The business plan of language courses

The business plan of language courses

In the wake of the popularization of foreign language learning every day there are new language studio. We offer business language courses plan besplatno.Tem at least over time many of them are closed, because are not able to withstand the negative market trends and increased competition. Foreign language School, well-planned and created for a specific strategy, It is not only able to survive in today's market, but also bring a steady income. The business plan provides objective factors, influencing the process of discovery and development of language courses, and made evaluation of the economic viability of the project.

Home business: assessment and analysis of the industry

Project opening and development center designed for language learning 2 of the year, during which will be held all the way from the ground to the moment, when the company will be highly profitable. If you briefly describe the future Language Center, it is a medium-size organization, whose purpose - to meet the potential audience of the necessity of studying foreign languages.

market coverage can be different. In connection with the objective of international economic and political circumstances of the most popular is still the English language. Therefore, it is he needs to take maximum hours and attention, It took the staff a sufficient number of teachers. The program should include other European languages ​​- French, Deutsch, Spanish, Italian. Demand in our society Chinese, Hebrew and some other rare until recently. But, according to statistics, the demand for these languages ​​gradually increases, so they must to include in the course program.

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Target audience and drawing up a business plan for the program of language courses

The business plan of language courses
The business plan of language courses

Potential audience of language courses is very wide: it includes students, applicants, students and adults of different social and financial situation. A separate category of the visitor center can become foreign citizens, learning Russian. Therefore, depending on the level of demand for learning the Russian language, it makes sense to introduce it in the list of services.

At the stage of planning and development of the future structure of the strategy should consider the differences of language schools and courses. In this case, the planned course format, which provides for a more flexible teaching. For example, Unlike schools, offering programs lasting from several months to a year, course may wear the express character and built in accordance with the possibilities and wishes of the customer.

Currency as the format will be more profitable and therefore, that the wording of "school" in the title will require an educational license, which complicates the registration process and opening.

Planning the organization of foreign language courses will tentatively include such consistent action:

  1. – Set groups by organizing a system of counseling sites interested in phone mode;
  2. – Distribution of students on 3 groups. It makes sense to spread them on 3 main categories of age (children up to 13 years old, teens to 17 and adults over the age of). Further, when a sufficient number of students can be distinguished within each of the major groups of several categories in terms of training. In accordance with the distribution plan weekly schedule for each group;
  3. – identify areas of the course: list of languages, which will be included in the course program. Typically, clients are encouraged to classical European languages, often in the program include Chinese, Arabic and other oriental languages;
  4. – determining the duration of each course according to the curriculum features;
  5. – definition of teaching methods, including the need to purchase textbooks for students, communication component, and other fundamental issues;
  6. – determination of tuition fees. pricing in the market will affect this figure, the number of hours of training and a number of other factors;
  7. – preparation of audio- and video, development of interactive training programs.

Planning various courses in the training program, It should be based on the level of demand, operating in the industry. So, It is to provide individual foreign language courses for tourist trips, in which, in addition to the basic knowledge of phonetics and grammar, will study the specific vocabulary and situations, which fall in tourists, staying abroad. The second important area, the best-selling - language learning to work in a hotel, restaurant or tourist business. The program will present the terminology and vocabulary, necessary for activities in the service sector.

Be sure to develop a course for lawyers: in addition to the standard grammar training program here is a specialized vocabulary. for example, special attention can be given to the vocabulary from the sphere of land legislation or litigation, syntactic constructions, is used in the preparation of contracts, etc.. The same applies to business courses.

Another popular areas - technical English. The main category of customers - engineers and the mechanics of the various activities. customers, knowing grammar and vocabulary at a high level, We can offer visiting speaking club to overcome the psychological barrier. A separate program may be the preparation for international exams, the results of which are served when traveling abroad for permanent residence, as well as for work or study.

In addition to group classes, Service in the list of courses to be individual training, allows customers to master the material more quickly, paying attention primarily on aspects necessary for him.

Each course must be designed in accordance with international programs and requirements. Besides, the basis must be based communicative element, aimed at eliminating the language barrier.

Once the exact range of services of language courses will be developed, should draw up a price, taking into account the cost and pricing of competing companies. According to the average rate in the industry, one session will have a value in the range 10 – 20 dollars. Foreigners, learning Russian, willing to pay more, so for them it is possible to set a little bit higher prices.

Separately examine the ratio of the target audience of language courses. The bulk of customers in the age group of 18 to 35 years old. Usually, This knowledge workers, with higher education and middle-class. During the study of consumer demand can be distributed whole audience into narrower age and social groups:

  • – children 4 – 12 years old;
  • – teens to 18 years old;
  • – Senior students and graduates - young professionals;
  • – office workers managers and entrepreneurs;
  • – corporate clients.

In the area of ​​customer interest, most of it falls on the English language as an international. So, about 82 interest rates accounted for English language training, whereas 7% - German, approximately 2 % – French, Spanish and Italian. Even fewer training courses can be found rarer languages ​​- Japanese, Chinese and other. To determine the proportion of programs in the education structure, We need to examine the state of demand in their community and in the whole country. for example, in connection with the promotion of the Chinese language, it makes sense to offer the students pass the basic or additional training on favorable terms.

Generally, To sum up all the information on supply and demand in the industry and create an optimal plan of future language courses, sentence structure is as follows:

  • – general training;
  • – Business foreign language;
  • – Preparation for passing an international exam;
  • – program, designed for corporate clients;
  • – additional services and extended programs.

According to the results of each quarter or semester need to monitor the level of demand for all services, to determine, what activities need to be expanded, and which are less in demand.

Steps for opening a language school

Immediately start a language school activities since the business plan prior to its opening and the start of classes includes several milestones:

  • – registration with the tax office, license registration;
  • – lease of premises, including several rooms for training and receiving;
  • – purchase of books and other printed materials for classes;
  • – if necessary - renovation of premises;
  • – Equipment furnished rooms, TVs, specialized equipment and electronics for interactive lessons;
  • – advertising campaign.

Organize all stages of creation of language courses can be, combining them into a single table:

stages Test conditions terms
start of the project 1 – 2 year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 month first 30 banking days
Obtaining credit to start a business Preparation and submission of documents To 1 of the month
Adding to the state register, registration with the Federal Tax Service The conclusion of the investment agreement from 1 to 30 calendar days
Choosing a location, preparation of documents on the premises Carrying out preliminary work 1 month
Purchase of equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement To 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining funds for the development of the project To 30 calendar days
hiring employees Start of production activities first 30 days
Training The end of the process of organization of the company To 30 days
marketing campaign, promotion and advertising services 360 calendar days To 360 calendar days
End of project 12 – 24 months

Training courses room. Technical equipment

Business plan language courses free sample
Business plan language courses free sample

room, which will be trained in foreign languages, It should be quiet and secluded, allowing in a comfortable environment to conduct individual and group lessons. It can be a separate floor or rented and equipped apartment in a certain way, allowing to carry out several activities at the same time. There you need to allocate a separate room or a part thereof to store teaching materials, equipment and electronics.

Classes for group and individual lessons - one of the most important aspects of preparation for the opening of courses. Depending on the initial condition of the premises is necessary to make major or minor repairs, buy furniture for students and teachers, equipped classrooms and multimedia ordinary board, projector and other equipment for training. To purchase and cabinets to house books, handout, needed in the classroom, and personal belongings of students and teachers. If the school has a reception, you must create the administrator's workstation and a reception for visitors and waiting. To operate the Administrator will need a computer with the necessary software, telephone with fax for receiving calls, messages and documents, as well as a terminal for payment by credit card.


The main factor in the success of language courses will be highly qualified staff. In addition to a good level of language skills, Teachers must have the skills trainers and psychologists, and demonstrate positive personal qualities. Of course, the language teacher must have documents, confirming his qualifications and the right to engage in teaching activities.

The business plan of language courses
The business plan of language courses

For medium of language courses is usually sufficient 4 teachers and 1 – 2 administrators. While developing state can be increased. manager function is often performed by founder, which will save on wages. An accountant can deal with course leaders, the same function sometimes instruct specialists, operating on the basis of outsourcing. The staff also need technical staff - 1 or 2 cleaners, depending on the area of ​​premises.

An important way to motivate and retain valuable teachers in the state - a decent wage. Before hiring professionals need to examine the relevant labor market and analyze the principle and the amount of payment, operating in the industry.

Registration and License

Any activity, implying instruction followed by a special document issuance, subject to the license registration. It is engaged in the competent committee in the Ministry of Education. Regardless of, plans to obtain a license if the founder, he should first consult with a lawyer, to know, what activities are subject to licensing.

As known, any educational activity must be licensed. The language school is no exception. true, in the list of educational activities have the item "Education for adults and other kinds of education". However, in most cases, language courses do not fit this description, because this kind of activity is better to issue a non-profit educational institution, or know. This structure will have a legal entity format, so, the license will still be needed. Therefore, initially it costs to address the issues of obtaining a license. The main advantage of its availability - rates the right to issue an official confirmation, that students have been trained and improved their language skills. This fact gives a significant competitive advantage in the market.

To learn which activities relate to the field of education, can be found in a special federal law on education: Law on Education.

Making Ltd. takes up 14 working days. But first founder must apply to the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service, where to get a full list of documents, which must be submitted together with the application for registration of the organization. In contrast to the creation of IP Organization LLC requires the applicant to provide accurate information about the structure of the official name, its legal address. Necessarily and Charter Company, as well as the introduction of the authorized capital as a guarantee of the company's solvency. Before the creation of a legal entity to open a settlement account of the company for cashless transactions and order prints. The classifier NACE is better to choose the code 85.41 "Additional education for children and adults" ( It can be used in the activities of both the availability of a license, and without its registration.

Regarding the status of IP, for it in the law there is no direct ban. But there is a chance, that the further testing may prohibit the enterprise to teach languages ​​in a format, and therefore, it will have to close and pass registration process again.

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Marketing and advertising policies

In attracting customers to help correct assessment of the potential audience - usually, are pupils, preparing for exams, as well as adults, who need to improve the English language or other knowledge to perform job duties or travel. There is another category - citizens, who are planning to emigrate abroad and in need of urgent improvement of foreign language. Sometimes learn a foreign language (usually English) It comes practically the whole team - because in the modern economic system requires knowledge of English, many businesses pay rates. Concluding with one of the companies in the group learning contract, language school will benefit greatly, We received a large number of new customers for an extended period.

With these features develop advertising strategy. The first basic condition is to create a comfortable and functional site. Official resource should provide all necessary information about the company's services and current pricing. A potential customer should be able to, visit website, find information about lecturer, their education, technique and experience. Official language school resource should be optimized for search queries in order, so potential customers can find it immediately, typing in the search box keywords. this task, as well as the design and content of the site, be left to professionals.

Apart from the official site, to promote a new school and need in social networks, forums, and other resources, where there are multiple users on a daily basis. One of the important methods of attracting customers is to create a flexible season ticket system, lucrative bonus and promotional offers. Many people, who were satisfied with the knowledge acquired, Courses lead to their friends and relatives. Such advertising is considered one of the most effective, so you should use this feature, offering discounts and bonuses for attracting new customers.

Financial questions

After evaluating all investments, study of the pricing policy and the creation of a blueprint of costs and profits of the company can make major financial conclusions. First of all, necessary to determine the optimal amount, that the founder of the language courses is to take out a bank loan. Pre lending would amount 2 million. 25 thousand. It was the sum can be estimated overall cost of the project, which will be implemented during the first two years after opening. At an estimated rate 14% in the total amount of interest, accrued on the loan, will be about 130, 3 thousand rubles. Summing up all the results, it can be concluded that, that the payback period will be equal to 13 months since the opening of the courses. But the overall economic effect by the end of the second year will be in the range 7 million. 41 thousand rubles.

Service sales forecast produced on the basis of such indicators:

  • – analysis of consumer demand in the relevant market segment;
  • – results of a study of existing market offerings;
  • – overall services market.

Making tentative sales plan and making predictions about future profits, allow for the lowest level of profitability. As a result,, Having considered the approximate sales plan for the first 2 of the year (that is how much you need to exit the company self-sufficient and achieve stable profitability), can group all data in this table:

Period Type of service The volume of services per month (number of students) price, rub. for Academician. time revenue, rub.
1 – 12 months. English 150 and more from 1 thousand. from 1,5 million.
13 – 24 months. Other languages from 80 person from 1500 over 1,2mln.
1 – 12 months. English from 180 person from 1100 from 1,98 million.
13 – 24 months. Other languages 96 listeners and more from 1600 from 1,536 million.

In calculating the projected income should take into account the risks, which can reduce profits. So, among the major risk factors - an increasingly competitive, the absence of legislative certainty and a strong dependence on the level of quality of service of teachers.

One of the most important items of the financial language school plan is a detailed calculation of costs, which are necessary in the first 2 year for the opening and development of the organization. All costs can be divided into starting, necessary especially at the stage of starting a business, and current, standing. The first category would include funds, spent on the purchase of furniture and equipment, premises Repair, business registration. Rent for premises, utility payments and salary will be included in the list of mandatory monthly expenses.

By combining all of the costs for the creation and development of business in one system, following conclusions:

item of expenditure Costs per month, rub. expenses for 12 months, rub. lump-sum costs Total for the year
lease of premises 280 thousand 3 million. 360 thousand. 560 thousand 3 million. 920 thousand
Purchase of equipment 45 thousand 146 thousand 145,2 thousand.
Procurement of the computer technology 69 thousand 69 thousand
Organizing site, buy hosting and scripts 120 thousand 120 thousand
Regular cost of advertising on the Internet 60 thousand 720 thousand 720 thousand
Wage 657 thousand 7 mln.877 thousand. 7 mln.877 thousand.
taxes 17,4 thousands 2 million. 369 thousand. 2 million. 369 thousand.
Additional expenses 89,5 thousand 89,5 thousand
Total 1 million. 42 thousand. 11 mln.957 thousand. 983, 7 thousand 12 mln.940 thousands

In this way, the total cost, that the company will suffer in the first year of operation, reached almost 13 million rubles. This relatively low level of expenditure in view of the fact, that with proper organization of work and the active campaign first income will be obtained already on the basis of the initial months of its activity.

A separate important issue is the payment of taxes. language training activities are subject to the standard tax system, which includes the following required items:

Type of tax base Period Tax rate
Tax on profits earned profit 1 month 20%
Value added tax (NDS) added value 1 month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income tax wages fund 1 month 13%
Social Security contributions wages fund 1 month 30%

The fiscal year for the language courses are traditionally begins in January, it is from this period begins calculation tools, which will be carried out with tax deductions.

The conducted study of the relevant segment of the market and the development of a business plan language courses allow us to some important conclusions, which will help in the opening of the organization. First of all, the company language training is objectively considered a promising and potentially profitable. This structure is a member of the high-risk projects due to the high level of competition.

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