Business plan for sports club

Business plan for sports club

How to write a business plan for a fitness club correctly and quickly - the question of concern to many beginners business. Example of free business plan to open a fitness club, It helps to identify the main underwater rocks and businesses to deal with the size of initial investments for institutions of different size and scale of work activities. Business plan is used for the preliminary assessment of the project and determine its effectiveness, as well as a presentation of the project to future investors or creditors.

What information should contain a business plan for sports club?

Summary of business plan to open a fitness club from scratch

This project is a plan to create a private enterprise fitness club for 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for a fitness club from scratch.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand provision of services selling gear for fishing, Filling a niche market of sports and physical activities in Russia.
  4. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of the sports club

In the business plan registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. Products, now realized.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.

Development of the business model of the current fitness club requires special attention. Especially, in terms of finance and planning issues to attract customers. In this mini-business plan for opening a fitness club provides practical guidance on the creation of the gym from scratch, tips for beginners business, nuances concerning the organization of the new company. Also presented financial calculations and the amount of capital investment to start such an enterprise. After reviewing the business plan, any budding entrepreneur can make a conclusion, how much is a startup and how it profitable.

Fitness club: idea and implementation

Gyms and fitness clubs with more and more in demand and popular among all segments of the population each year. According to the results of market research and based on the experience of entrepreneurs, This service is a niche market is not yet fully saturated. Experts predict will be more promising for decades.

Fitness club - ideal year-round sports: due to the absence of weather conditions and other important factors Activity in gyms and fitness studios will never decreases, which makes this type of business is potentially profitable. On the other hand promoting a healthy lifestyle is a kind of indirect advertising for fitness clubs - you only need to use this opportunity for the benefit.

stages of the project

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1-2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month 1-30 banking days
Getting credit Availability

the respective set of documents

30 calendar days
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities conclusion



1-30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary


30 calendar days
Construction of the facility, or redecorating the premises to rent conclusion



from 3 months before 1 of the year
Buying equipment conclusion



1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation reception



1-30 calendar days
11aym staff production


1-30 calendar days
Training The end stage of the production process 1-30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project 1-2 of the year

on the video: Fitness as a business

Registration and documentation

The first step in creating your own business - registration of the company in the Federal Tax Service. Each founder at this moment has a choice - to issue a legal entity, or to register as an individual entrepreneur. Solve this issue, usually, in the following way: opening a single club without the other co-owners, SP selected form: it allows you to get the right entrepreneurial status in a minimum period (for 3 days) and with a minimum package of documents.

Useful information for reference: GOST R 56644-2015 public services. Fitness services. General requirements

In addition, IP enables the simplest and most favorable tax system, including the simplified tax system and a single tax. Ltd. is suitable mainly for networking gyms, opening a fitness club franchise, or in partnership with others. Here, in addition to the standard application for registration and personal documents of the applicant, must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service charter, the decision to establish a legal entity, appointment of the CEO and several other founding documents. Creating LLC requires the introduction of the authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand as a guarantee of reliability and solvency. The registration process will be more costly and time-consuming.

In most cases, regardless of the choice of organizational form with the paperwork for the registration of a fitness club should not have any serious problems, their set and the sequence of receipt of the small difference between standard:

  • selection and registration of the legal form of the tax office;
  • range of NACE codes and indication. With regard to the opening of the gym, provide some related services, relevant are such codes: 93.04 "Sports and recreation activities" (, 92.61 "Operation of sports facilities" (, 92.62 Other activities in the field of sport ( If in the future there is a desire to expand the range of services offered, such as offering beauty services to its customers (solarium, massage, nail services, etc.) it is necessary to specify in advance all the NACE codes;
  • permit Rospotrebnadzor. There will need to provide a contract for the maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems, Agreement for the housing office services, agreement to allow recycling of lamps, availability of medical books for the employees who need them, PPK and the establishment of sports passport.


There are some territorial differences, but they are usually insignificant.

Where to start organizing a fitness club?

After you have determined the basic strategy and plan the activities of the organization being created, you need to start looking for suitable premises. the, how future customers will be comfortable to engage in the gym, largely depends on its size and equipment.

on the video: How much is to open a fitness club

If the hall is scheduled to open a mini-format (with the area, not exceeding 150 sq.m.), you can use its own premises, rather than rent, because otherwise it will be a very high probability of ruin fitness club. This is due to the small number of visitors to the hall, and consequently, lack of high-income. After all, even if we assume that every day the club will attend 30 – 50 person, which will bring on 5 dollars (for institutions of such level value is higher than it is not necessary to raise), and the labor hired staff profit payment after payment of the rent is very low. Therefore, to open a very small room normally is unprofitable - it is better to make large investments and to open a club mid-sized.

Smaller is better gyms to open in residential areas, and if possible, in the places of most frequent repetition people to stop and home. For large fitness clubs rental fee will not be such a bill, as they bring rather big profits. They allow you to place large areas within a large number of people and to provide more services and various programs. They have a presence presentable decorated rooms, which are equipped with modern facilities. All these factors make it possible to charge higher prices (calculation is made to reputable clients) and receive from that much more profit. The most suitable place for opening a large fitness center is the central parts of densely populated residential areas. Large shopping centers are also suitable for this..

When selecting suitable premises need to consider the size and terms of rent. The price for the rental of premises can range from 30 to 90 dollars per square meter. Of course you need to look for a room which will be located in the lower price level. The lease contract should be concluded for at least five years, taking into account that period as the most recent payback period of the investments made.

Once the choice is made in favor of one of the premises offered for lease, It is to do layout and equipment of premises.

The standard layout is needed such zones:

  • posture reception;
  • room for administration and personnel;
  • locker rooms for men and women;
  • directly gym (based on 5 m per customer);
  • hall for dance classes (by 2 m per person, and 3 sq.m instructor);
  • bathroom.

on the video: How to open a fitness club from scratch

The area must be calculated, based on the amount of anticipated customer. On average, it should not be less than 150 m. otherwise it is very likely to incur losses. If you plan to expand the range of services, it is necessary to foresee and think through all the available options for an extension, or lease additional space. For normal operation of gym fitness center is necessary to ensure good ventilation of premises, humidity level and comfortable environment for customers. The optimum temperature for a sports hall is temperatures in 16-18 degrees Celsius, for locker rooms - 22-25 degrees. Fresh air supply in the gym should not be less than 80 cubic meters per hour per person. Humidity should be 40 – 60 percent. This data is provided by building codes. therefore, most feasible option is to use ventilation systems, which provides temperature control. On the gym floors should be a rubber coating. Significantly reduce compliance costs of these conditions can be, tenement, previously used as a gym or studio for any other types of sporting loads.

GOST R 57116-2016 Fitness services. General requirements for fitness facilities

Gym equipment must be selected taking into account the needs of consumers when working on all muscle groups. The more such needs your room will satisfy, the more customers. Minimum set simulators, universally suitable for every customer high-quality training:

  • the presence of 2 treadmills;
  • At least one elliptical trainer;
  • 1 board to perform the bench press;
  • board to perform an inclined bench press;
  • Stand to perform sit-ups (for the deadlift);
  • Smith machine;
  • machine to perform the leg press;
  • trainer with free weights for the extension and leg curls;
  • bars kit, press, horizontal bar;
  • several sets of pancakes, vultures;
  • yoga mats;
  • lifter belt.

In addition to the above items, there are a number of equipment, which should include even a small gym. Its purchase should be engaged in a professional athlete, who knows as sports equipment. It is better not to trust suppliers, We offer cheap equipment, since such equipment can be unreliable and even dangerous.

The staff as the face of the company should represent the general concept of the club, differ not only in professionalism, but polite and attentive to each client. At the beginning of any fitness club will not be able to do without the coaches for individual and group study several different areas, administrators and therapists. Mandatory as cleaners, it is desirable to have a staff of guard. Manager, performing additional functions Accounting, usually he first performs business founder.

To find and keep on working professionals, you need to consider and offer favorable conditions of work and additional bonuses. Otherwise, it may be formed turnover, that always has a negative impact on the company's activities.

  1. GOST R 57138-2016 Fitness Services for children and adolescents. General requirements
  2. GOST R 57579-2017 Fitness services. Requirements for specialized fitness studios
  3. GOST R 57615-2017 Fitness services. Requirements for fitness programs


In terms of financial investments fitness club is not a cost-effective type of business. The main reason - the need to lease vast areas and the acquisition of a large number of expensive sports equipment.

The amount of capital investment may range from tens of, and even up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but, it all depends on the original purpose. for example, standard fitness club, with conventional equipment and economy one clearance, can do about 100 000 dollars, or over 6 million rubles.

If we consider all the costs of the items detailed on the upfront investment, you can get such results:

  • payment of rent premises in the first month with utilities - about 300 thousand;
  • repairs, ventilated room equipment - 500 thousand;
  • purchase of sports equipment - 1 500 000 rubles;
  • purchase of furniture, massage tables, computer hardware and other equipment - 450 thousand;
  • purchase video cameras and security equipment - 500 thousand;
  • advertisement, Custom Signs - 50 thousand;
  • business registration - 25 thousand.

on the video: CrossFit club from scratch

A separate item in the need to make a business plan supplies. for example, toilet paper, paper towels, soap.

Business plan fitness club
Business plan fitness club

Each month, the maintenance of the fitness club and its development will take about 600 thousand. The most significant points will be the payment of rental premises, utilities, payment of wages, equipment upgrades and periodic supplies, other administrative expenses. Including only the maintenance of sports equipment per month will go to 10 thousand. As much is needed to maintain the ventilation system. Salary fund for the same average number of staff will be more than 200 thousand rubles a month.

According to statistics, such clubs can earn in a month about 15 one thousand dollars. In perspective, with the active development and expansion of business may achieve million earnings.

project costs (in rubles.)

Name expenditure cost of


per month in year Единовре­



Total expenses


lease of a building, room 100 m. 1 500 000 1 500 000
Buying fitness equipment, strength training, protection, office equipment 1-150



1 456 619 1 456 619
Ventilation and its installation 850 000 850 000
Depreciation of equipment from the 1 years before 10 years from 10% to 50% in year 230 661,9 2 306 619 2 306 619
Organizational Costs (registration and license, bar opening costs) 1 020 000 1 020 000
Purchase of equipment for bar and kitchen 1 200 000 1 200 000
Purchase of computer equipment 1 100 000 100 000
Create site, payment hosting 1 120 000 120 000
Constant advertising costs (from 5-12% % turnover) 12 105 000 1 260 000 1 260 000
Salary 12 1 002 430 12 029 160 12 029 160
– including. taxes 12 301 430 3 617 160 3617 160
Unexpected expenses 624 661 624 661
in total: 1 338 091,9 15 595 779 6 871 280 22 467 059


