Business plan for computer courses

Business plan for computer courses
Business plan for computer courses
Business plan for computer courses

Distribution of computer technology in all spheres of public life requires modern people with good skills appliances and electronics. To master the computer or fill existing gaps in knowledge, our fellow citizens often attend computer courses. Taking into account this trend, Many aspiring entrepreneurs open businesses in this area. The first step will be the creation of a business plan computer courses to exact financial calculations.

Business plan for computer courses

Computer courses as a separate business entity aims to provide educational services in the field of computer and information technologies. The main activity - training in computer skills of varying complexity in all categories of the population. Depending on the wishes of potential customers it may be short-term or long-term training of computer literacy, allowing to become a confident user, or obtain a new professional level. In this connection, rates can vary according to such criteria:

  • – Individual and group classes;
  • – long learning or Express courses Weekend;
  • – classroom training or on-site at customer.

Most of the customers - employees of different areas of activity, wishing to improve their computer literacy, acquire work skills in a variety of computer programs, word processing and spreadsheets. For these students fit small groups, Visitors are distributed in terms of training.

The number of hours for each course will be determined by the goals of students: for standard basic training in computer skills will be enough in the course of 8 – 10 Academic hours using the method bystropotochnogo. More advanced skills for mastering the professional level requires a long learning - such programs to include the majority of the 48 academic hours and more. additional skills, which can be useful to the future customers, – assembly and disassembly of computers, simple repair certain parts - can also be included in the training program. Such skills are quite in demand, especially among those, who is trained to work in this sector in. Besides, even an ordinary office worker should be able to cope with the simplest problem with your computer, what will also help short training.

Will be beneficial to provide corporate training services. To him often use whole companies or departments to improve the skills of using computer equipment and bringing this process to automatism. In this case, it makes sense to enter the office workers training service in their territory. Corporate offers may also be interested in schools and universities, teachers who, because of age often lag behind modern technologies. The conclusion of corporate contracts will ensure computer courses high and stable profit, and when the good results of training - a good reputation and an influx of new customers.

In addition to fixed rates, competitive activity will be thematic seminars and trainings on topics of programming and IT. By reading these seminars can attract speakers, known in the industry or related disciplines. This is not only a significant paper profits, but also additional advertising. Organization of ad hoc seminars more profitable, than holding regular courses, as in this case, there is constant reference to the schedule. Besides, there is no need to take the staff of a large number of teachers - read trainings usually involve outside experts, paying hourly jobs.

Among the main advantages of opening computer courses is the relative lack of niche: the first such organizations appeared in the 2000s. But after several years of crisis up to 2014 , many of them have closed or significantly reduced their activity. Despite, that the industry is going through its own development, All the market has enough free. All training courses on computer literacy and related activities a little more 7 thousand. They are mostly deployed in the capital and other major cities, therefore, the market situation is very different depending on territorial characteristics.

on the video: How to open a computer course from scratch

Organization of computer courses: and planning stages

After you have developed a strategy for the new company, you can proceed directly to its creation. The main steps are as follows:

– Search rooms for classes and equipment rental;

– paperwork to open a business entity;

– search team;

– preparation of teaching programs;

– development pricelist of services;

– advertisement, marketing campaign.

Once it made a rough plan of organization of future courses, We need to consider the indicative calendar of the new organization. Including - schedule of classes with the mandatory number of hours. To do this, consider two lessons modes - standard and intensive. Standard mode provides for training two or three times a week 4 academic hours. Usually, I am studying the program in such a way, Clients attend courses in a day. For busy people should enter the Weekend Course.

Business plan free computer courses
Business plan free computer courses

Intensive course involves a more rapid mastery of the base material. Therefore it is necessary to propose a training day, except Saturday and Sunday. It is also possible to reduce the number of school days by increasing the duration of employment. for example, intensity may include 2-3 day training 8 hours a day.

For the purpose of uniform distribution of the lessons you need to plan your schedule as follows:

– with 9.00 to 12.00 put the morning group;

– with 12.00 to 18.00 - day;

– in the time remaining before the closure of schools - evening courses;

– Saturday - Sunday - weekend groups.

To sum up the whole process of computer course from the beginning to the release of his self-sufficiency and a stable level of profit, you can create a table with indicative deadlines:

stages Test conditions terms
start of the project 1 – 2 year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 month first 30 banking days
Getting a loan for business development Availability of compulsory set of documents 1 month
Adding to the state register, tax registration The conclusion of the investment agreement from 1 to 30 calendar days
choice of location, preparation of documents on the premises preliminary work 1 month
Purchase of specialized equipment The presence of an investment contract To 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds for the development of the project To 30 calendar days
selection team Start of main activities To 30 calendar days
Training The end of the process of organization of production activities To 30 days
marketing campaign, promotions 30 calendar days To 360 calendar days
End of project 12 – 24 months

Dates may be slightly different, but in general, adhering to this schedule, we can derive a new company to break-even level during the first year of operation.

Premises and equipment

To initiate a course can be a maximum savings - without rent and preparation of a separate room. In the early months, many course creators are renting by the hour internet cafe, over time, increasing the group and duration of courses. After the first steady income appears, you can open your own computer class, purchase the necessary equipment and machinery.

With time, with the development of the enterprise is necessary to find and equip a certain way for training room. Many entrepreneurs from that stage start building your business, that rationally considering, that the situation, design and equipment will be one of the factors attracting and retaining customers.

Room for computer courses should be located in a busy part of the city. Important, so customers can conveniently get to a place of learning, so you should pre-pay attention to the transport interchange and the availability of convenient access to the building.

The best option for opening the computer courses will be rooms for rent. Optional rent a whole building - this may be part of the existing floor or closed school, any other organization, which it is convenient to open a number of classes for training. The specifics of any training courses - in the need for several separate rooms to conduct classes, as well as a spacious room, where you can set the computers and other equipment, and also to place a large audience of listeners. That is why several school classes are ideal for this purpose. The school will be good and even their equipment - in classes usually have desks, wooden plank, wardrobes for clothes and other equipment. Besides, educational facilities are always equipped with heating and a bathroom. All these features are very important to open a full-fledged computer school and allow students to gain permanent groups.

Business plan for computer courses
Business plan for computer courses

Equipment for the start of the course includes the following items:

– computers in the required quantity with modern software and hardware;

– if necessary - Scanners, Printers and other auxiliaries;

– three-piece wall board for writing with chalk and markers;

– if there is a need - and multimedia projectors whiteboard for interactive sessions and presentations;

– furniture for students and teachers;

– writing chalk;

– air conditioning;

– lighting equipment and other mandatory equipment room.

purchasing equipment, especially computer equipment, should give preference to trusted manufacturers, avoiding cheaper counterparts. It is not necessary to buy second-hand computers, even in order to save - this may affect the quality of the equipment.

Recruitment for computer courses no difficulty: conduct classes for beginners and intermediate level students can any expert corresponding profile. Usually invite teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions on a part time. Training programs are typically the teachers themselves - it is important to, that they are sufficiently qualified and experienced to work with clients. If courses founder has enough knowledge and experience, and it has the necessary qualifications for teaching, it can independently carry out part of the course. In addition to teachers, courses will need administrator, responsible for advising potential customers, their record in the group, payment receipt and other organizational functions. If the courses are working full-time throughout the week, needed at least two administrators. Duties accountant can perform the chief executive. If an organization acquires a large scale, We have to hire a separate specialist in accounting or give these functions to outsourcing. The same applies to technical staff - in the state to be cleaner, but sometimes more profitable to enter into a contract with a cleaning company.

Features of the advertising campaign

Before your ad for training services work on a computer, should clearly indicate the number of potential customers. If the organization offers its services mainly to students of primary level (people tend to refer to them by 40 years old, who by occupation is necessary to master computer skills), the nature of the promotion will have a special character. Pursuing the promotion of vocational training services to certain areas of the computer, should pay more attention to advertising among pupils and students.

Advertising should be addressed before the opening of the company. In any case, the ad on the Internet and local media will be the main methods of promotion services courses. Due to the nature of activities will effectively advertise on the computer literacy training in local employment centers. You can even sign a contract with the Labor Exchange for admission of, who is registered in the center and expects to receive additional training or to improve their skills.

Ads should be as informative and bright, attracting the attention of the target audience. You can place advertisements in schools - graduates, planning to get a programmer education, often they need to improve their knowledge and can become one of the categories of clients.

Good work in the subway ad, at public transport stops and billboards. true, this type of advertising has a much wider scope of audience, than necessary - not all read the ads are interested in the services offered. Therefore ad, placed around the city, better to combine with other methods. It is important to immediately develop a website, which will present all the information regarding services, the company offers. Creation and development of the site should instruct professionals in the promotion of the network - if the resource is in the top search queries, the pool of potential customers will increase significantly.

A good advertising course will be profitable corporate proposals, Free introductory lessons, as well as shares on the invitation of friends. All of these methods allow to popularize courses and services to attract more attention.

on the video: A marketing plan to attract customers

business Registration

Regardless of the format and the availability of teaching computer courses activities of their own premises should be officially registered, and the profits necessary taxes are paid. It is therefore important to determine the appropriate organizational form. Usually two options - an LLC or IP. For the beginners, offers a simple computer literacy training without issuing any certificates and diplomas suit individual business format. This status does not provide for the introduction of the authorized capital, It does not require the preparation of an extensive package of documents and perform any additional requirements. SP time of issuing the certificate is up 5 working days from the date of application.

organizations, claimed as educational structure, required by law to obtain a specialized license. If the computer courses do not give their listeners diplomas or certificates of the receipt of a new qualification, they have the right to carry out without a license training. In other cases a license will need, Why before the opening of the courses apply to the special committee of the Ministry of Education. To avoid the need for registration of a license, should consult the specialists and while filling the registration statement correctly formulated activity, which will deal with the new organization. When filling in the application indicate a suitable future occupation NACE code. It is selected in the current classifier NACE. In the case of computer courses is better to choose the code 85.41 "Further education for adults" ( You can specify some additional, if there is a possibility of expansion of activities.

One of the basic documents for the development and opening of the computer courses will be taken by the relevant ministry decision on the provision of paid educational services: decree number 506 Paid services oborazovatelnye.

To register SP founder will submit to the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service completed statement in the prescribed form and attach a copy of the passport, VAT and a receipt for payment of state duty. When submitting a package of documents in full the individual entrepreneur certificate applicant will receive in a few days.

If the computer courses will have a wide scale (eg, plans to open a full-fledged school or network facilities), better arrange the form of ownership Ltd.. The same applies to cases, when the company's founders, two or more. Technically, the creation of a legal entity is more difficult, insofar as, in addition to the application and basic documents, need presenting the organization's charter, the decision on its establishment and appointment of the director and some other documents. Process base Ltd. will be more lengthy and costly, as well as attract more attention from the regulatory authorities.

If the entrepreneur plans to create a certified school, where students will receive diplomas and other evidence training, need not only the presence status Ltd., but also a special educational license and a number of other resolutions.

At first, the majority of entrepreneurs are stopped on a simplified version of IP. By filling in the application for registration of the enterprise, indicate the personal data of the founder, as well as the code of classifier NACE. In the specific case suitable code 85.41 ( . Printing for computer courses is not superfluous, but it will not be mandatory.

on the video: How to register a company

Financial plan

For the base and the development of business will apply to credit. In calculating the duration of the period 2 year bank loan amount 1 million. 130 thousand. It was the sum estimated total cost of the project, including both one-time costs at the start, and the costs of development and business promotion.

Financial project the following conclusions: at the same loan amount and interest rate 14 percent of the total economic impact generated by the project will be 5 million. 152 thousand rubles.

computer courses the project could be considered a type of business in relation to the budget. Therefore, in addition to bank lending, for which an interest rate 14% more 72 thousand rubles will be the bank's profit. The creators of the organization can attract other sources of financing - bonds, investors' funds, as well as own funds.

Such conclusions are possible after the complex calculations required to start the business costs, evaluation of existing pricing and forecasting future profits.

Developing professional courses for training of future specialists, It should take into account the approximate price for training:

course title Cost of education, rub.
operator EVM 3200 – 7800
Landscaping. interior design and floristry 13000
Graphic arts, design, programming 39 thousand
Individual training course 63 thousands

Financial plan for computer courses will be tailored to a few main points:

– structure and consumer demand;

– analysis of the activity of the selected segment;

– general conclusions about the state of the market.

Making financial calculations, must take into account the lowest threshold of profitability, as well as to take into account all possible risks.

Planning activities computer courses in the near future - first and second year of operation, you can create a plan to provide services to financial calculations:

Period Type of service Number of month price, rub. revenue, rub.
1 – 12 month group training from 2 groups 9 people. 3200 – 788 for the full course 57600 – 140400
1 – 12 month Individual sessions from 3 person 63 thousand for the course 189 – 700 thousand.
13 – 24 month group training 4 group on 9 people and more 3400 – 8600 course 122,4 – 309,6 thousand.
13 – 24 month Individual sessions from 5 person 70 thousand and more 350 thousands - 3 million.

If the level of income and the amount of work will remain roughly at this level during the first two years of development, Service volumes increase and consumption will be from 11 to 18 percent annually. Consequently, by the end of the reporting period, sales volumes reached 9,48 million a year. But before you make such a conclusion, should calculate the exact costs, that will accompany the implementation of this project since its inception. All the main points discussed below:

item of expenditure 1 month 12 months one-off expenses Total for the year
rent, redecorating 50 thousand 600 thousand 50 thousand 50 thousand
Buying equipment 428 thousand 428 thousand
Communal payments 18 thousand 216 thousand 18 thousand 234 thousands
Purchase of consumables 10 thousand 120 thousand 120 thousand
Create site, payment hosting 49 thousand 49 thousand
advertising costs 45 thousand 540 thousand 100 thousand 540 thousand
payment of salaries 292,5 thousand. 3 million. 510 thousand 3 million. 510 thousand
taxes 93,5 thousand. 1 million. 122 thousands 1 million. 122 thousands
Unexpected expenses 64,5 thousand 64,5 thousand
in total 415,5 thousand. 4 million. 99 thousand. 709,6 thousand 4 million. 996 thousand

The tax system for computer courses will be standard. Regular tax payments are made according to the established rules of law. They can be summarized in the table:

Name base Period tax rate
Tax on profits earned profit 1 month 20%
NDS added value 1 month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income tax wages fund 1 month 13%
Social Security contributions wages fund 1 month 30%

Based on calculations made, we can conclude a high viability and profitability of the business. According to preliminary calculations,, all the planned investment in the discovery of computer courses are justified and rational - with proper organization of the business, they pay off no later than the second year of operation. Given the current market conditions and developing a competent business plan, You can work around existing competitors and occupy a favorable position in its business sector.
