Business Plan "foam production"

Business Plan "foam production"
Бизнес-план «Производство пенопласта»
Business Plan "foam production" – a profitable business idea.

such material, as a foam, It has a wide range of applications due to the inherent characteristics (environmental safety, properties of heat- and sound), is an advantage over other materials. The foam can be used to:

  1. insulation purpose - building insulation and roof, repair of industrial premises, construction of hangars, etc..
  2. Exterior insulation of buildings. In this case, the advantage of the foam is, that after the foam insulation of the building can be plastered.
  3. Insulation damage. It can be used for insulation of pipes, Storage of vegetables and fruit, transport equipment and the internal insulating transport wagons.

Due to the extensive scope of the foam business, associated with its production, able to bring substantial revenue. This requires the initial preparation of the relevant business plan (with the calculation of the advisability of the project launch) and compliance with certain features of doing business in this area.

Selection of premises for the production of

The business plan should first be described selection of premises, in which the planned placement of foam production. Such premises are special requirements.

First of all they are in the, that the building of a mini-plant for the production of foam needs to have a minimum of 3 room, isolated from each other by fireproof shields. Data refers premises:

  1. Manufacturing facility. Its area shall not be less than 70 quarter. m, and the ceiling height - no less 5 m. The room temperature should not fall below +10 degrees.
  2. Finished products warehouse. The minimum area of ​​its placement – 50 quarter. metrov.Sklad can be placed outside the building and, but for this he must be specially equipped shelters and protective plates from the adverse impact of natural.
  3. Warehouse for raw material of approximately 10 quarter. metrov.Temperatura in the room should not exceed +20 degrees.

Indoor production should be continuous supply of electricity and water supply system to function properly.

Market research

In addition to the specifications of an industrial building should consider the geographic location of the future mini-plant. For this pre-market structure should be examined in this area, consider those regions, where there is demand for products offering outstanding foam. These regions are the most favorable for the launch of the new plan there is a commercial project.

Besides, in the business plan for the opening of the industrial production of foam, It must be clearly established and designated future product sales path. Also, the opening production of the foam project in the calculation of basic economic indicators of some business seasonality should be taken into account.

На производстве должен присутствовать склад готовой продукции
In the production must be present finished products warehouse

Equipment for manufacturing of foam plastic

Профессиональные линии цеха для производства пенопласта.
Professional workshop for the production line of foam.

Everybody knows, it is easier to start a small business, than big business due to smaller start-finance investments, and other factors. For this reason, it is recommended to start with the opening on the foam producing mini-mill. To do this, the business plan should be counted acquisition of most of the necessary equipment, required at startup of the production process. For example, business production capacity 50 quarter. meters in 1 Time required following list of equipment:

  • Pre-blowing agent, automatic feeding and dosage of raw materials in it;
  • Receiving hopper to the pipe;
  • Block-form;
  • Tables for cutting foamed plastic;
  • waste crusher;
  • Steam generators;
  • Remote Control;
  • Pnevmotrasport;
  • Additional details for the installation of equipment.

Download a business plan for the production of foam for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality.

Staff for the production of

Перспективное направление применения пенопласта - изготовление упаковки
Advanced applications of foam – packaging manufacturing

Should not assume, that through the acquisition of modern high-quality equipment for future production staff do not need. To ensure itself of the production process and maintenance of the equipment must be hired workers and technologist.

It is best to recruit the staff working on the basis of work in production 2 change. For work 1 shifts four workers should be involved and 1 technologist. Respectively, all should hire 8 workers and 1 technologist.

Besides, an employee must be employed for cleaning, and brought accountant (albeit coming) to resolve accounting issues, accounting and taxation.

The business plan "foam production" in addition to the list of workers should also be given its estimated wages.

Financial part

The result of preparation for foam production of a business plan (and its most valuable information from the point of view of investors) a count Finance.

In these figures include:

  1. Purchase of equipment - about 850 000 – 900 000 rubles.
  2. Monthly wages of workers and technologist is not less than 96 000 – 100 000 rubles.
  3. Other expenses, related to the cost of utilities, contingencies, equipment repairs and other.

If you consider the fact, that foam production will be 5 days a week in two shifts, and will also be established sustainable ways of marketing the finished products wholesale, the payback period of such business will not exceed 3-5 months.

Total, the starting capital for foam production will be approximately 960 000 – 1000 000, but it refers to the purchase of equipment and the production of raw materials. If the additionally required space for rent or purchase, the amount of initial capital will increase significantly.

Additional costs would entail an advertising company and outdoor advertising funds.

Download a business plan for the production of foam for 350 rub., our partners, with a guarantee of quality. Open access, on the Internet, it is not.
The contents of a business plan:
1. Confidentiality
2. Resume
3. Stages of the project
4. Feature object
5. marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Feasibility study of investments
10. findings

On offer visitors video page presents some advice on doing business, associated with the production of the foam, and the technology itself:


foam production at the moment is a very popular area of ​​the business in some regions of the country. For this reason, if you choose the right region of the opening of business, as well as comply with all the nuances of doing business in this area, then the profit will not take long.

For competent distribution of opportunities and resources, must be drawn up production of a business plan foam.For a better understanding of the topic are invited readers sample business plan "foam production", which can be downloaded free of charge.

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