Business plan school dances

Business plan school dances
Business school dances plan
Business school dances plan

Dance school - a profitable and socially useful project, having great importance for the development of culture and healthy lifestyles among all segments of the population. Business plan school dances is an indicator of economic efficiency and the gradual creation of a description of this promising and potentially profitable business activity. The plan - to consider in detail the possibility of creating a project, able to recoup the investment you make in the first 2 years old.

Dancing school: the main characteristic of the project

The basis of the business plan - to create a project on school dances 24 of the month. During this period it is planned:

– to achieve high profitability of new businesses;

– achieve a certain measure of profitability;

– meet existing market demand.

A detailed financial plan is made in the relevant section. But the main indicators, constituting the following summary of the project:

  • – commercial loan in the amount of funding will be obtained for the project to 3 millions 265 thousand at an interest rate 14 percent;
  • – The total cost of the project - 3 million. 265 thousand;
  • – payback period - 2 of the year;
  • – subject to payment of the loan with the first month of school performance overall income of the investor will be from 248 thousand (the total amount of accrued interest);
  • – the overall economic effect of the project - up from 49 millions 721 thousand and more.

The main purpose of the dance school grounds - learning the art of dance of different directions all comers. Potential clients of all institutions will, who seek to learn a specific dance styles, develop plastic, flexibility, gain confidence, to attract the attention of others and expand your social circle. In this regard, the amount of the target audience will be very broad.

The main potential customers, which will focus in the drafting exercise program and advertising campaign, will:

  • – children of different ages, studying specific aspects of dance;
  • – young college-age and older;
  • – middle-aged people, which dances - a hobby and able to maintain the shape and physical form;
  • – elderly, which require the maintenance of tone and maintaining the mobility of muscles and joints.

Each of these groups has its own characteristics and queries. Therefore, opening a universal school, We must take into account all of these features in the preparation of training programs. You can choose and more narrowly focused, eg, only offer training for teaching children or certain styles of dance. But this decision will significantly limit range of the target audience.

The main directions of the future school will be the following varieties:

  • – classical dance - a waltz, quadrille, kvikstep, menuet;
  • – Latin American dances - Argentine Tango, rumba, bolero, salsa;
  • – modern dance - Breakdance, hip hop, r’n’b, new style;
  • – Eastern dance.

Selection of specific dance styles will depend on several factors - the fashion and the requirements of potential customers, preferences of the founder and current industry offerings.

Separately it is necessary to open one or two groups of children ballroom or pop direction. It is important to consider and the division into beginners and visitors, with dancing skills. Not immediately think, what format and scale of the organization will be - it may be a lesson for fans of different ages or for those serious school, who seek to develop professionally.

In terms of time and provide, when will offer classes. For objective reasons, the peak time is the evening. But it is worth to try to fill in as the day and the morning - the group during this period will be small, but well-organized individual and group lessons, held at this time, give up 20 % total profit schools.

on the video: How to open a dance school from scratch (Business Plan)

Stages of creation of dance school

The first important step of the dance school of existence will last for 24 months from the date of its opening. During this period the founder receives loan money to all the needs of, engaged in the purchase of all necessary equipment and formalizes the enterprise as a business entity. By the end of the 2-year period since the opening of the company must fully reach self-sufficiency and generate stable profits.


stages Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1 – 2 year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month first 30 banking days
Getting credit Availability of compulsory set of documents 1 month
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities Conclude an investment agreement from 1 to 30 days
selection of the location, paperwork preliminary work 1 month
Buying equipment The conclusion of the investment agreement To 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Obtaining investment funds To 1 of the month
recruitment production activity To 30 days
Training The end stage of the production process To 30 days
marketing, advertising campaign 30 calendar days To 360 days
End of project 12 – 24 months

In the process of creating any private company would be an important step in registration of business in the Federal Tax Service and the relevant registration status. for the enterprise, engaged in learning the art of dance, most suitable legal entity format. In this case, it fits a limited liability company.

The package of documents for the company includes:

  • – application for business registration, where personal data are communicated about the founders, full name and legal address of the company;
  • – copies of personal documents of all founders (passport and TIN);
  • – articles of association;
  • – the decision to establish Ltd.;
  • – decision on the appointment of the governing entity;
  • – Receipt of payment of the fee.

On the need for the Federal Tax Service may request some other documents. Besides, Registration is required to order the printing of the enterprise and to the authorized capital (minimum size - 10 thousand). Turnaround time LTD - up 2 – 3 weeks from the date of application.

If it is decorated IP status, it will simplify the tax burden, and the registration process will take place significantly faster. But in the future, if you want to expand the activities and create a network of schools with this status can be difficult.

Important will be the issue of licensing of dance school. To conduct a full-fledged educational activities, which involves the issuance of a document about how to obtain specific skills, you must have a special license, which is issued to the relevant ministries. If the institution will operate as a private company, engaged in the organization of leisure activities for children and adults, except constituent documents Ltd. no securities need not prepare. Not to be mistaken in this matter, in the application for registration it is important to enter the correct code NACE. In the case of the dance school as the leisure facilities suit NACE code 93.29.2. (

With further expansion of the range of services may be made of several adjacent codes, relating to various areas of leisure and further education. Select the desired codes can be, taking advantage of the current classifier NACE: OKVED2_10052018.

For start-up be sure to pass the test of fire service professionals and SES, which issue appropriate permissions to opening.

on the video: Form dance school property

dance school premises equipment

Suitable and comfortable room next dance school - one of the important conditions for the success of the organization. the, as its geographical location, area and equipping schools will comply with existing standards and customer requirements, greatly affect the success of the new organization. So, of the total investments of about 2 million rubles will need to rent or purchase premises, its equipment and bring in proper condition.

Area will not be less than 15 m. Will equip the multiple zones:

  • – dance class (possibly 2 small) – 80 m;
  • – changing room and shower - for 15 m;
  • – restroom - 20 m;
  • – hall - 20 m.

This space will be enough for one or more groups 10 – 15 person. It is so much involved need to, the school has become a cost-effective and brought higher income. To profit was stable and sufficient for the development of the school, We need to ensure the possibility of daily 3 – 4 group lessons.

The territorial issue is solved taking into account the price of rent in a particular locality, in relation to the existing pricing and features competition. So, it is important to ensure that no school near future direct competitors, as well as in the, that the selected area will be a large number of potential customers. The city center is not always available due to the high cost of rent. Especially, many wishing to dance trying to choose a school close to home. Including it in the sleeping areas, many parents pick up a dance school for pupils and pre-school children. Deciding to open a company in one of the sleeping areas, its founder has to make sure, that close to home to a large number of families with a high or medium level of income, which will ensure an influx of adults and young learners.

If the school will have the status of an elite institution, it is preferable to open in the downtown area - this is where concentrated main target audience. But we should prepare for the highly competitive - in the central areas of struggle for the client is more pronounced, than in the suburbs.

When choosing a room for dance studio, should pay attention to the technical condition of the dance floor - it should be a good sex, suitable for long-term employment, required box and the possibility of airing, desirable conditioner. Good, if the hall will dance machine and large mirror. All this equipment can be purchased after the lease, but if the original hall is equipped with everything you need, you can save time and money. Dance school, located in the basement - not the best option, because there can not be quality ventilation. The same applies to the premises of residential purpose. Near the entrance to the studio must have convenient access and parking. It is advisable to make sure, that in the area there are convenient transportation.

Technical equipment will include a dance school:

  • – furniture for office equipment company: Table, chairs, Counters reception, lockers and hangers for clothes;
  • – mirrors in the dance hall;
  • – music Center;
  • – ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • – water cooler.

Due to the nature of activities of the future organization it is very important to pay attention to the flooring: if in a rented or purchased premises no suitable cover dance, it needs to be done first. Equipment for flooring in the dance hall suitable unpainted inlaid parquet, board or laminate. Important, to the final coating was hard and well amortized movement - generally preferred coating of parquet. If there is a possibility, better rent a room, wherein the floor covering initially meets existing requirements, since the laying of a total cost 1,8 – 3,8 rubles per sq.m.. The same applies to the ventilation - on its installation will have to spend at least 180 thousand.

Catching up on the technical equipment of the future school premises, We need to pay attention not only to the functionality, but also the security of the entire equipment. Including all materials, used in the repair of, They should be manufactured from environmentally friendly materials.

The team and the marketing campaign

Business plan free dance school
Business plan free dance school

One of the best ways to attract customers is a good and professional team. Many people are willing to travel from the neighboring district, to attend liked teacher. Therefore, the search for specialists need to pay special attention. For dance school, which is held by 3 – 4 group lessons and a few personal training daily, It needs at an early stage 2 – 6 dance teachers of different directions. If the experts have several styles of dance and can work with adults, and children, such employees will be particularly in demand. it's desirable, dance teachers to have documentary evidence of their qualifications. It may be a higher education diploma, courses for coaches certain dance styles, or other qualification documents.

In addition to teachers, the staff of the need to take 2 administrators, Accounting and technical personnel for cleaning. Supervise school work, and, if necessary, replace the accountant position, can the settlor organization. he also, in the presence of suitably qualified, can conduct group or individual lessons.

At the core of the marketing plan of the school of dance - a preliminary study of the relevant market sector and the profitability forecast starting in your chosen industry. Should be considered, now still operating effects of the economic crisis 2014 of the year. However, according to research data, this trend is gradually returning to pre-crisis level, each year attracting more and more fans of the art of dance and a healthy lifestyle. But on its competitive advantages must be reported to prospective clients, using the full potential of modern advertising.

Features dance services market - including, that to the fore on the market today come out of school and premium studio, offering integrated services to the elite. these schools, in contrast to the previously popular mass organizations, enable customers to efficiently and comfortably spend time in dance class. To take its place in the market, You must be in a category of businesses, developing an effective advertising campaign.

Speaking about the campaign, it should be remembered, that the greatest influence on the choice of the majority of dance lovers will not have the intensity of advertising, and the quality of learning, skills and personal charisma of teachers. However, to assert themselves on the market, We need to carry out a series of promotional activities. It will include:

– advertising in places of concentration of potential students in the school - kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions;

– printed advertising - design, manufacture and distribution of leaflets, brochures and business cards;

– advertising in the media - specialized publications and media city, radio and television;

– Internet advertising.

The latter method in the current environment is the most effective. Even before the opening of the studio is required to create a professional website, which will inform about the full range of services, Privacy policy, system subscriptions, bonuses and discounts. In view of the increasing influence of social networks should transfer part of an advertising campaign in Instragram or Facebook, where you can create a page of his studio and share photos with followers- and video reports about customer advances.

Additional advertising will be holding dance parties, where students will be able to demonstrate their skills, Invite your friends or loved ones. If dance evening will be arranged at a restaurant or club, input may be fee-paying. Through the party in the ballroom of the school, you can invite visitors free of charge.

Effective for attracting new customers and workshops, where school teachers can share their experience with beginners and future students. Statistics show, it is such a clear demonstration of its services works as the best advertising method.

Analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and the amount of potential audience, the results should be considered expert studies. According to these data, Any service can be a socially significant, if it covers at least 1% population. For Russia, this figure is approximately equal to 170 thousands of people. Given the increasing popularity of dancing among the representatives of all social and age groups is quite achievable, provided offers high-quality services and well-constructed marketing policy.

One of the factors, which will contribute to the success of the establishment and development of the school of dance - this segment of the market is still underdeveloped and, According to experts, It involves significant upward trend.

Financial questions

In preparation for the opening of the dance school will estimate the financial component of the business. The first thing to consider in the current industry pricing.

Average prices for classes in dance schools in the country:

kind of employment price for 1 months. (8 training), rub. cost of 1 classes, rub.
A one-time activity for adults 380
One-time child labor 330
Season ticket for adults 2400 300
Subscription for Children and Adolescents (to 18 years old) 1900 300
Group lessons
Individual sessions (1 pers.) 1400
Individual sessions (2 pers.) 2000
Dancing children 3 – 6 years old
single session (45 minutes) 380
Club dances (7 – 17 years old) 1900 330
Brakedance 3000 500 – 1,5 o'clock
Self-employed without a teacher, 1 time 180

This approximate price will be relevant to all customer groups - as the children of school and pre-school age, and representatives of the pension category. Including additional services, We need to develop an appropriate pricing policy.

Forecast revenue structure is based on several criteria:

– the level of demand in the interests of the industry;

– Activity of an active market;

– general conclusions about the state of the relevant market segment.

By focusing on the lowest threshold of profitability and attention to all the existing risks in the development of business income, dance school which can bring over a two-year period from the date of opening, It is as accurate as possible.

During the calculation period in 24 months, the volume of services provided will have such indicators:

Period Type of service The volume of sales per month (pers.) price, rub. Revenues from sales, rub.
1 – 12 monthly investment Group lessons 3 – 4 group per day (8 – 10 pers.) from 2400 from 2 million. 304 thousands
1 – 12 monthly investment Individual sessions 10 – 15 people. in a day from 1400 from 420 thousand
13 – 24 month operation Group lessons 4 – 5 groups per day (8 – 10 pers.) from 2800 from 2 million. 688 thousand
13 – 24 month operation Individual sessions 15 – 20 people. in a day from 1600 720 thousand. and more

If the state of the market, relevant at the present stage, continue in the coming 2 of the year (ie an annual increase of the volume of services will be 2 – 3%), growth in sales volumes could reach 37 million for 12 months.

There are some nuances and risks, to be considered in the discovery and development of this type of business:

– significant dependence of success on the level of professionalism of school professionals;

– high levels of investment capitalization;

– the effect of the territorial factor on the success of the enterprise.

If we consider the question of investment in detail and exit businesses to self-sufficiency, following conclusions:

– in obtaining credit for business development in the amount of 3 million 265 million for the period 24 month and the discount rate 14% break-even point will be launched in the second month settlement. At this stage, is forecast, The first profit will be within 17 million rubles;

– after the end of the prescribed period, the profit margin lending reaches 2 millions 690 thousand;

– over a period of 24 month, the lender will make a profit in the amount of 248 thousand. That is the same amount as interest payments for a specified period;

– monthly expenses amount within 718,5 thousand;

– the total gross profit of the project - 73 million. 883 thousand rubles.

A detailed list of costs for basic items of expenses for the enterprise start and during the first year includes such calculations:

item of expenditure 1 month 1 year One-time costs, rub. Total for the year, rub.
rent, building purchase, room (from 100 m) 1,8 million. 1,8 million.
Buying equipment (10 PC.) 364,9 thousands 364,9 thousands
Create site, payment hosting 150 thousand 150 thousand
Constant advertising costs 55 thousand 660 thousand 660 thousand
Salary (on 12 months) from 663,5 thousand. from 7 million. 962 thousand. 7 million. 962 thousand and more
taxes (12 months) from 199,5 thousand. 2 million. 394 thousand. 2 mln.394 thousand. and more
Unexpected expenses 231,5 thousands 231,5 thousands
in total from 718,5 thousand. 8 million. 622 thousands 2 million. 546 thousand 11 million. 169 thousand.

Paying taxes is required for any business entity, regardless of its status. In the case of the dance school of any special payments not to be. All standard tax deductions:

Name base Period tax rate
Tax on profits earned profit 1 month 20%
NDS added value 1 month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income tax wages fund 1 month 13%
Social Security contributions wages fund 1 month 30%


The new tax period begins in January of each year. From this month begins the reporting period, the results of which business founders submit documentation to the Federal Tax Service. If the future organization meets the existing requirements, standing at the stage of registration of transfer to the simplified form of taxation - USN. To this end, an additional application is submitted to the Department of the Federal Tax Service. If there is a possibility, you can go to a single tax regime UTII, which is available both for legal, and for individuals.

Summing up on the development of a business plan, we can conclude, dance school that will become a promising and highly profitable venture, even for the inexperienced entrepreneur. The main conditions for the success of the future of the enterprise will become the high professional quality of school teachers, the competent organization of the company's activities and thought-out marketing strategy. Apart from these main features founder should be prepared to, that the opening of any institution of cultural or educational areas subject to certain bureaucratic difficulties. Therefore, when registering you must select the appropriate type of activity, which does not require special permits and licenses. This line of business is characterized by significant amount of upfront investment and a high level of competition. However, if all of these in the business plan that the business environment will be beneficial and will start to make a high income in the first 2 Since the beginning of the year.
