The business plan of fast food

The business plan of fast food
Бизнес план открытия фаст фуда
fresh baked smell attracts people. So why not make this?

Catering for small investors is quite attractive. This promising prospects and growth potential. This is a real opportunity to organize a profitable business.

For fast food services used by many: students, students, workers of various enterprises. Basically, these are people, who do not have time for a full meal. Therefore, wishing to realize themselves in this area it is advisable to pay attention to the business plan of fast food, which will help to evaluate the features of, typical fast food market.

Always choose the most difficult path – on it you will not meet competition (Charles de Gaulle)

Opening fast food

Today, street cafes, offering a quick and inexpensive meal, lots of. Aspiring entrepreneurs advisable to start operations with the opening of a fast food kiosk. The main advantages of this embodiment:

  • It does not require large expenditures;
  • the principles of the organization are simple;
  • fast payback.

The opening of this kiosk includes registration as FE. As for the tax accounting, he carried on UTII system.

Assistance with opening a fast food restaurant – determined with location and area

Бизнес план открытия фаст фуда
Of great importance for businesses of fast food plays their location.

The optimal place to do business there, where ever there are large flows of people. Thus places may be stations, large enterprises, bus stops, subways, airports, schools, markets, entertainment centers.

If the point is located in the Loop location, her popularity provided. However, the activities of such a point will depend on seasonal factors. Therefore, the highest sales revenue will be in the spring and summer. Winter time, in particular, New Year's Eve – the most unfavorable period for the activity.

The business plan for the opening of fast food and should include calculations with regard to the necessary area for activities. So, one point area must not be less than 4 quarter. m.

How to attract a buyer at the point of fast food?

hot baking smell - this is the secret, which will lead to you a considerable number of customers! After all, it stimulates the appetite. In humans, there is a desire to postpone the works, and a snack.

Clients really like to watch the cooking process. After all, for them it is the only opportunity to ensure, that everything is done accurately. Yes, and the wait, that won the product now will turn into a fragrant product with a ruddy crust, taste is already so soon happen to try, will not leave anyone indifferent person.

The business plan for the opening of fast food information should be present, which implies the implementation of a wide range of products. In addition to his puff pastry, pancakes, burgers, donuts and pizza are included juices, tea, coffee, sparkling water.

The key to business success - innovation, that, in turn, born creativity (James Gudnayt)

The production plan of opening a fast food restaurant

It involves the answers to questions about the:

  • connection to electricity and running water;
  • matching facilities for activities with the relevant authorities;
  • of employees (one point only two sellers, operating alternately);
  • management (management function may make the entrepreneur);
  • accounting (SP alone can handle);
  • the acquisition of the necessary equipment.

Бизнес план фаст фудаEquipment, required to open fast food outlets:

  • convection oven;
  • cash machine;
  • deep freeze;
  • cabinets and racks;
  • microwave.

Financial plan in terms of opening a fast food restaurant

This plan makes it possible not only to calculate the payback period. Based on it becomes clear, how much investment is required for the realization of the idea.

How much is to open a fast food

Buying kiosk 100 000
The acquisition of the initial batch of products 50 000
matching 50 000
equipment purchase 100 000
in total 300 000

operating costs

Salary 30 000
Advertising and other expenses 20 000
Purchase of goods 200 000
in total 250 000


Average revenue per month 280 000
Monthly profit 30 000

Payback is about fast food 10 months.

Ready business plan fast food – video help


If you decide to open a fast food outlets – this is a sure way to success. Large investments in this business is not required, and the yield of this case will be very soon noticeable. Customers can bring fresh produce, as well as the, that offer as an ornament to the dish greens, vegetables and fruits. This will allow the client to receive positive emotions, but, so, he will definitely come back to you again.

If you want to make your more accurate calculations and advise to find out more download ready-made business plan absolutely free. Well, if you have any questions please comment, I will try to help.
