Assessing risks and prospects of opening a mobile car wash

Assessing risks and prospects of opening a mobile car wash

Analysis of the likelihood of a successful business course, associated with a mobile car wash activity, It should begin with a detailed examination of the commercial project of opening such a business. It focuses on the following points:

  • A study of the list of specific services, which is planned to provide the mobile car wash, for example, it can be hand-washing and polishing, and as a supplement may be provided interior cleaning services by vacuum or chemical means, and wax coating.
  • A detailed study of the planned location of the network of mobile car wash. In economic terms, it is considered to be more beneficial to find her in the city on the side of a busy road, especially near the refueling of cars. At this point the analysis must necessarily be taken into account the number of inhabitants of the village.
  • Analysis of the future customer base: maintenance motorists a class designed primarily your mobile car wash, What is an acceptable amount of the average cost of services and other.

Comparing statistical data on the cost of similar services car on the regional division, you can make an interim conclusion, o tom, that the cost of such services in some Russian regions seriously overpriced (on 20-25%). Mostly this situation is due to the low competition in these regions.

In this regard, within the framework of an analytical study of the potential risks and can be set and started in the process of primary marketing objective - joining the competition, and to achieve it significant advantages by building a permanent customer base. Such customers should be ready to use the services of cleaning costs more than the average prices of similar services in other services of the same activities.

In this excellent location just is not enough, to random customers have acquired the status of permanent. Services of the business project must be unikalizirovany and enjoy significant advantages, distinguishes them from competitive. The result can be an opportunity to get discounts on accompanying clients or related services as an example of the benefits introduced, when paying for basic services for a fixed amount.

Парни чистят машину - натирают до блеска!
Guys clean machine – scrubbed to a shine!

Market analysis of mobile car wash

The next step in the overall analytical study of possible risks and opportunities of opening a mobile car wash is the analysis of market conditions and customer expectations of supply in this segment of business.

According to the statistical research, provodymomu in 2013 year, each 1000 Russian citizens account for at least 268 cars, most of which (54%) has an age more 10 years old. The country of production of domestic motorists prefer to still Russian cars, which account 51% entire fleet.

Based on the above statistics and population of specifically selected locality, you can make a rough calculation of the number of potential customers throughout the car wash. This should take into account the calculation of the total number of mobile car wash in the village with a view to a uniform separation of all car owners among the data services. Thus it is necessary to take into account the percentage of owners of passenger vehicles, essentially caring for their own cars.

By combining the data indicative of number of clients and the average number of times of washing machines per month, we can calculate the expected revenue and its payback.

on the video: What you should know about car wash! Overview, secrets, our experience! All of the case!

Analysis of business prospects for car washes

The opening of the mobile car wash and further promote this kind of business has certain advantages, which can induce the beginning of this type of business. To such benefits include:

  1. Home business, It does not require large investments and approvals, which is also impressive cost. therefore, to open a business on mobile car washes, do not necessarily have large start-up capital.
  2. Fast ROI business client with sufficient flow, as well as the possibility of extending (by adding 1-2 boxing) in the short term in order to increase revenue.
  3. Maximum use of mobile car wash features, is to move it in the holidays and days off in a more lively parts of the city (eg, near the large shopping and entertainment center) with the aim of attracting more customers.
  4. Participation in large-scale urban activities automotive topics - traveling exhibitions, karting, autoshow, joint activities with car dealers, that is, any mass of motor actions in order to increase the number of customers and increasing turnover of the mobile car wash.
  5. Opportunity (with the prior consent of the municipality) provision of services in areas, inaccessible to service other types of boxes - in horticultural associations, cultural and historical areas of the village, sanitary areas near local water bodies, etc..
  6. Using the Internet for advertising purposes by creating your own website online mobile advertising car washes and cooperation proposals, placed on other major Internet resources.
  7. Long-term contracts to service fleet companies and organizations, to which external pure state is the principle of the car.
  8. The box may be allocated a place for the realization of cosmetics and auxiliaries car care.
  9. As a means to attract additional customers to the mobile car wash, blank walls of boxing may contain advertising as from outside, and inside buildings.
На фото показана схема вида сверху 2-х боксов для мойки авто.
The photo shows a diagram of the top view of 2 boxes for washing cars.

The likelihood of the risks and how to prevent them

any risks, associated with the opening of its mobile car wash, It can be divided into general and concretized threat (related to this kind of business).

Common risks, inherent in all commercial activities in Russia, not only to auto-washings, in which the labor force is applied nonintellectual, applies:

  1. shallow professional knowledge and experience of workers at the car wash, high staff turnover;
  2. the impossibility of introducing a system of financial incentives mobile car wash staff.

Among the special risks of business success on the opening and operation of a mobile car wash included:

  1. Greater reliance on stable operation of all technical systems on the cleaning station (water supply system, electrician, etc.), failure of which may stop the operation of the entire service and result in loss of income. To avoid such situations it is recommended to carry out a systematic maintenance of all systems, check their performance and replacement parts if necessary.
  2. Ignorance of the existence of such specialized car service a wide range of clients, as well as distrust of the past to the quality of services for car cleaning. As to overcome the current situation of ways you can offer extensive advertising campaigns to familiarize potential customers with the advantages of this type of car washes.
  3. A common threat to businesses is the increase in raw materials and consumables prices, which leads to an increase in the cost of car wash services and a corresponding reduction in its income. Reduce the impact of such a threat can be achieved by the conclusion of contracts on the wholesale supply of raw materials and operating materials.
  4. Footwork competitive services, aimed at 'poaching' of customers may lead to a significant reduction in car turnover. As the fight against such actions to develop a unique business ideas can be proposed, correct placement of accents in promotional activities and an emphasis on consistent quality of service.
  5. Low professional level of the car wash workers can lead to poor customer feedback about the quality of the service car wash. This situation entails the loss of customers and a corresponding decrease in income. To overcome the consequences of this risk can be achieved by establishing an effective system of monitoring employee activity, the introduction of fines and penalties for the improper performance of duties, etc..
  6. Increased seasonality of business can lead to a decrease in income from the car during the cold season and the inability to reach the volume of work during the warm season. Risk reduction effects can be achieved through the transfer of staff working holidays for a period of lack of demand for services, and on the active season to attract more workers.

    На фото показан процесс мойки авто в боксе одним человеком с керхером.
    The photo shows the process of washing cars in a box by one person with Karcher.

on the video: Open car wash correctly! You should know it …

Summing up the results of the analytical studies

An analytical study of the possibility of opening a mobile car wash, highlighting the prospects of development of the business and determine the probability of risks, we can conclude, that serious obstacles, making the development of the business impossible, not. The principle of the provision of such services is quite simple, understandable population and demand. A certain business advantages to a network of mobile car wash, give impulse to the further development.

  • determining the cost of services not only on the basis of their cost, but also focusing on market data;
  • encouraging customers to use the services of a car wash on a regular basis due to the introduction of various bonuses and promotional offers;
  • landmark in doing business on the loyalty to customers, and the introduction of the penalty system for personnel for the improper performance of official duties;
  • expanding its customer base by participating in various activities automotive focus and cooperation with other related activities companies;
  • the inclusion of cost items the cost of technical and production equipment.

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