Akhmetshin Marcel shared the secret of how to make your capital in a million

Akhmetshin Marcel shared the secret of how to make your capital in a million

Akhmetshin Marcel Rinatovich is a dollar millionaire, a major stock investor, founder of the company “Wall Street Bot ” and financial advisor.

In its instagram profile Marcel Rinatovich told about, how to reach your capital of a million. Let's read this together..

Ахметшин Марсель Ринатович возле своей Ламбы.
Akhmetshin Marcel Rinatovich near his car.

“Touching money, we rarely think about any savings, while young. This period occurs at best years in 30. And that's at least 12 years lost!

Most of you have decided to go the way of entrepreneurship., business or freelance. And that automatically means, that we can't see a pension.

And who decided to go the way of hiring, still not in a better position after the last pension reform) I think, that the situation with regard to pensions may worsen.

I remind you of an important rule: keep focus on that, what we can control. We cannot control the behavior of the state, and chasing the country and the president is a matter of doing., which we will leave to housewives) It is better to prepare for old age in our youth and think about it., how we can ensure a dignified old age for ourselves.

Ахметшин Марсель Ринатович

Our knowledge depreciates over time. Being always in trend isn't going to happen.. Yes, while we are young, we understand the internet and we have a lot of energy and time – we can create, create and make mistakes.

There are also trends in the Internet. You can become the heart of our closed team “Wall Street” to be in the trend of the most relevant investments and knowledge, make money on it. And also to be surrounded by like-minded guys, united by a common goal – earn obscenely big money, enter into partnerships.”

Publication date: 19 November 2020 g.

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