How to develop and coordinate the formulation of dishes for catering?

How to develop and coordinate the formulation of dishes for catering?

This article shows, both within the framework of legislation to harmonize the formulation of dishes for organizations catering.

Procedure development and approval of recipes of dishes is governed by the following regulations:

  • Sanitary rules SP
  • Sanitary-epidemiological rules and norms SanPiN
  • Sanitary-epidemiological rules and norms SanPiN
  • State Standard GOST 53105-2008

Tehnikotehnologicheskie card "Temporary order of development and approval of technical and technological cards on food and culinary products"

The main source of recipes of dishes considered to be formally recommended collections, but the information, contained therein, It is not relevant for many institutions.


Within the framework of the current legislation all food in the catering organizations should be prepared based on the following technological documents, approved by the director and is valid indefinitely:

  • routings;
  • technological instructions;
  • technical and technological maps.

Any new products, which is a non-traditional or manufactured for the first time in the organization, It must be accompanied by technical and technological map, which indicates not only the formula and requirements for the process of preparation and execution, but also the implementation of standards and storage, as well as the requirements for raw materials, nutritional value and safety and quality indicators.

On the technical and technological map shall be signed Developer, responsible for the document, signature of the director or his deputy. Each card receives a serial number and shall be deposited in the company filing cabinet. When, if the verification is not to be found on every dish TTC, the company is subject to an administrative penalty and is required to pay a fine. When changing the recipe or the technological process of manufacturing food cards must restructure.

Technical and technological maps dishes, the preparation of which requires the use of non-traditional products, or new equipment, must necessarily be consistent with the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, which is popularly called Rospotrebnadzor, because the products may pose a risk to consumers'.

In this way, TTC to regular meals enough to endorse at the head of the organization, and TTC to new and possibly unsafe food should be provided for approval to the Federal Service.
