Business fishing store plan

Business fishing store plan
Business fishing store plan

How to write a business plan for a fishing store correctly and quickly - the question of concern to many beginners business. Example of free business plan to open a fishing store, It helps to identify the main underwater rocks and businesses to deal with the size of initial investments for institutions of different size and scale of work activities. Business plan is used for the preliminary assessment of the project and determine its effectiveness, as well as a presentation of the project to future investors or creditors.

What information should contain a business plan for a fishing shop?

Summary of business plan to open a fishing store from scratch

This project - a plan for the creation of a private company for a fishing shop 24 of the month. First of all, list the key points of the process of creating a business plan for a fishing shop from scratch.

In the first place there is the project idea, and objectives of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high level of profitability.
  2. Receiving a profit legal way, indicating the legal address, Head of passport data and project founder, Employee Information.
  3. Satisfaction of consumers demand provision of services selling gear for fishing, filling the retail market niches in Russian.
  4. Finding and conclusion of contracts with investors.

algorithms action, prescribed in the business plan of the fishing shop

In the business plan registered the following actions to start a business algorithms:

  1. The methods and techniques of analysis target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal customer, its solvency ratio.
  2. Business Registration in the state regulatory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees. Another item of expenditure considered hiring employees. Specialists will take the vacant positions on a competitive basis, As employees of the total, maintenance and temporary nature with a decent competitive pay. Nominations applicants for the position will be reviewed within 30 calendar days.
  4. Products, now realized.
  5. The choice of the enterprise size.

Statistics show, more 17 percent of the population - fishing enthusiasts. Therefore, the creation of their own business selling fishing products will be a good business idea. To deal brings profit, we must first calculate the capacity of the market of goods for the fishermen in the village, where the store will be open, and relate the upcoming costs with projected profits. Instructions for starting a business will help to make the unmistakable start business ideas.

stages of the project

stages of the project Test conditions Deadlines
Home project 1, 5-2 of the year
The conclusion of the investment agreement 1 project of the month 1-30 banking days
Getting credit Availability

the respective set of documents

30 calendar days
Adding to the state register, registration with the administrative and tax authorities conclusion



1-30 calendar days
Selection of locations and documentation preliminary


30 calendar days
Buying equipment conclusion



1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation reception



1-30 calendar days
recruitment production


1-30 calendar days
Training End stage production organization


1-30 calendar days
Conducting marketing company 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of project 1-2 of the year

Fishing store: market features

Preparing for the opening of the store for the fishermen can start with the analysis of the market's own locality. One feature of the shop of this kind is the fact, that it does not offer the goods of mass consumption, a range of, presented it, designed for lovers. so, the target audience is limited, and it needs a special approach. If we take into account the average population, you can do the calculations for a city with a population of 300 000 person. According to statistics obtained in this case, that fishing fans can be about 25 000 person. This will be the potential buyers, which should be guided, developing a range of pricing and calculating.

on the video: How to open a fishing store from scratch

For medium-scale fishing store you need to pick up the standard range, which can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • staple commodity (fishing rods, tackle, coil, spinning);
  • Consumables (fishing line, poplavki, cords, hooks);
  • additional products, including clothing and shoes, sleeping bags, tents and similar products.

Modern fishermen prefer to use innovative technical and electronic devices. Therefore, this range is desirable classic complement weatherstations, navigators, waterproof clocks and telephones and other useful devices.

Before defining a specific structure range in the future store, should pay attention to the analysis of the relevant market sector. Be sure to find out the competitive advantages of other participants and determine their own strategy, which will bypass the existing enterprises. maybe, will have to adjust the originally planned range from studying competitors' offerings.

picking up goods, it is important first of all to pay attention to its quality. To expand the target audience as much as possible, in parallel with the branded goods can be included in the range of low-cost products of domestic or Chinese manufacture. But in spite of its cost of such goods must still be a guarantee of quality, because this will be the main indicator of advertising the new store.


Business fishing store plan
Business fishing store plan

Registration with the tax authorities

The opening of the store fishing products begins with the registration of the enterprise in the tax service. Also to be addressed, what form of business to choose, type of activity and form of taxation. Experts advise to choose a particular store organizational-legal form of IP, or individual business format. Creating IP implies the possibility of obtaining a certificate, allows to conduct business, for 3 days. Contents IP can anyone, provide your own passport and identification number, based on the application of the special form. In a statement, choose the appropriate type of activity - Retail trade of sports goods, fishing accessories, tourist equipment, boats and bicycles 52.48.23. It is important to choose the exact code Classifier, because if some aspect of the activity will not be taken into account in the application filed, it will be considered illegal.

standard form of taxation is suitable for a small shop - UTII preferential tax treatment. If in a particular region, this system does not apply, you can choose a simplified tax system, which consists in the payment of taxes on income minus expenses scheme.
In establishing store several persons only one, согласно специализированному нормативному акту (, будет оформление юридического лица. В этом законе излагаются основные положения, that determine the possibility of registering a LLC or other shape in case, and also called basic conditions for the creation of a legal entity.

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Stages of the opening of the fishing shop

Once the analysis is made of interest segment of the market and the main directions, in which the future store will be created, you can proceed directly to the discovery of. The first and most important step - registration. Once this issue has been resolved, нужно приступить к непосредственной работе над открытием торговой точки.

Непосредственно открытие магазина будет включать такие этапы:

  • поиск и аренда помещения;
  • bringing the selected room in the relevant type: repairs, the development of appropriate design, equipment necessary furniture and appliances;
  • range of procurement;
  • staff selection;
  • advertisement.

First stage - rooms for rent shop - will be a key. Location point of sale is crucial. After all, despite the fact, that many people are willing to go to another part of the city for the right product, most potential buyers will still search for nearby fishing accessories. Therefore, the store can be geographically close to the city center, or in a busy residential area. In general, the territorial space for this can be any. You can open a department in a large shopping complex, rent a separate building, or equipped with a shop on the first floor of an apartment house, you can even use the basement, the most important thing, to the store was located in a public place, preferably in the city center and close to public transport. area of ​​the store should not be tiny – the average size of the store can make 30 – 50 m.

on the video: Display of goods in the fishing shop

But if in the range will be mostly oversized goods, eg, fishing gear and apparel. For trade boats, tents and other similar products is better to rent a larger room - from 80 m. In any case, in a spacious room feel cozier buyers. Another important recommendation regarding the location of the store - you need to track, to him it was convenient to approach and drive up - for easy transport of the purchased boats or any other oversized goods.

Дизайн помещения должен быть тематическим и раскрывать суть и предназначение продающихся в магазине товаров. В первое время можно обойтись без дорогостоящего ремонта, just put in order the shopping area and follow all regulatory authorities with respect to fire safety and sanitary standards.

To open a shop to purchase a complete set of commercial equipment. The first need a counter type of wall, racking, Shelves and racks for fishing rods. Necessary and box office, as well as furniture for the checkout area, lighting, terminal for payment bank transfer.

selection of range - the next important stage. To have customers come to the store and not leave without buying, range of products has to be very diverse. Offered products for fishing (fishing rods, spinning, different kinds of fishing line, poplavki, Georgia, spinners, silicone bait, and you can open a business in breeding pot worms) and for outdoor recreation (tent, tables, chairs, boats, kotelki, a variety of racks and cases for fishing rods, bite alarms, Depth) It must be necessarily of good quality. The main tradable goods must be presented in several names. Usually, in the range of shops must be at least 20 product groups, nomenclature - at least 300 items.

Federal Law N 129-FZ (row. from 31.12.2017)

Among the standard range will be a small part of the goods, perishable (lures, bait). To avoid unnecessary losses, this part of the range it is better not to buy in bulk, making bookings to nearby suppliers.

on the video: profitability on a fishing store

Useful documents:

  1. Federal-Law-on-04.05.2011-N-99-FZ-red.-of-31.12.2017
  2. Federal Law of 03.07.2016 N 290-FZ (row. from 27.11.2017
  3. Review of major changes in the tax laws 2018
  4. Basic Documentation for the opening activities


Recruitment - a very important procedure, because, as known, Does the client come to you again, It depends precisely on the entity store, ie sales assistant.

How many people will work in the store - every manager decides on the basis of the range of the scale, shop area, the expected load and store work schedule. If the store size from 80 m, and the planned schedule – by 12-14 hours a day, it is recommended to take two shifts of two people sellers. They need to know the whole range of, be able to help the customer in choosing a product, be courteous and pleasant to talk. store owner should be interested sellers, encourage them to activities, encourage them, eg, giving out awards for good sales.

Administrator functions and accountant can take on the owner. In future, when the business has been widely developed, will have to increase the staff in all areas.


Smart promotion will quickly reach the desired sales. Post information about the store in the best of specialized printed editions about fishing and hunting. You can also place banners on niche sites, or to order billboards. Do not forget about the other media, such as radio and television. When the store will reach a higher level, You can create your own website and even try additional online sales format. Despite the high cost, massive advertising will bring good results. It is important not to forget about store advertising in the future, because if you do not attract potential buyers constantly, demand and sales may decline.

Не стоит забывать и о методах наружной рекламы. Очень важно сделать заметную издалека вывеску и витрину, которая привлечет потенциальных клиентов. For the first time after the discovery of a good solution to the distribution of leaflets nearby store.

on the video: How to choose a coil

calculation of profitability: income and expenses

The main condition for opening any store will be its financial planning. Start-up costs on a fishing store can vary from a minimum - about 100 thousand rubles for the purchase of a small range and small extra cost, to several million - if the business will be more ambitious, and planned to create a shop with an extensive range of. В данном случае стоит рассмотреть средний по затратности вариант. Капитальные затраты на открытие в таком случае составляют 1,5 – 3 million. rubles.

Основные инвестиции будут распределяться на такие статьи расходов:

  • аренда и ремонт помещения, оборудование освещения, водоснабжения, канализации, кондиционирования и других обязательных нужд;
  • equipment, необходимое для торговли, cash machine;
  • официальная регистрация бизнеса;
  • фонд оплаты труда;
  • advertising campaign.

The main taxes paid

Name base Period Rate
Tax on profits Profit Month 20%
NDS added

cost of

Month 18%
Property tax value of property According to the schedule of payments 2,2 %
podhodnyh tax wages fund month 13%
Social payments wages fund month 34%

on the video: Рыболовный магазин в Германии

Если тщательно подсчитать все расходы отдельно по пунктам и подытожить, их можно сделать такие финансовые выводы:

1. Стартовые инвестиции sum, rub.


Оформление разрешительных документов, business registration To 50 thousand
Приобретение торгового оборудования 200 thousand
Закупка основной партии ассортимента 700 thousand
Реклама и раскрутка 35 thousand
2. operating costs
lease of premises + communal payments 50 thousand
Зарплатный фонд 20 тысяч на каждого сотрудника
tax deductions 20 thousand
Реклама и другие незначительные затраты 20 thousand

Исходя из такого примерного бизнес-плана рыболовного магазина, ежемесячная выручка составляет около 700 thousand. После вычета ежемесячных затрат на оплату аренды помещения, расходы на пополнение товара, advertising, заработаю плату персоналу, чистая прибыль составит около 65-70 thousand.

Коды ОКВЭД для рыболовного магазина:


При грамотной организации данного бизнеса, открытый рыболовный магазин окупится за 1,5 – 2 of the year, если место открытия торговой точки будет выбрано правильно, а также при условии хорошо продуманной ценовой политики и отсутствия конкурентов в непосредственной близости срок окупаемости можно сократить до полугода. So, при благоприятных условиях уровень рентабельности составит 17 – 20 %, что будет хорошим показателем для представителей этого сегмента рынка.

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