For the success of any enterprise need three people: dreamer, businessman and son of a bitch. Peter MacArthur
In today's world, many commercial companies use in their practice, description of business processes to move to the next level.
More often, it is necessary for the company to implement a number of purposes:

- Continuity. Every enterprise people come and go, and knowledge should be. It is also necessary to carry out a rapid transfer of cases and the introduction of new employees in the specifics of. For this purpose, are perfect described business processes.
- Implementation of the quality system. In large enterprise organizational structure with multiple units. When considering these units separately, it is practically impossible to determine exactly which unit, or at which site crashes, quite possible, entailing adverse consequences for the organization leaders. To facilitate the monitoring of all the intricacies and relationships in the work units, created description of a set of business processes, applicable to the individual enterprise, with a single control system. Such changes qualitatively affect the results of the company.
- Optimization of the company. The ability to use clearly distinct processes, as well as their results and indicators, to improve the organization's performance as a whole.
- business Duplication. For the fastest creation of branches and representative offices already operating organizations need to understand the scheme works, there is a clear system, and standard documents organized structure base.
Conduct their business - riding a bicycle: if not moving - fall.
More often, with descriptions of business processes in the enterprise objective of inviting the parties to deal with professionals, with experience in providing services of this kind. Yet we should not forget that, that without the help and participation of employees of the organization, fully informed in its internal affairs, no one, even the biggest professional, It can not cope with the problem of describing business processes. The Consultant will only be able to deliver the correct working, coordinate and explain, that need to be done.

Description of business processes - this is the most time-consuming part of the project. In implementing this stage is spent a lot of time and effort. To help different software products are used in the description of such processes, such as EXCEL, ARIS and other. They are usually presented in a variety of schemes, demonstrating the current state of affairs of the enterprise, as well as possible changes in the implementation of certain circumstances. Description of these processes is a well-marked structure of the enterprise, representing all areas of its activity, as well as the specifics of each individual unit.
In the video, the story of the company's business processes.
Video 1. Key Points Business, examples.
Video 2. Business process modeling, examples.