- What information should contain a business plan for the laser show?
- Summary of the business plan for the opening of a laser show from scratch
- stages of the project
- algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of a laser show
- The business plan of a laser show registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:
- business Urgency
- Walkthrough opening laser show
- Business Plan laser show
- Equipment for the laser show business plan
- Types of laser systems
- Staff
- The main taxes paid
- The main taxes paid by the business plan for the laser show
- business Features
- Marketing plan
- the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period
- project costs (in rubles.)

What information should contain a business plan for the laser show?
Summary of the business plan for the opening of a laser show from scratch
This project - a plan for the creation of a private enterprise for the organization of the laser show 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for the launch of the laser business plan from scratch.
In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:
- Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
- Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
- Satisfaction of consumers demand to fill a niche organization providing entertainment and cultural activities.
- Enabling cultural fun and dance at the indoor playground or in the open air.
- Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.
- Project cost: 1 771 300 rub.
- financing of the project: By obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 1 771 300 rubles on 24 settlement months discount rate 14%.
- payback period: 2 of the year.
- investor income is 113 980,26 rub.
- Payment of interest on the loan starting from the first month of this project.
- Repayment begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure and of calculating the discount flow regulating money potoka.Vozvrat leveraged begins with the first month of the project. This fact is entered in this business plan to facilitate understanding of the structure for calculating the flow regulation discounted cash flow and.
- Implicit interest rate on borrowings 14 %. Should be considered, that at present banks are reviewing the rate of interest for investment projects downward.
- The total amount of accrued interest will be 113 980,26 rub.
- The payback period from the beginning of the project 3 of the month.
- Payback period with discounting 2 of the year.
- The overall economic benefits of the project for the life cycle of a conditional 12 850 664,53 rub.
stages of the project
stages of the project | Test conditions | Deadlines |
Home project | 12-24 of the month | |
The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1 project of the month | 1 -30 banking days |
Getting credit | Having a proper set of documents | 30 calendar days |
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities | The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1-30 calendar days |
Selection of locations and documentation | preliminary work | 30 calendar days |
Buying equipment | The conclusion of the investment agreement | 1-30 calendar days |
Equipment installation | Obtaining investment funds | 1-30 calendar days |
recruitment | production activity | 1-30 calendar days |
□ swelling staff | The end stage of the production process | 1-30 calendar days |
Conducting marketing company | 360 calendar days | 1-360 calendar days |
End of project | 12 – 24 of the month |
algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of a laser show
The business plan of a laser show registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:
- The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
- Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
- Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
- services, now rendered.
- The choice of the enterprise size.
business Urgency
Today the average price of a simple laser show 2 500 Doll., sophisticated screen-show - from 3 000 to 3 500 Doll., individual program - from 7 800 to 9 000 Doll. The unique capabilities of the laser helps to make a great impression on the audience and add a special atmosphere in the customer event. Modern lighting effects and opportunities common to use on a variety of events and advertising campaigns, making exhibition, concerts and other events are much more spectacular.
This is what gives rise to huge demand and interest on these effects, than and which give different effects. The price of these devices is high enough, so the laser show to minimize all possible costs for the purchase of equipment, which will be needed in the first place. data services market is not saturated, so there is the potential to become a significant player.
Walkthrough opening laser show
The plans of the organization of the laser show is supposed
First of all, room rental for storage of equipment and its subsequent acquisition, Secondly, hiring qualified personnel, third, marketing campaigns. Of course do not forget about the registration of appropriate authorities and application for payment of relevant taxes.
For a small business renting storage space for equipment and facilities will not be required, because the equipment is sufficiently compact and fit on any area of the apartment. But if you plan to create a large company or enterprise opens on company based on provision of entertainment services, or need to own premises, or rented storage room. Immediately it should be clarified, that the purchase of equipment for laser show is a costly affair. Implementation of complex multicolor show involves the purchase of a minimum of two installation kits.
Business Plan laser show
As an independent activity laser show will bring income, but the time-to-break-even point will increase. Much faster to get the first profit, if you take your equipment and knowledge for rent evyent agyenstvam, restaurants, looking, to offer additional services in the organization of celebrations, or to cooperate with the untwisted already known in his city nightclubs, holidays agencies, diskotekami. Laser show can be part of the concert, conducted both indoors, and on open natural location, be a full-fledged independent show or even a background- a holiday or individual performances. In order to increase income in the high season (Spring - early autumn) You can start mutually beneficial cooperation with the owners private beaches. Options to make money on the organization of the laser show today very much, collect enough the necessary documentation and the necessary amount of money to start. Laser show can also be used as an advertising campaign for large businesses, promotions and corporate celebrations. The target audience for laser shows are persons with different income levels of different social.
Today the barrier to entry in this business is significantly reduced - hardware vendors offer a variety of options, among which you can choose the most suitable for a beginner business with limited start-up capital.
It is worth noting, that the price of equipment and capacity will depend directly on the amount of the profits - so, multicolor graphics and the possibility to organize spectacular installations require much larger investments, than buying one color laser with disabilities. On the basis of the cost of equipment, you need to set prices for the service.
In addition to the laser projector, We need a whole series of technical means to ensure high-quality entertainment services to the target audience.
It is also used for laser shows:
- organization and conduct of not only private parties, but also for urban municipal celebrations (days Cities, professional holidays, and so on.)
- implementation and maintenance of cultural events
- opening ceremony of the institutions, etc..
- Exhibitions, presentation of products and services
- promotions and presentation of the logo
- methods of use as outdoor advertising or internal ofrmlenii
- providing technical support concert events
- laser show as part of the festivals outdoors and indoors
- support sporting events / activities,
- holidays for children
- use as theatrical scenery or individual elements
- entertainment bowling
- additional entertainment in hall of slot machines
- architectural lighting
- use as an auxiliary light source on the concert meropryatiyah.
Equipment for the laser show business plan
Types of laser systems
Usually, they are classified as follows::
Show warning
beam show (beam - a beam) - an installation, realized in space. The smoky generators are used as an additional emotional effect. Because of this video is a more three-dimensional and interesting.
The screen shows (screen - the screen) - animation, created using the laser apparatus or static images, Served in a slideshow format on the big screen. The main difference between this installation from the previous one - is, that it is not the volume. Wherein, Some settings let you broadcast on the screen 3D-image. According to experts, the most saturated of emotions show obtained by using both formats. For, to organize the screen shows, the screen is not always necessary. It can be any smooth surface required value.
The screen can be selected as a single, as consisting of several individual sections. Screen with independent engine will cost you 100 000 rubles, manual assembly - 20 000 rub. When choosing should also be taken into account, Some teams screens reduce the quality of transmitted images. Today, to make a show of atmospheric and unusual, uses the mist screens , smoke, drops of water. Water screen budget price category will cost 80 000 rub. laser projection system (price range of approximately 12 000 – 40 000 rubles).

Optional equipment
- Controller - a device, which is using the installed software on it to control the laser system.
- Ultraviolet-setting around 12 000 rub. - the cost of the lamp and the lamp for him.
- Smoke generator - the average price is from 20 000 rub. It is necessary to be constantly re-buy consumables - a special liquid, liter which will cost extra 2 000 rub.
- Screen Projector.
- Stroboskopы - here 10 000 rub.
Some budget setting can make a show of the images of different colors and use animation. However, their main advantage is that, that their use does not need additional controllers and other device - management process can be carried out with a standard PC, and with laptop. Weigh such installations about five kilograms.
The disadvantage of such devices is, that they have a relatively small capacity (50-200 mW) and a small scan angle, which usually is about 30-50 degrees.

More expensive models require the mandatory presence of the controller, which should be compatible with this type of device. Price high class monochrome laser can reach 80 000 rub., color will cost more than a million and two. Such plants can project images even in high-rise buildings facades.
To start a business with the absolute zero, the best option would be to purchase the installation price range 170 000 – 250 000 rub. Laser power in such installation can reach 1 000 mW. The length of the beam until the dispersion - 50 m, that allows to project an image large enough screens. Dimensions of the device make it easy to move it around - because, weight not more 15 kg, dimensions - about 30 x 30 x 20 cm.
Professional controller may cost approximately 21 000 – 200 000 rubles. Better just to select the controller, which will make it possible to control several laser systems. It is also worth thinking about buying vehicle, which will give an additional opportunity to edit the visual effects in real time in the event of force majeure.
Debug controller of synchronous operation, audio mixer and laser systems are best left to the expert - thus, soundtrack will be fully coordinated with the laser waves.

It is better, if key positions will be hired men of technical specialties, who are knowledgeable not only about the process of video editing and how to use controllers and most laser system, but also know the safety.
For, to be admitted to carrying out the laser show, employees should be supporting documents at a rate of certification SanPin number 5804-91 ("Sanitary norms and rules of the device and operation of lasers").
- Sanitary norms and rules of the device and operation of lasers
- Methods for measuring wavefront shape of laser beam. Part 1. Terminology and basics
Create your unique laser show, you can use the laser professional artist, which is based on the finished photo- and video material will create a unique composition and develop a laser installation, custom-made. Typical laser show significantly inferior to the price of individual development.
Show, specially designed for a specific customer, which have not been previously broadcast, It can cost about 300 000 rub. In this case, the artist-developer fee can not be less than 10 percent of the total amount of the order. The artist thus must possess special software, which allows you to draw the shows in special programs, Make a storyboard and connect miking. Optimal kolichtsvo employees for a successful start - no more than seven.
Who should be in the state?
- Sales Manager (his responsibilities may also include a content information site, monitoring and social networks to promote business on the Internet);
- laser system operator, which will be engaged in maintenance of equipment;
- roustabout;
- laser graphics artist (the duties of the employee generally includes directing installations, synchronization of video - and audio tracks, and other creative moments);
- Driver with own car.
Payment can be piece-rate - the percentage of the order, a stable rate plus a percentage of sales.
The main taxes paid
The financial year of the company starts in January. project Currency: rubles (rub.)
The main taxes paid by the business plan for the laser show
Name | base | Period | Rate |
Tax on profits | Profit | Month | 20% |
NDS | added
cost of |
Month | 18% |
Property tax | value of property | According to the schedule of payments | 2,2 % |
podhodnyh tax | wages fund | month | 13% |
Social payments | wages fund | month | 34% |
business Features
Small laser systems may work qualitatively in the room about the area 1 000 quarter. m. In larger rooms, the effect of the show is not so bright - too scattered rays. It is also necessary to shade the room, which hosts the show.
The starter kit will cost in the beginning businessman 400 000 rub.
In this way, the kit includes the necessary equipment:
- Laser machine.
- Controller.
- Liquid smoke generator canister for refueling.
- Strobe.
- The UV lamp in a quantity of 1 PC.
It is worth noting, that may be required for high-end laser show 2-3 laser systems. before, than to agree on the organization of the show, make sure, that the site is ready to provide power size 2-3 kW. In the case of using 3-laser systems, otherwise you may have a problem or even a fire hazard.
Marketing plan
Provided that if you are working on a permanent basis with the Event-agencies, Hospitality or provide seasonal beach service, the advertising costs will be minimal. Your activities can be registered as a company, engaged in "Other entertainment activities» (92.34 in NACE).
the volume of a plan to provide services to the settlement period
Period | type service name | volume
production and sales in a month (PC.) |
price | Revenues from sales (rub.) |
1-12 monthly investment | Volume laser show and laser graphics | from 5 show | from 90 000 rub. | from 450 000 rub. |
1-12 monthly investment | Mixed show with the development of the script | from 5 show | from 119 000 rub. | from 595 000 rub. |
13-24 month FUNCTIONAL | Volume laser show and laser graphics | from 6 show | from 96 300 rub. | from 577 800 rub. |
13-24 month FUNCTIONAL | Mixed show with the development of the script | from 6 show | from 127 000 rub. | from 762 000 rub. |
on the video: Laser show from scratch with his own hands
project costs (in rubles.)
Name expenditure | cost of | ||||
Qty (PC) | per month | in year | One-time purchase | Total costs per year | |
Purchase / Lease of storage facilities | from 18
m. |
11 250 | 135 000 | 11 250 | 146 250 |
Buying equipment | 10 | 774 890 | 774 890 | ||
Purchase of computer equipment | 1 | 27000 | 27 000 | ||
purchasing a car to transport equipment | 300 000 | 300 000 | |||
Constant on fuel costs | 10 000 | 120 000 | 120 000 | ||
Create site, payment hosting, purchase of the necessary scripts | 1 | 54 200 | 54 200 | ||
Constant advertising costs | 12 | 45 000 | 540 000 | 100 000 | 540 000 |
Salary | 12 | 310 905 | 3 730 860 | 3 730 860 | |
including. taxes | 12 | 99 405 | 1 192 860 | 1 192 860 | |
Unexpected expenses | 126 760 | 126 760 | |||
in total: | 377 155 | 4 525 860 | 1 394 100 | 5 819 960 |