In this article we consider the answers to the questions:
- It is better to advertise on the radio?
- How much does it cost to radio advertising?
- As far as advertising is effective?
for the listener, Radio is the most important source of information, in particular, advertisement. With the help of radio advertising may promote a variety of services and products. Radio can be heard at home, in the car, in the office, in the barbershop, gym, entertainment and shopping centers. Wide audience reach and ubiquity of radio advertising gives a huge effect.
This type of advertising has the advantage, as mobility, economy and efficiency. it also has drawbacks - the lack of visual images. But, radio ads can be one of the most powerful tools to promote, if you choose the right voice announcers, background noise and intelligently use advertising texts.
There are several genres, which can be used for advertising on the radio:
1. Art
- Several scenes from the same advertising characters.
- Mini-performance, during which prompts a possible solution to the problem of the consumer.
- Dialogue individuals with different levels of awareness of the services or goods, are advertised.
- Monologue from the consumer or the character of the product promotion.
2. information
- specialist consultations.
- radio. Thematic information transfer, which may contain advertising elements.
- radio reports. A story about some event in the genre of journalistic material. This story may comprise an indirect or direct advertising.
- Radioobayavleniya. Reading announcer informational texts.
Promotional audio clips formed from compressed information on this product, its merits and contact details.
When you create advertising broadcasts, experts share the audience into the following groups:
- lovers of news programs – 9%;
- music lovers – 11%;
- amateur radio – 35%;
- radio amateurs – 45%.
Comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of radio advertising

Benefits include radio advertising:
- economy. Radio advertising is much cheaper, than TV.
- The main radio listeners are car owners, and they have a particularly desirable target audience.
- efficiency. Radio spots are prepared and placed in a short time.
- Mobility. While listening to the radio, you can do other things, eg, perform household chores, drive the car, relax in the cafe, carrying out technical work, etc..
- segmentation of the audience. More often, people listen to one or two stations, preferring certain programs. During the broadcast of programs with a narrow target radioauditoriyu, advertiser influences it is this segment of consumers.
- Wide coverage of audience. Although the radio and is second only to television, but the efficiency is approximately the same.
The disadvantages of radio advertising:
- If the air is overloaded with advertisements, the roller can be "lost".
- Students can switch ad unit.
- transience. Attentively listening to the radio, Many people do not see a message on the radio, since it can be easily overlooked and forgotten. Information can not listen again, retain, cut out, to memorize transmitted, eg, contacts.
- No visual information. Audio information does not give the audience the possibility to see in detail the advertised object in action. Therefore, we must pay attention to the music and sound; texts, for clear and easy auditory perception; tone of voice announcer.
How much does advertising on radio stations?
jingles cost consists of the cost of broadcasting distribution and manufacturing of a commercial. The price of airtime depends on:
- time of day,
- broadcast coverage area,
- number of outputs,
- radio rankings, etc..
The cost of production of commercials (on different radio stations it is about the same):
- writing texts, Copywriting - from 500 rubles.
- Promo audio clips - from 5000 rubles.
- Audiorolik (1 category of complexity). musical lining + announcer - 800-1200 rubles.
- Audiorolik (2 category of complexity). The voices of several speakers + musical lining, special effects, arrangement - from 2500 rubles.
- Napevka, execution announcer songs - from 3000 rubles.
The cost of advertising rasschituetsya using the refinement coefficients (the industry average):
- For seasonal broadcast advertising; January, July, The month of August - 0,9.
- For seasonal broadcast advertising; March, April, October, November, December of – 1,1.
- Volume discount is negotiable, it can reach 50% and more.
- Discount batch posting is carried out to partner radio stations - 5-10%.
Well, of course, there are a variety of business packages, are used in the case of complex accommodation, sponsorship, etc..
The dependence of the value of advertising on radio popularity.
The price of radio advertising placement depends on the popularity of the station, the more audiences, the higher the cost. This can be seen from the following chart:
the impact of factors.
The well-being of perception clips on the radio depends on the first 10 seconds of advertising appeal. It is therefore very important point is the selection of competent text messages, which correspond to the goals and objectives of the advertising company. You should also pay attention to the importance in selecting a particular program or specialization radio, the number of repeats, broadcasting time, etc..
When you create advertising broadcasts, experts share the audience into the following groups:
- lovers of news programs – 9%;
- music lovers – 11%;
- amateur radio – 35%;
- radio amateurs – 45%.
Promotional audio clips formed from compressed information on this product, its merits and contact details.
The effectiveness of radio advertising is influenced by such factors:
- sound effects and music, which corresponds to the advertised service or product;
- advertising appeal must correspond to the interests of the target audience;
- application components - should help the listener to convey the image of the advertised goods, so it is best to use the description of such characteristics of the goods, as the smell, dimensions, shades and so on.;
- correct diction speaker, a pleasant tone of voice and speaking rate (advertisement, that lasts 20 seconds, It should consist of 40-45 words, as it is considered the best pronunciation 2,5 words per second);
- frequency (audio clips should be broadcast more 10 once per advertising);
- perspicuity (it is not necessary to use complicated technical terms);
- memorability and originality of the information - in every video you need to say the name of the brand at least five times, the listener to remember him;
- short (less 50-60 seconds), in a very short treatment is difficult to put all the necessary information, and audio clips too long - will not listen.
Radio advertising acts on the ear, based on three main elements: music, sound effects and speech. One of the elements of brand promotion can be specially written music for a period of 4-10 seconds. This musical logo will help in the future to learn to promote the services or product-sounding melody of the company.
For what activities is effective audio advertising on radio.

loading- and uslugoprodvizhenie using radio advertising effective for such activities:
- exhibitions advertising, film premieres, theatrical performances and fairs (in this case, very relevant rapid deployment and development of advertising);
- cellular;
- the shops, sell goods of wide demand - plumbing, furniture, household products;
- Fitness & Instruction;
- saunas, casino, night clubs, cafes and restaurants;
- cars, accessories and spare parts to them, since most of the listeners have cars;
- products, which are associated with the audio information (CDs for sale, musical instruments, audio equipment);
- dental clinics, medical institutions;
- advertising services (it does not require visualization)- insurance, notary and legal company, banks, transportation services.
To promote products and services for consumer purposes, preferable to place audio clips in primetime (the morning of day). But advertising entertainment and nightlife - in the evenings and afternoons.