as a payer of the fixed contributions SP and organizations do not need to take any action. For 5 days from the date of state registration of the IP or LE, Tax Service is obliged to take you on account of. Later, get your hands on your notice of registration tax office. In accordance with rule paragraph 21 Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund 13.10.2008 g. No. 296p, if the IP takes over the work of hired employees, then he has 30 days in, to register with the FIU as an insurer, counting down the days it is made from the date of signing the employment contract.

Documents, which are necessary for registration to the FIU:

  • FIU established application form,
  • a copy of the tax identification number,
  • a copy of the main state registration number,
  • copies of employment contracts.

How to register in the FSS?

How to register LE in the FSS? article 2.3. Federal Law №255 from 29.12.2006 g. otherwise, that after 5 days from the date of state registration of LE, Tax Service is obliged to send the information to the Department of the FSS, so that they put on the account of LE. Further, FSS provides written notice of registration. registration rules in the FSS LE are the same, as in the case to take account of the FIU. How to register an entrepreneur in the FSS? Recorded in the FSS entrepreneur needed at the conclusion of their contracts with employees. due to the article 2.3. Federal Law №255 from 29.12.2006 city, during 10 days from the date of signature of the first contracts of employment, You need to contact the FSS for registration.

Как правильно зарегистрировать ЮЛ и ИП в ФСС и ПФР?
How to register LE and FE in the FSS and the RPF?

Documents, which are necessary for registration in the FSS:

  • FIU established application form,
  • a copy of the tax identification number,
  • a copy of the main state registration number,
  • copies of employment contracts.

on expiry 5 days, the entrepreneur must get your hands on a notice in the body at the place of registration of the FSS, or do you get in the mail.
