Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Internet service "My business"

Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Internet service "My business"

For effective implementation of any business, regardless of its size, future businessman must necessarily register your company in the public and tax authorities and during certain periods to report to designated Offices. Preparation of tax and accounting implies the need to conduct business accounting.

Most often, an organization has an accountant or an entire accounting department, but such a decision is justified for large and medium-sized enterprises with heavy workload. For smaller companies the content of your accountant or conclude a contract for outsourcing services creates significant costs, as there is a need for an expensive workstation software, and the monthly payment accounting work will eat up a significant proportion of the company's revenue.

To reduce the cost of maintaining accounts, many domestic start-ups like their foreign colleagues are choosing an alternative option of accounting using online accounting.

Russian Internet service for independent bookkeeping of small businesses called "My business". The official site of service Since the service is designed taking into account, that will work with it, basically, non-professional accountants, so it is very simplified and does not require special skills and knowledge, although there are accountants professional version of Internet accounts.

Advantages of online service "My business"

  • Service combines all basic functions, necessary for accountant, including staff, legal and regulatory frameworks, and it is much more profitable and convenient for operation, buying expensive than traditional accounting software.
  • Service allows you to "transparent" calculations, since the user can see detailed comments on each figure and should not have to recheck all several times.
  • In the case of non-standard situations the employer can apply for a free consultation to professional experts.
  • Greatly simplifies sending tax and statistical reporting to the relevant departments through the Internet thanks to the confirmation e-signature via SMS messages. So now you do not have to additionally install special software on your computer for this purpose.
  • The service businessman mobility increases significantly: now work and you can submit reports from every corner of the globe, the main thing that there was internet.
  • Service guarantees full financial responsibility to their customers for received payments and the provision of advice.

Work with Internet service & quot; My job" It can be from any corner of the earth

How can a service for small businesses?

Although the service was created to facilitate the work of individual entrepreneurs on simplified accounting, Its functions are quite comfortable to use and the heads of companies with limited liability.

That is able to "My job":

  • To register for the individual entrepreneur 15 minutes
  • Calculate the premiums and tax deductions for the USN and UTII
  • Draw up tax returns
  • Count wages
  • Execute contracts and contracts shown templates
  • Promptly send reports via the Internet
  • Prepare invoices for payment, invoices TORG-12 and acts performed works
  • Take into account the cost of fixed assets
  • Reminding about the delivery of scheduled reports and timely payment of tax deductions by using tax calendar function

Since the service is constantly being upgraded and improved, each month online accounting function replenished with new convenient features without complicating the conditions of work with him.

For, to facilitate the conduct of "paperwork", entrepreneurs are now only need to register on the site
