Fire protection requirements for retail objects

Fire protection requirements for retail objects


retail point must necessarily conform to the rules of fire safety, otherwise it can not be functioning. To do this, you want to get, both in common is called the resolution of the firefighters, that is, the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia. For the conclusion is necessary to collect and submit to the fire service of documents, and to provide fire protection measures.

Providing fire retail objects

Retail facilities, irrespective of scale and specialization, mandatory requirements must be met the following standards and provide fire safety. so, a list of standards to be observed:

Required for retail facilities fire requirements.

Consider the list of mandatory fire safety requirements imposed on retail sites:

  • Type of fire walls, their fire, as well as space between the walls of the area must comply with the standards SNIP 21.01.97 city;
  • Built shops and their premises must be separated by fire partitions and ceilings of the other rooms;
  • Stationary retail facilities must be equipped with separate exits and evacuation routes;
  • Stairwells and cells need to be well equipped with natural light, and exterior stairs have an open type.
  • No commercial space entry is allowed only from the premises;
  • Sales areas must be equipped with natural light and forced smoke exhaust systems;
  • Flammable and explosive products should be separated from other products firebreak.
  • Smoke removal from the premises of the basement storage room and the type must be using windows and hatches;
  • Required equipment space sprinkler system and fire alarm;
  • Sales areas must be trimmed from materials poorly exposed or not exposed to combustion;
  • The storage areas must be windows;
  • All light indicators must be installed, pointing to the door let, in case of evacuation;
  • Must be available serviceable means to extinguish fires and localization;
  • It shall be appointed by the responsible fire protection;
  • Keep a log of briefings on fire safety, as well as a magazine for the account of fire extinguishers.

the, who opened a new retail outlet, you must make the following calculations:

  • To determine which category the premises in the event of explosion danger;
  • Calculate parameters for installation of fire alarm, systems of elimination and containment of fire;
  • Identify ways to evacuate their location and arrangement;
  • Determine the fire resistance of structures and materials.

Performs data calculations visiting inspector for fire safety. In order to obtain the opinion of, which will indicate, that the outlet complies with all fire safety requirements, perhaps after all the calculations and obtaining the opinion of an expert.

The procedure for obtaining the opinion of the respective trade terms of fire safety standards

Authority, responsible and controlling the scope of fire safety, EMERCOM of Russia is GUGPS. For the conclusion must apply to the local authority management. The statement will be considering some 14 days, but not anymore 30 days.

After that, as the application is registered, come to the place of fire inspector, who surveyed the room, be an expert opinion. In conclusion, may contain requirements for the elimination of violations, indicating the duration of their elimination. Such a statement does not constitute a waiver, this is just a warning in connection with which I want to bring point of sale in accordance with the standards and requirements of fire safety. Eliminating all violations, the application is re.

The application is required to provide the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • The registration and incorporation documents (copies);
  • certificate of Tax (copy);
  • lease documents, or the right of ownership;
  • Conclusion with the insulation resistance measurements;
  • Act APS, service contract;
  • An opinion on the fire line;
  • Order destination responsible for fire safety, as well as documents confirming the passage of this person with the fire instructions;
  • Evacuation plan moves.

fire test

According to Federal Law №134 from 08.08.01 routine checks in the same organization may be held 1 every 2 of the year. If it is a new, Not so long ago registered object and point of sale, the re-scheduled inspection can operate no sooner than 3 years after the registration of a small business. As for unscheduled inspections, they are of a controlling nature and are organized to check the fulfillment of all of the above requirements and standards. In addition, there are operational test, which are held on the basis of information on violations, or complaints from third parties.

Consequences in case of non-compliance to the rules of fire safety

In identifying the inconsistency of fire safety rules by the retail facility, PPB N 31301-03 from 18.06.03 city, as punishment applied fine with regulations and requirements of eliminate violations.

The amount of fines in case of violation of fire safety requirements:

  • Individuals from 1 000 to 1 500 rubles;
  • Legal entities from 150 000 to 200 000 rubles;
  • Officials from 6 000 to 15 000 rubles.

The prescription must be a specified period, Giving to eliminate detected violations. After that, the fire inspector to carry out control checks, for the purpose of identification of absence previously identified violations.

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