Private schools are becoming more popular among the affluent - such schools are elite in nature and give more chances for admission to prestigious colleges. And as the tradition of private education in our country is relatively new, This sector of the market is empty. Given the ever-increasing demand for the organization of high-grade secondary school is relevant and promising.
Private school: business provide the basis
Private schools provide educational services in the field of secondary education. Depending on the specifics of the initial distinction, primary and high schools. Private educational institutions may have about the different forms of learning:
– day, or full-time;
– zaochnuyu;
– individually;
– eksternata.
It is also possible the passage of the accelerated rate of the individual in a variety of formats. for example, exist under the program express courses 10 and 11 or just graduating class.
Opening a private school, you need to think in advance of its schedule, which will be subject to the schedule of students and teaching staff. The standard will be the order of:
– the first half of the day (8.30 -14.30) - Training sessions;
– to 16.30 - Implementation of students homework;
– 16.30 – 18.00 - conducting electives and clubs.
During the breaks necessary school meals. For those, He who abides in the walls of the institution all day, be sure to four meals. In addition, it is also possible the introduction of pre-separation, where children will be preparing 5-6 years to enroll in the first class.
Private sector secondary education heterogeneous in its structure. The main differences between schools are in such features:
– the number of students in each class;
– location;
– especially the material base;
– pricing - tuition fees and payment for additional classes.
In the aspect of price differences are usually very visible. Most budget schools designed for children of middle-class families. The tuition fee is between them 300 to 500 dollars a month. Establishments in this category provide good training, but usually do not differ special comfort in technical and household device. The second group is designed for the middle class elite, willing to pay 300 to 500 dollars a month for their children's education. These schools are better equipped classrooms, be sure to have their own sports facilities, properly equipped computer rooms, at a higher level, all technical equipment.
The highest level of payment - in elite schools such as. The cost of one month of training in such institutions - 1 – 2 thousands of dollars. In this case, there is not so much different curriculum, as material and technical equipment and additional features, including - own observatory or horse riding.
The most rational and accessible for start-ups will be the opening of the first category of school. First of all, because of the relatively low tuition fees potential audience they have the broadest possible. Secondly, requests from parents of middle class is considerably lower, and it is easier to fit.
The main features of a private school as a business – video:
Features and complexity of creating a private school
One of the most important positive characteristics of private educational institutions - to expand the boundaries of the standard of general education programs, introduce new subjects or in-depth study of separate disciplines. Of fundamental importance is the possibility of choice of parents and students of certain subjects. An additional advantage of private educational institutions is also considered attention to the development of personal qualities of students - Rhetoric, communicability, leadership skills. The program of the private schools necessarily include a number of optional subjects orientation - Rhetoric, logic, foreign languages. A choice of additional development activities - dancing, vocals, acting and others. But the main advantage is considered to be a higher level of knowledge through intensive programs in core subjects, which gives more opportunities when entering into prestigious colleges. A particularly important advantage may be the emphasis on language training, giving future applicants the opportunity to study or work abroad.
Among private schools, there is a serious competition, as well as a new educational structure did not immediately inspire confidence among potential customers, worth knowing, what competitive advantages will help to take a significant place in their market. The main terms and conditions of a private school with a good reputation are the advantages:
– the presence of an educational license and state accreditation (Accreditation should subsequently be held every 6 years old, License is issued only once);
– Qualified and experienced teachers;
– the availability of in-depth programs in several subjects;
– presence of a computer class, equipped in accordance with modern standards;
– Due to the higher education institutions - schools are in demand, certificates which offer advantages for admission to higher education.
The following video – what to pay attention to open a private educational institution.
The results of the survey, parents choose schools according to specific criteria. School leaders such selection criteria:
– reputation of the institution;
– the level of qualification of teachers;
– geographical location;
– reviews acquaintances.
Many parents turn to published in information publications ratings of educational institutions, choosing from those schools, which are located on the top of the tops. Therefore, it is important to assert themselves on the market as a quality and reliable institution.
This activity has a number of shortcomings and weaknesses, who do business more risky. One of these nuances - insufficient study of the essence of private schools in the legislation, lack of specific criteria for its operation and clear requirements. Therefore, many of the founders of private secondary education institutions face difficulties in obtaining a license and business registration. for example, non-commercial nature of any object education sector means, that all school-earned money should be focused on goals, specified in the charter. The founder may only receive accrued in accordance with the employment contract salary. This provision is contained in specialized laws "On Education", which focuses on the nature of any non-profit educational institutions. Another difficulty - fairly narrow target audience: according to statistics, about 1 percent of today's students are enrolled in private schools. The majority of schools are concentrated in the capital and other big cities, while on the outskirts of the opening of a paid school may be impractical due to lack of demand. Therefore, the founder of the educational institution should be prepared to, that buzz among potential students there will be a certain time will have to operate at a loss.
A relatively small profit, It receives an average of private schools, causes, that investors are not too interested in investing in the foundation and development of the institution. Therefore, the main sources of funding, which can count the founder of the school - bank loans and personal savings.
After studying the trends and dynamics of the market, the following conclusions: the main factor, which inhibits the development of private education in the country, shortage of demand is - 47% the leaders of these organizations have called this particular feature of including negative. About 42 Market participants believe the main disadvantage of the lack of proper funding, still 34 % of all respondents said the current tax problem. Gradually, the demand for education in private schools increases, as evidenced by the statistics. therefore, according to forecasts for the next year, the industry will grow steadily. And to 2021 expected growth of the market as a whole to 2 trillion rubles. Regarding the number of private schools, at present in the country when they are there to 2100. In the short term, by increasing the percentage of consumption in this sector to 19 percent, predict the opening up 150 new schools.
Steps for opening a private school
The main stages of the private educational institution organizing the following:
– rent or purchase premises;
– obtaining an educational license at the Ministry of Education, registration of a business entity;
– repairs, Purchase of furniture and equipment;
– recruitment;
– the development of training programs (or purchase ready-made designs);
– organization and planning of the educational process;
– marketing campaign, a collection of students and advertising services.
Brief description of all the stages of creation and development of private primary school is set out in table:
Main steps | Test conditions | terms |
initial stage | first 24 of the month | |
The conclusion of the investment agreement | The first month | from 1 to 30 banking days |
Getting credit | Availability of compulsory set of documents | The first month |
Adding to the state register, registration with the tax and administrative governmental authorities | The conclusion of the investment agreement | from 1 to 30 calendar days |
Search location, issuance of documents | preliminary work | The first month |
Purchase of equipment | The presence of an investment contract | To 30 calendar days |
Equipment installation | obtaining investment | To 30 calendar days |
recruitment | Start activity | To 30 calendar days |
Preparation and training | The end stage of organization | To 30 calendar days |
marketing campaign | During the first year of operation | |
The end of the start of the project | 12 – 24 of the month |
Search and preparation room
For premises of educational institutions, there are strict requirements, so, picking up a building for the future school, We need to examine the existing rules. first, which should correspond to the established standards - the school area and the adjacent territory. The total size, including the school grounds will be 3 thousands of square meters or more. The size of the actual school premises should be from 1500 to 2500 quarter. m.
Over time, the room is better to acquire ownership. This will give some assurance to the founder and confidence, that its investments in material and technical equipment will not be lost, if the landlord changed his plans. As known, in rented premises, it makes sense to make repairs only if the lease term, by agreement, It is not less than 10 years old, otherwise incurred costs simply do not pay off. If it accepted the lease decision, better to choose a private building schools or kindergartens. There all technical standards are met - no need to additionally equip the room bathrooms, kitchen, hold water, electrician, and other important communications. true, lease required the permission of municipal authorities, drawn up in accordance with the law.
Search the location for a private school will be determined by several important criteria. The first - the orientation of the potential audience. Since learning in this institution can afford not to all citizens, emphasis will be placed only on the wealthiest segments of the population. Therefore, the territorial school must be located in one of the most prestigious areas of the city. This can be the central part or region, where a large number of elite new. To meet the demands of future clients and provide a comfortable entrance to school, be sure to make sure you have convenient access roads, as well as provide good car parking.
Material and technical equipment School - one of the initial stages of its organization.
You need to immediately purchase:
– tables and chairs for students and staff;
– equipment for a computer class;
– multimedia and conventional blackboards;
– all the necessary equipment for the gym;
– cabinets for books and equipment;
– wardrobes students and teachers;
– school bus.
All furniture, appliances and electronics have to meet safety requirements, as well as meet the level of, claimed in the marketing policy of the organization. All equipment must be purchased from trusted manufacturers, guaranteeing its environmental cleanliness and reliability.
selection team
The number of working hours for teachers is strictly regulated by law. For teachers of private schools are subject to the same rules. Therefore, the size of the state is clearly determined by the amount of upcoming hours.
Regarding the profile of professionals, which will be adopted in the State of, required as educators, reading basic school subjects, and additional teachers and elective courses. Among them - the teachers of rhetoric, additional foreign languages or acting. If the optional subjects will be taught in a small volume, You can attract freelance teachers, hiring them on part time basis. The same applies to accountants, manager of information and promotion policy and some other employees.
All teachers should have specialized education. As for the experience, most employers prefer those, with whom he leaves from 3 years or more. Nevertheless, an innovative and creative approach, peculiar to many private schools, It requires the energy of young professionals, so sometimes it makes sense to take action for the post graduates, who will bring to the formation of more and more modern trends. Not less important – provide an individual approach to each child, because it is the advantage of private schools is to personal development and the lack of standardization of education.
The head of the school does not have to be an experienced teacher. Sometimes, to perform certain tasks, are put before the Director, Manager experience required, because this position requires primarily good organizational skills and a high degree of responsibility.
Advertising and promotion
One of the biggest problems of this sector of the market is called a rapid increase in market participants', than the potential audience. So to enter this niche and stay in it, We need to carry out a complex of measures on public opinion formation and the creation of the image of the new organization. This goal will serve a number of marketing and promotional activities:
– advertising in specialized media, including magazines and newspapers, on the websites of these sources;
– dissemination of information about the services of private education on online forums and communities in social networks;
– development and promotion of its own website. The official Internet site must inform parents of potential students about the principles and methods of teaching, pricing and benefits of a particular educational institution.
That advertising on the Internet will become the main method of promotion of a new entrant. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention. It is also important to organize open days for everyone, as well as to attend kindergartens to inform parents of future first-graders.
A good method to attract will be free training courses to school for kindergarten children. In the school lobby, you can place information stands, to familiarize parents with the main advantages of this institution and the merits of its teaching staff.
Registration and License
There is a certain regulatory framework, which makes possible the existence of secondary schools outside the public education system. The main condition for this would be to have a legal entity status, License from the Ministry of Education and a complete package of permitting documents.
Rules of registration of the license can be studied in the federal law "On education" (http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_140174/), as well as the position "On licensing of educational activities" (http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_153731/). Selecting from a list of possible educational services required items, founder can become familiar with the legal requirements.
According to the mentioned documents, license required to confirm the presence of the following conditions:
– the creation of high-grade material and technical base, including prepared a certain way room, availability of school equipment and a complete set of textbooks;
– compliance with sanitary-epidemiological security: must confirm, that the premises of the future school safely be, Besides, Children will be provided with all necessary conditions for training, feeding, and in case of need - health care;
– availability of curricula and educational programs, relevant regulations;
– qualified staff personnel: education level and profile of teachers must meet the requirements of the law.
Besides, in order to be able to obtain a license, it is imperative to provide commission members from the Ministry of Education with a standard package of documents:
– permission of Rospotrebnadzor and fire service;
– articles of association;
– Information about the production companies registered in the Unified State Register;
– information about the registration with the tax authority, feed Ltd. identification number as a taxpayer;
– an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
– document, confirming the right of use of premises - certificate of ownership or lease agreement;
– acceptance document - transfer of premises;
– cadastral construction plan or building plan with a list of all floors;
– educational program, Plan of the education.
If necessary, experts of the commission on licensing some other documents may be submitted, confirming the readiness of the new organization to provide educational services to the designated categories of consumers.
A separate procedure of registration of a new organization with the IRS. only format suitable for public private school with limited liability. To obtain this status, founder of the organization refers to this body, which fills a special application form. It specifies the official name of the organization, its legal address, provide detailed personal information on all founders and appropriate codes of NACE activities. In this case, the designated activities relevant codes 80.2 ("General education, the average (complete) the general, primary and secondary vocational education "). This code is wide enough and includes a wide range of activities. You can optionally specify a more accurate code, eg, 80.21.2 - The average (complete) general education. If in addition to the basic secondary school education will offer additional discipline, it makes sense to include in the list of activity codes 80.10.3 "Additional education of children".
Normative acts, governing the opening and operation of private secondary schools, as well as the licensing of their activities:
Attached to the application documents, which includes:
– articles of association;
– the decision to establish Ltd.;
– the decision to appoint the head;
– Minutes of meeting of founders, If the school's founders more;
– confirmation of payment of state fees, which for the Company is 4 thousand rubles.
registering a company, should indicate its status as a non-profit organization, since only such a structure may be engaged in educational activities. As with any legal entity, LLC requires the introduction of the minimum authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand and more. Confirmation of deposition of the share capital is served together with the main set of documents.
Financial plan
Private School - an organization with a complex structure and high risks. Therefore, when making financial calculations using several indicators:
– analysis of the dynamics of demand and potential customers;
– current market analysis;
– general conclusions about the state of the relevant market sector of private educational services.
Given the high cost and considerable risk level in compiling finance plan must consider the lowest level of profitability. With all these features of a rough plan of production and sales service will be the:
Period | Type of service | The volume of sales per month (kol. person) | price, rub. | revenue, rub. |
1 – 12 month | Classic and specialized classes | 35 people and more | ABOUT 5 thousand | 175 – 500 thousand. |
1 – 12 month | elite classes | from 7 person | from 50 thousand | 350 – 750 thousand. |
13 – 24 month | Classic and specialized classes | from 37 person | 5850 and more | 216,5 – 865,8 thousand. |
13 – 24 month | elite classes | 8 and more | from 58,5 thousand. | 468 – 936 thousand. |
If presented in terms of market development trends will be maintained during the first two years of existence, the school (approximate figures - from 6 to 19% in year), annual sales of services reached the amount of 22 million rubles.
First you need to consider the amount and terms of the loan., as well as to correlate all the financial indicators with the interest rate of bank lending. If initially consider lending up to 2,5 million rubles at an interest rate 14% of term 48 months, the break-even point to reach the educational organization 16 months of work. The estimated amount of profit at this point should make 787,7 thousand.
Calculation of monthly payments on all expenditure in the total amount shown in the 847,7 thousand. A total gross profit will reach more than 88 million rubles. Minus all future expenses profit private school project should make 2 million 551 thousand rubles.
Expenses for the foundation and initial development of the project can be summarized in brief as follows::
item of expenditure | Costs per month, rub. | Expenses for the year, rub. | One-off costs | Total for the year |
Buying or building lease (room) | 190 thousand | 2 million. 280 thousand. | 190 thousand | 190 thousand |
Buying equipment | 42,1 thousands | 1 million. 12 thousand. | 1 million. 12 thousand. | |
Procurement of the computer technology | 144 thousands | 144 thousands | ||
Creation and maintenance of website, hosting, purchase of the necessary scripts | 120 thousand | 120 thousand | ||
Advertising costs | 75 thousand | 900 thousand | 900 thousand | |
Salary | from 540 thousand. | 6,5 million. | 6,5 million. | |
payment of taxes | 113,4 thousands | 1mln.360,8 thousand. | 1mln.360,8 thousand. | |
Unexpected expenses | 146,6 thousand. | 146,6 thousand. | ||
in total | 847,7 thousand | 9 million. 667 thousand. | 1 million. 613 thousand. | 8 mln.999 thousand. |
Taxes will be one of the mandatory cost items. You have to pay them from the first month of the organization before the company will reach the level of self-sufficiency. Tax deductions are standard for most businesses in the legal entity format, including for education institutions. The main contributions to tax and various compulsory funds can be grouped in this way:
Name | base | Period | tax rate |
Tax on profits | earned profit | 1 month | 20% |
NDS | added value | 1 month | 18% |
Property tax | value of property | According to the schedule | 2,2% |
Income tax | wages fund | 1 month | 13% |
Social Security contributions | wages fund | 1 month | 30% |
After analyzing the industry and financial calculations, we can conclude, that a private school is a potentially profitable form of business, having high prospects with proper organization of the entire process of discovery and development company. The main positive factor will be an increase in demand for high-quality school education and the desire of modern parents to give children good prospects for the future.. With proper business building and a clear plan for its development, according to rough estimates, private educational institution will pay off and become profitable by the end of the second year of work.
on the video: How to open a private school