Organization of direct deliveries from China

Organization of direct deliveries from China

This article describes the recommendations of the businesses, who are going to establish contacts with Chinese suppliers and direct deliveries from China, and also covers issues, relating to the organization of transport and certification of products in our country.

For several years China has stuck as the title of the world's largest industrial center, producing all kinds of goods, from penny trinkets and finishing equipment for the production of. That is why many entrepreneurs will sooner or later come to the, to arrange for their business direct shipments from China. The benefit here is obvious: Chinese are selling their products at a fairly reasonable cost, and product quality has long overstepped the existed earlier view, that all goods manufactured in China - cheap junk. Many entrepreneurs at this stage to establish business contacts frightening complexity, accompany almost any business. Here are the key questions, arising from the business, who have decided to work directly with China:

How to find the right manufacturer in China?

Question 1. How to find the right manufacturer in China?

Considering, China closes the three largest countries in the world, a huge number of different profiles of factories built on its territory, factories and enterprises. As an entrepreneur choose the right supplier or intermediary, through which the delivery will be carried out?

Experienced businessmen recommend to visit the special resources, such as, taobao,, which brings together the best manufacturers offer, including data on supply conditions and prices. Each of these manufacturers, you can send a message in English or Chinese with detailed questions about the conditions for future cooperation.

If time and finances, it is possible to seek partners in China personally, attending trade shows and fairs. Many Chinese companies offer to visit their shops and offices, in place to ensure the quality of products and negotiate the terms of cooperation. In this case, entrepreneurs, do not speak the languages, need the services of a guide or translator, but this method guarantees a long-term cooperation with a reliable supplier.

To save yourself the hassle, the company can bring to the search for suppliers of specialized intermediaries, which will not only solve your language problems, but also recommend those vendors, which will meet the main requirements of the entrepreneur. The number of intermediary companies of services also includes all matters, concerning legal purity of transactions, registration of contracts and management of settlements. For those businessmen, who have not accumulated the experience of cooperation with foreign suppliers, an option of choice of the Russian intermediary with the Chinese representative office will be more comfortable and competent.

Question 2. How to register as a participant of foreign economic activity?

If the entrepreneur is going to make regular deliveries of goods from abroad, then, to simplify customs procedures, associated with cleaning products, should draw card for Traders. To obtain business serves documentation package, including a statement, constituent documents, bank statements and other statements, the customs authorities at the place of registration of the company. Refine the list of required documents can be directly at the customs.

To pay for imported products it is also necessary to have a currency account at the bank, with which on the basis of contract, concluded with the supplier, will transfer funds for the purchase of. Each transaction is issued a passport transaction, which is necessary for customs escort of imported products.

How to organize delivery and that it is necessary for the clearance of goods?

Question 3. How to organize delivery and that it is necessary for the clearance of goods?

In modern conditions of delivery rather simplified procedure, since the main concern undertake transportation companies. entrepreneur task is only, to select the shipping company of the many available on the market, that offers the best terms and conditions of delivery, as the most attractive shipping costs are often accompanied by long terms of transportation. You can also reduce the risks, if you use the services of local transport companies.

For customs clearance of cargo companies will need to collect a package of documents, including invoice, deals and certificates for imported products passport.
invoice, which indicates the number of products supplied, its price and features, provided by the seller. The list of documents may vary depending on the type of goods, therefore kindly requested to look into this matter. Here, the entrepreneur should consider the following costs of customs payments: customs duty and VAT, rates are also determined by the type of products supplied.

Since the lion's share of consumer goods in our country should pass mandatory certification, in the case of import of goods, which required the presence of the certificate, businessmen need to address the issue in advance of their registration. These cases involved special accredited organization, whose staff will give full information on the required documents. Sometimes it may be necessary product samples, and general scheme of the certificate differs depending on the type of product and the organization of single or regular supplies.

Expenses for the relevant procedure will differ depending on the type of products and their applications. Even if the goods do not require mandatory certification, employer will still need to submit a request and the customs authorities, to get a certificate instead of the letter of refusal, informing, this product does not require a certificate when selling.

To reduce the time for all these activities, the entrepreneur can seek the assistance of specialized organizations, are engaged in all matters, from receipt of the card the participant of foreign economic activity and finishing conducting certification procedures. In this case, the businessman did not have to understand all of the nuances and spend time communicating with the staff departments, his involvement is only necessary at receipt Service documentation. although services, provided such organizations, They are not cheap, they can save unexpected costs, ensuring competent execution of all phases of the transaction

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