Business plan pancake

Business plan pancake
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Business plan pancake house for free

What information should contain a business plan pancake?

Summary of business plan to open a business plan pancake from scratch

Amount average check pancake usually reaches 350 rubles per person. This amount includes - a portion of the cost of pancakes 150 rubles, drink (tea, coffee or soft - 40 rubles), Various additives to pancakes, and an additional dessert.

Original recipes you can tell the customers themselves - so in some pancake is the practice: in a box with the wishes of customers leave their wishes in writing, or leave them at the institution site (do not forget about the feedback - today it is a very important element of the operating time constant clientele).

Quality drinks - it is an opportunity to earn a good reputation. Loose tea Brewed coffee beans - it is an opportunity to earn more and to buy a lot of satisfied customers.

The secret of success in starting their business - is determination and careful study of the case, you are going to open in the city. Study the work of direct and indirect competitors, analyze, conducting a survey.

Business planning

Business prospects are developed in two types - long and short. Or, in other words, Perspectives are strategic and operational. Operational planning is the opening of a pancake, long-term planning due to the opening of the network and the sale of the franchise in the regions in the future.

stages of the project

Etana project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1-2 year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month 1 -30 banking days
Getting credit Having a proper set of documents 30 calendar days
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax opianax The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary work 30 calendar days
Buying equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds 1-30 calendar days
recruitment production activity 1-30 calendar days
Training End orshnizatsii ethane production process 1-30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project 12-24 of the month
Business plan pancake from scratch free
Business plan pancake from scratch free

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan pancake

In business terms pancake spelled out the following actions to start a business algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees, able to fulfill customer wishes and be ready to work. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. services, now rendered.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.

The main taxes paid

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added value Month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule of payments 2,2 %
Income tax wages fund month 13%
Social payments wages fund month 34%

Freshly fragrant pancakes come at cost not so much, and profit from their sale can get a good, depending on the location of the retail outlet. Benefit may also be obtained from the sale of drinks for cooking pancakes and Takeaway, especially if the point catering fast food It located in the vicinity of schools or stations / Metro stations or near places of mass gatherings. pancake, who work in fudtreka format, may sell the products in tight envelopes - so it is most convenient to eat while walking.

Classic supply and recipes bases and fillings can vary, inviting skilled personnel.

This kind of business is suitable for beginners businessmen, who do not have a solid start-up capital. So, the cost of preparing 1 pancake will be equal to approximately 10 rubles (excluding staff wages and payment of utilities and tax deductions)

Stuffing - this is the main trigger for your customers. Good, if there is an opportunity to diversify the menu fillings, which can only offer you. Top of the most popular unusual toppings, according to opinion polls.

  1. Pancakes stuffed with red caviar. Although the cost of such food portions can reach 300 rubles, they are among the most hearty pancake.
  2. Pancakes in wine (white), apples and salmon, mozzarella and finely chopped herbs. Served dish with red caviar sauce.
  3. Hearty pancake with ham and butter. They served cheese sauce.
  4. Pancakes with mushrooms and cream sauce.
  5. Buckwheat pancakes with spicy sauce and a variety of fillings - from foie gras to the apple.
  6. Meat stuffing of minced meat and herbs.
  7. Asian filling with teriyaki sauce and chicken.
  8. Pancakes, burgers.
  9. Classic stuffing -yagodnye, cheese, poppy.
  10. Pancakes with banana and chocolate.

on the video: Business plan pancake (small business)

Dokumentatsiya for discoveries pancake

Company, with directions for the baking pancakes, must meet the requirements of various levels. For this plant magazines on the implementation of the standards and requirements:

  • implementation of sanitary rules, according to the standards of catering enterprises,
  • knowledge of recipes and food storage conditions,
  • execution of medical and biological requirements and sanitary norms of raw materials,
  • knowledge and implementation of fire prevention rules,
  • compliance with the rules elektrobezopastnosti,
  • ensuring environmental safety and ecology,
  • the security log on technique,
  • register of medical examinations of personnel.


  1. About licensing
  2. Review of major changes in the tax laws 2018
  3. Federal-Law-of-22.07.2008-N-123-FL-red.-by-29.07.2017-1
  4. Federal-Law-on-08.08.2001-N-129 FZ-red.-of-31.12.2017

Making of documents for long-term lease also requires mandatory registration at Moscow Registration Committee. This requires additional documents:

  • registration certificate of enterprise registration in the Commercial Register,
  • registration of a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages,
  • permission from the SEC to open a restaurant. Given the approval of plans of the organization and control of the kitchen ready for use,
  • permit for outdoor advertising sign,
  • fire safety coordination,
  • Agreement for the various utilities,
  • coordination with the Department of Architecture to redevelop the premises. Another agreement with numerous other organizations in withstanding various standards: SES, Moskgorekspertiza, Death, MBC, etc.. If the room is in an apartment building, it will be necessary permission Zhilinspektsii. It is undesirable to take the rent in buildings, which relate to the monuments.

List of useful documents:

  1. Basic Documentation for the opening activities.
  2. Federal-Law-on-08.08.2001-N-129 FZ-red.-of-31.12.2017
  3. Federal-Law-on-04.05.2011-N-99-FZ-red.-of-31.12.2017.
  4. Federal Law of 03.07.2016 N 290-FZ (row. from 27.11.2017.
  5. About licensing.

Documentation required for the provision of inspection of Rospotrebnadzor

Resolution on the type of activity

Key documents, concerning the start of business in the entertainment sector, you can see here: Basic Documentation for the opening activities


  • The contract for the provision of municipal solid waste disposal services;
  • – for removal of mercury waste, Washing / dry cleaning uniforms;
  • – for works pest control, exterminating, disinfecting ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • Other.


  • Scan Logs legal entity
  • -schedule of general cleanings
  • taking into account the receipts and disbursement of disinfectants
  • taking into account the work carried out cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Brakerazhny Journal entering the catering department products
  • Other.

Orders and instructions

  • Writs of sanitary Day.
  • – the appointment of a responsible for compliance with production control program.
  • – the appointment of a responsible for hygiene training for staff.

Every private company is required to have a number of permits, Rospotrebnadzor inspectors confirmed. This supervisory authority keeps a record of the sanitary condition of facilities, as well as their documentation.

  1. Federal-Law-on-08.08.2001-N-129 FZ-red.-of-31.12.2017
  2. Federal-Law-of-22.07.2008-N-123-FL-red.-by-29.07.2017-1
  3. Review of major changes in the tax laws 2018
  4. About licensing

on the video: Pancake king: Mikhail Goncharov, Russian fast food brought to New York


Существует большое количество рецептов блинов
There are many recipes for pancakes

cadre: 14 man on a small pancake cafe.

Of them:

  • senior manager – 1 person,
  • senior chef – 2 man,
  • cooks helpers – 6 person,
  • waiters – 5 person.

Wages Fund is distributed in a certain pattern:

The cafe is open in two shifts in the time dimension – 13 hours ( with 10 to 23 ), which should do the job equal to the number of employees.

Download Business plan pancake for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality.

project costs

Name expenditure cost of
Qty (PC) per month in year Lump


Total costs per year
Purchase (rent) building, room 1 3 000 000 3 000 000
Repair of premises 1 1 200 000 1 200 000
Purchase (rent) gazelle 1 450 000 450 000
purchase furniture 1 1 000 000 1 000 000
Buying equipment, overalls for zersoala disposable tableware (for each subsequent month of work) 1 20 000 240 000 240 000
Buying a computer and cash register 1 85 000 85 000
Buying equipment 1 292 994 292 994
Grocery Shopping 1 103 680 1 244 160 1 244 160
Expenditure on marketing zroduktsii (website, packages, plastic box, fzaeyry and others.) 1 15 000 180 000 180 000
Energy costs 12 10 000 120 000 120 000
The fee for garbage disposal 12 7 000 84 000 84 000
to pay for a patent for the work costs, authorization for the right to trade 12 11 250 135 000 135 000
Salary 12 421 890 5 062 680 5 062 680
including. taxes 12 134 890 1 618 680 1 618 680
Unexpected expenses 602 796 602 796
in total: 588 820 7 065 840 6 630 790 13 696 630
Business plan pancake
Business plan pancake

Sample prices for equipment for pancakes


success of any business is good advertising businesses. And the more manpower and resources to be invested in it, the more promising is business.

You can use a variety of types of advertising:

  • ad on the Internet,
  • the use of local media opportunities,
  • business card with the address of pancakes and a partial range of menus, colorful,
  • reklamki different nature, including the ongoing stock, eg, during the holidays,
  • Promotions,
  • ads on local TV and radio on the opening of the pancake and its existence.

Well to make a beautiful, bright sign and a pointer to the road with an invitation to visit the pancake. This greatly increases the flow of customers, for whom actually opens business. customers will, income will, but, so, and profit.


The costs of starting a business:

  • for the repair of premises cost 400 thousand. rubles,
  • purchase of equipment – 500 thousand. rubles,
  • buying food at an outdoor cafe – 200 thousand. rubles,
  • advertising costs, the original – 50 thousand. rubles,
  • payment of rent for the month – 90 thousand. rubles

in total: 1.2 million. rubles

monthly spending:

  • payment of rent – 90 thousand. rubles,
  • grocery shopping -200 thousand. rubles,
  • utilities and registration of various contracts – 50 thousand. rubles,
  • various financial costs – 250 thousand. rubles.

in total: 600 thousand.


Download Business plan pancake for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality. Open access, on the Internet, it is not.
The contents of a business plan:
1. Confidentiality
2. Resume
3. Stages of the project
4. Feature object
5. marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Feasibility study of investments
10. findings

General on the pancake project costs

  • Rack bars with special holes for the installation of equipment - 24 000 rubles.
  • Built-in kitchen, equipped with shelves (2 u) – 13 800 rubles.
  • Refrigeration showcase - 21 000 rubles.
  • Pancake pans for pancakes of different sizes (large and small) 9 250 rubles 4 400 rubles, respectively.
  • Electric - 9 300 rubles.
  • Extractor fan in the number ve 2 PC. – 8 050 rubles.
  • Set of dishes - 4 950 rubles.
  • Other kitchen utensils - 14 000 rubles.
  • mixer - 18 000 rubles.
  • Microwave - 4 000 rubles.
  • electric teapots 2 PC. – 3 000 rubles.
  • Fridge - 32 000 rubles.
  • planting Furniture Desk - 24 000 rubles.
  • Plumbing equipment, wash, cranes, plums - 8 400 rubles.
  • Bar stools - 16 400 rubles.
  • Furniture for cafe - 6 900 rubles (optional)
  • Branded clothing for staff - 2 000 rubles.
  • Decor elements - 5 000 rubles.
  • Making Business as an IP - 11 000 rubles.
  • signaling equipment, purchase of fire extinguishers and other special equipment - 9 550 rubles.
  • Marketing plan, means of business promotion - 22 000 rubles.
  • other expenses, including transport - 10 000 rubles.
