structured deposit

structured deposit

interested in the question, Is it possible to make their own complex deposit, to make more. The bank offers. This question is more carefully understand.

Complex deposit decided to establish the following products:

  • Deposit, open a bank
  • Contract gold
  • The amount of available funds: 5000000 rubles.

During settlement, you may encounter a problem: data on changes in the gold rate for a certain period, which is analyzed, not so difficult, but as data on deposits, they get harder. To solve the problem as follows: in order to calculate the interest rate on deposits, You can use the refinancing rate, But the decline in the 0,5%.

Table dynamics estimated rate of deposit, depending on the refinancing rate of 2006-2012 year.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Refinancing rate,% 12 11 10 13 8,75 7,75 8
The estimated interest rate on deposits, % 11,5 10,5 9,5 12,5 8,25 7,25 7,5


The dynamics of the gold price changes 2006 by 2012

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1012
The price of gold, $ oz 532 518 694 817 1071 1375 1667


мешок с деньгами

investment strategy is to choose as a fairly conservative, since losing capital, who already have, not included in the current plan. So the share of investments in assets, It is risky, It should be equal income, bank deposit.

Based on the interest on bank deposits, The following structure is obtained:

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The share of investments in bank deposit 88,50% 89,50% 90,50% 87,50; 91,75% 92,75% 92,50%
The share of investments in gold 11,50% 10,50% 9,50% 12,50% 8,25% 7,25% 7,50%
in total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Deposit thousand. rub. 4 425 4 475 4 252 4 375 4 588 4 638 4 625
thousand gold. rub. 575 525 475 625 413 363 375
Total '. rub. 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000

The yield on bank deposits and the contract on gold:

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The estimated rate of deposit 11,5% 10,5% 9,5% 12,5% 8,25% 7,25% 7,5%
The change in the gold price -3% 34% 18% 31% 28% 21% n / d

Calculation of profitability for structured deposit: Deposit + gold

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Deposit, thousand. rub. 4 425 4 475 4 525 4 375 4 588 4 638
Income, % 509 470 430 547 378 336
Gold, thousand. rub. 575 525 475 625 413 363
Income, % -17 179 86 194 116 76
Total income, thousand. rub. 428 648 515 741 494 412

And now it is worth comparing the yield on ordinary bank deposits and structured deposits:

2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012
Income on ordinary deposit, thousand. rub. 575 525 475 625 413 363
Income from structured deposit, thousand. rub. 492 648 515 741 494 412
Difference, thousand. rub. -83 123 40 116 81 50
весы процентов
scales percent

Eventually, obtained, what, average, yield on the structural balance for 6 years is 11%, Regular - 9,9%. But these results are only, when applied conservative strategy. Conservative strategy involves the risk of loss of capital, which reduces to zero. If the risk increases share, the yield also increases. for example, If the risk is 10%, earnings will be 12%.

In this way, the difference between the bank deposit and structural, which was made independently, is reduced to one percent. There is an opinion, that the compilation of structured deposits are best left to a professional, as it is quite hard procedure and not everyone's strength.

Useful tips on structured deposits
