Have a brilliant business idea is not enough: hardly an idea will bring you millions. We should not only have a brilliant plan for its realization in life, but also possess an even more ingenious tactic of containment is no longer to promote business among the best performers. The idea of creating a mini-bakery, which we offer to build on, sufficiently basic and common. So it is perfect for a simple and illustrative example of customer loyalty programs work. The loyalty program is one of the finest, and most importantly, effective tactics, to help businesses move forward. so, to begin to identify the key components conceived business. According to the business plan for a mini-bakery, Implementation is focused only on bakery products.
From this it can be isolated base marketing feature for bakery products:
- product is not related to the goods essentials;
- product belongs to the group of goods pleasures;
- product sales volume depends on the season (bakery products will be more popular in the autumn-winter period).

It is also worth mentioning consumer segments, and that will be our target audience. Bakery products will be relevant, not only for young children and their parents, but also attract retirees, loving sweet buns food, as well as the employees of the enterprises, in need of a nice dinner. The spectrum is quite extensive, so you need to know the individual characteristics of each segment, and understand their reasons for buying.
finally, it is important to note, what, the goods will be distributed not on a straight line, and through retail stores, which is characterized by a stable group of regular customers. Unfortunately, it means, that consumers are fairly constant, so stingy in their choice, and they are hard to bring in new products. A store, in turn, and does not try to attract new customers. Therefore, advertising campaigns are so rare in retail stores.
Of these terms and conditions and will proceed, to disassemble the pieces tactics loyalty program base. After all, your goal is to create a loyalty program for the end user of your product. Recall, that direct communication between the customer and the owner is absent.
The loyalty program can be approached from several directions:
- Discount program open to manufacturers or distributors of tea and coffee products (and thus, make them your partners);
- Create a system of distribution of small rewards, and enable consumers to play;
- Develop a system of social proposals for pensioners;
- To provide a storage system, which will depend on the amount of shopping.
How to organize a loyalty program for mini-bakeries?

Open a discount program for distributors easy. It is enough to sign a contract with the tea and coffee suppliers for discounts, which will receive the buyer, acquiring a bakery product with a hot drink. This strategy will certainly attract consumers, loving fly with benefit. After all, as you can have a muffin dry rations?!
Children are also an important factor. falsely thinking, that nothing depends on them, because they are a strong purchase incentive. Parents do not miss an opportunity to eat their babies delicious pastries. But this incentive still need to wake up. The easiest way to do this with the help of the game. Suggest collectible toys, that will accompany the gingerbread. Children do not miss the opportunity to collect the entire collection.
And what to do with pensioners, to cherish every penny candy at the same grandchildren? Loyalty programs, which allows to make a general offer, let us say, upon presentation of pension card will help keep the segment of buyers with low incomes, and perhaps even attract new guests. After having such a lucrative offer, they "will not leave" all retired in the cafe.
Finally, funded system is also beneficial for your transaction. It is worth paying attention to the purchase of goods malooptovuyu, which can produce a group of corporate customers. Provided "more purchase - more discount", many will want to purchase an additional product, especially if it receives almost do not need to pay anything.
Should not forget, that the realization of your products will carry the cashier. He is the link between the physical you and the buyer. At the cashier has the power to make the loyalty program an integral part of the purchase, game for adult consumers. So do not forget about the additional motivation of employees, resulting circuit in motion. Premiums and bonuses for the volume of monthly sales will serve as a good incentive for the staff to continue to use a system of loyalty. After all, only her your customers will buy more, but without feeling remorse.